Monday, November 29, 2010

RIP Leslie Nielsen

A Hollywood great left us yesterday at the age of 84. The man we all love as Dr. Alan Rumack and Det. Frank Drebin (and yes TR, Mr. Dunbar in Soul Man) died Sunday. The tributes have been pouring in every minute for Nielsen all over the internet, but I of course felt we still needed to chime in. This post would be 500 clips long if we really wanted to do him justice, but I pared it down to the three clips below...and feel free to join me in the comments section as I run every Naked Gun and Airplane! line into the ground.


  1. It's fourth and fifteen and you're looking at a full-court press.

  2. Children of the night... What a mess they make.

  3. "When I see five weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a man to death in front of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards. That's my policy."

    FD: Well, would you look at that. It's the missing evidence in the Kelner case. My God, he WAS innocnet.

    Ed: He went to the chair two years ago, Frank.

  4. Jane: He was Caucasian.

    FD: Caucasian?

    Jane: Yeah, you know, a white guy. Tall, with a mustache, about 6'3".

    FD: That's an awfully big mustache.

  5. thanks. i just had it stuffed.

  6. Cpt. Over: What is it Doctor, what's going on?

    Dr: I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything like this since the Anita Bryant concert.

  7. peter graves died this year too if you recall. who's next?

  8. Jane: Can I interest you in a night cap?

    FD: No thank you. I don't wear them.

  9. I think Peter Graves, Babs Billingsly and Nieslen make the Airplane trio.

  10. Kareem breathes a sigh of relief.

  11. leslie nielsen would want you all to watch the real/barca match at 2:55.

  12. I know this little out of the way place that serves great Viking food.

  13. t.j.

    have you ever seen a grown man naked?

    and what happened to that thanksgiving post?

  14. Dave, if it's OK with you, I'd like to shift our "thanks" to a "12 Days of Gheorghe-mas" post...

  15. I'm sorry I can't be more optimistic, Doctor, but we've got a long road ahead of us. It's like having sex. It's a painstaking and arduous task that seems to go on and on forever, and just when you think things are going your way, nothing happens.

  16. The Gheorghemas season is almost upon us!

    Rumack: Captain, how soon can you land?
    Captain Oveur: I can't tell.
    Rumack: You can tell me. I'm a doctor.
    Captain Oveur: No. I mean I'm just not sure.
    Rumack: Well, can't you take a guess?
    Captain Oveur: Well, not for another two hours.
    Rumack: You can't take a guess for another two hours?

  17. The last thing he said to me, "Doc," he said, "some time when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they got and win just one for the Zipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Doc," he said, "but I won't smell too good, that's for sure."

  18. Vincent Ludwig: [offering cigar] Cuban?

    FD: No. Dutch Irish. My Father was from Wales.

  19. Frank: It's the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girls dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day.

    Jane: Goodyear?

    Frank: No, the worst.

  20. Igor currently winning the internet, but much like that Nevada/Boise's early.

  21. rumack: this woman has to get to a hospital.
    woman: a hospital? what is it?
    rumack: it's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

  22. FD: Hector Savage. From Detroit, Ex-boxer. His real name was Joey Chicago

    Ed: He fought under the name Kid Minneapolis.

    Nordberg: Oh yeah, I saw Kid Minneapolis fight once, in Cincinatti.

    FD: No you're thinking of Kid New York. He fought out of Philly.

    Ed: He was killed in the ring in Houston. By Tex Colorado. You know, the Arizona Assassin.

    Nordberg: Yeah, from Dakota. I don't remember if it was North or South.

    FD: North. South Dakota was his kid brother [points] from West Virginia.

    Ed: You sure know your boxing Frank.

    FD: All I know is, never bet on the white guy...

  23. I feel like we're all saving the Nordberg/Detroit line for Jerry, but Jerry is nowhere to be found.

  24. Did Jerry ever come back from the LSU game? Or is he captaining a pontoon boat and working on his Cajun?

  25. so is the big east going to be now known as the big east/southwest

  26. I'm pretty sure Providence, RI to wherever the fuck TCU is ain't a fun road trip.

  27. I like TCU's thinking here: join an AQ conference, play a tougher but avoid the real current/historic big boys.

  28. TCU can't be worse than DePaul.
    /Winston Chandler weeps

  29. igor, there's an egregious omission here:

  30. Wow. While omitting my pseudonymsake is indeed a flaw, that's pretty impressive.

    I like the "How drunk?" arrow that goes to "A little" and says "Wrong town. Try again."

