Monday, November 01, 2010

New York City's Killing Me

Not so much the city itself but my time spent here. I'm not qualified to review folk music, so it doesn't count when I say that Ray LaMontagne's new album is pretty spotty. This song, however, sticks in my head like dingleberries to the bear's toquis in those Charmin ads.


  1. That album is pretty decent.

    Oh the other hand it looks like you can pick a free virus, computer one that is, in NYC. Just look for the random USB ports in walls.

  2. unc freshman harrison barnes is a pre-season all-america. neat.

  3. He will look great in a Wizards uni.

  4. The Vikings waived Randy Moss?

  5. Where do you get such info zman? Peter Vescey?

  6. From an unemployed friend/sports junkie. I ghooghled it and it is true.

  7. The Redskins should pick him up. They can't get any more dysfunctional.

  8. Zman, forgibe my doubting.

    Randy, you are such a bama.

  9. I bet he'll be a Patriot by the end of tomorrow. Belichick will pick up Minny's 3rd round pick for free, Randy learns a lesson, Brady is happy, etc.

  10. NFL Network's Mike Lombardi reports that the Vikings have waived Randy Moss.

    If the report is correct, the Vikings have given up on Moss just four games after acquiring him for a third-round pick on October 5. After calling out the coaching staff in his Sunday night press conference, Moss refused to travel with his teammates back to Minnesota, instead staying in Boston with his family. He'll now be subject to the waivers process, with any team claiming him on the hook for his $6.4 million salary prorated over the rest of the season. The winless Bills have first dibs....

    Don't you dare, Shannypants!

  11. So in the end the pats might end up having traded a draft pick and moss for moss. That would be pure brilliance and knowing bellicheckyourself, all a part of the plan.

  12. Watching Linceum strut in a bow-tie is quite amusing.

  13. Yer damn right that's Widespread Panic that Fox played going to the commercial break.

  14. little old 97s on the fox world series broadcast. nicenice.

  15. i, too, enjoyed lincicum's bowtie stylings

  16. these pitchers are dealing, that last pitch excepted

  17. Seriously. It reminds me of Game 7 of the '91 Series when Morris and his stache went 10 against Atlanta.
    Was it Glavine or Smoltz for the Wahoos that year?

  18. gonna suck seeing lee in pinstripes next year

  19. wow, edgar renteria. did not see that coming.

  20. Classic McCarver after-the-fact second-guessing: "I can see pitching to Burrell. Renteria, I'm not sure I would've done that."

    Where were those statements during the at-bat, ya dildo?

  21. boo, let lincecum go the distance

  22. Douglas Wilder is African American? Really? I'm looking at him on the telly and I don't see it.

  23. apparently, squeaky is qualified to review folk-music.

  24. for you 'skins guys...bryan barker is in our office...he's in the healthcare field and we do some work w/him and have since moving here a few yrs ago. he says hello.