    Apparently my first priority is seeing actual music and I like "trumpets and shit," because those three bars are where I tell people to go.

    JazzFest '11. Second weekend. Hope to see some of you guys.

  31. i'm pleased to report that there is now a free batogato (that's my twitter name) movement happening on twitter regarding the blocking by @midmajority. this is awesome.

  32. Rob and Nelson Mandela, two little peas in a pod.

  33. "And with that, motion overruled. Ban stays. Gavel."

    Solidifies his douche HOF credentials.

  34. Dude, if you think the English apostrophe police are bad, you do not want any part of the French police d'apostrophe. Sacre bleu!

  35. And if I understand this analogy, the mid majority fellow just compared your trifling tweet to indecent exposure. I second Marls' second.

  36. see, i can't see any of these tweets. cliff's notes, please.

  37. Oh yeah!

    57 minutes ago
    "Not rules, LAWS. In real life, you don't pull Mr. Wiggles out and flap it around. In HN, you don't make dumb RLU jokes. Feels good, but bad."

  38. Igor, where is this discourse occurring?

  39. You can't make jokes about low-level college basketball!! This is some serious stuff!

  40. And I swing my junk all the time. On some Dexter St. Jacque shit.

  41. @midmajority tweeting. aka Tool Time.

    There was a full-fledged appeal by a handful of folks that have never been in my kitchen to let Rob slip under the ruling, no short joke intended. Amusing.

    His predictably heavy-handed replies (such as "No interest in humiliation. It ain't jail, it's deportation.") are spawning equally doltish responses from the masses: "Those begging @midmajority to unblock/free someone: There is a policy, it is set in stone. You don't follow it, we don't want to hear it."

  42. can @gheorghetheblog please follow the Hoop Nazi and immediately question his next "upset" pick with an even worse joke?

  43. Is their refusal to suspend Andre Johnson the NFL's way of saying they think Cortland Finnegan deserved to get his ass handed to him?

  44. I may have to join twitter if only to haze this guy.

  45. i'm gaining twitter followers by the twos and threes. i feel like helen slater.

  46. Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.

  47. Z-as a new twitteree, the experience has been positive. I liken the twitter machine to my own customized Danimal Report. Don't be afraid.

  48. Midmajority...aka @35yearoldvirgin

  49. In solidarity with rob I just ripped midmajority on twitter and begged him to block me.

  50. Mark and Geoff on the twitter board.

  51. indeed, i'm amused and gratified by the support of the assembled horde

  52. I'm now amused that I requested that he block me and he won't oblige.

  53. I have incurred the wrath of @midmajority minions.

  54. i'm not sure what i'm doing with twitter, but i "followed" mid-majority and then responded to some posts. what happens to the responses?

  55. This is too meta...

    but Dave, you seemed to do it right. Is that the first time you've ever replied on twitter?

  56. obviously kyle whelliston doesn't get irony, because he replied to my post in a sincere fashion. weird and scary. twitter is a bit too much in real time for me. i feel like he's in my house.

  57. I've seen some rough starts, but nothing may ever top the Cardinals first play from scrimmage tonight.

  58. yes. i was inspired by chevy chase on "community."

  59. gentlemen, you are a loyal and worthy bunch. which on of you is @KingmanKong? cause that shit is brilliant.

  60. That is Marls, and that just killed me...much laughter occurring.

  61. Only Dave gets inspiration from Chevy Chase while we are celebrating the comedy of Leslie Nielsen ad nauseum.

  62. and as much as i appreciate it, it's time to let this kerfuffle fade away. for me, if you don't mind. you'll understand why soon.

  63. That was me.

    As for calling off the dogs, consider it done.

    I guess it was good that twitter limits the number of characters so I could not include the "fucking with the wrong Marine/skull fucking part."

  64. I think it would be cooler to get a #batogato_shrug instead of continuing to follow this clown.
