Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Got a Fever...

...and the only prescription is more rock flute!

The photo above is an entirely serious photo of Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson doing his rock flute schtick at the age of 63. The general loathing of the Tull sound remains comical to me, considering my varsity soccer team used to come to the field at home night games to Locomotive Breath (not my call, but probably a good thing because I might have selected Skid Row's Slave to the Grind instead, although that song still holds up fairly well). For the full story on our favorite flutist, click here. And for the full story on our favorite flauta, click here.

We welcome alternate captions for the photo in the comments section, but we urge you to avoid the low hanging fruit. Sorry Mr. Burgundy.


  1. the teej played varsity soccer?

  2. The teej did not write this. TR did.

  3. i prefer to believe that the teej played high school soccer

  4. i prefer to believe that the teej played high school soccer

  5. i'm pretty adamant about it, apparently

  6. Pretty sure I just saw Eric Stotlz in his makeup from "Mask" walking down the street in Arlington. Efforting confirmation.

  7. Stoltz was the original Marty McFly. Producers wised up and replaced him with Fox.

    Stoltz and Anthony Michael Hall (who turned down Platoon and Full Metal Jacket) should hang out and talk about career regrets.

  8. Maybe they can invite Lea Thompson and Kerri Green. They're probably free.

  9. They can chat with Tom Selleck about turning down the Indiana Jones franchise.

  10. Mayhugh is gonna be so bummed he missed this conversation.

  11. Didn't Roy Schneider turn down Rambo? And Renee Zellweger turned down Titanic.

    Most of Unit K turned down the zman.

  12. just glad you didn't say "skin flute"

    alec baldwin turned down being john ryan, post red october. he's doing okay though.

  13. Travolta turned down Forrest Gump.

  14. Sir Alec Guiness turned down "License to Drive"

  15. Nicholas Cage and Ben Affleck never turned a script down.

  16. Robert Redford turned down Shooter McGavin.

  17. Dammit Greg.

    Are we the only people working today? I'm using the word "working" pretty loosely in my case.

  18. And Greg definitely won today's internet. Early too, which is a shame 'cause this day is going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

  19. i too am working. i will be leaving shortly after lunch to go find me a good bloody mary or two before heading home, unless of course my wife reads this and then i'll be going home right after i leave here at about 1:30 or 2:00.

    de niro turned down BIG... poor guy.

  20. Who are you kidding TJ? You'll be drinking by 11.

  21. So Robards got the role after Guinness? Fascinating. Oh wait, that was Dream a Little Dream.

    I wish Robards turned down The Day After, and that they never made that movie. Freaked me out as a child. Probably freaked out Whigor, Rob and Dave a bit less b/c they were 24 when the movie came out.

  22. Not really working today. Just cleaning out my place and getting ready to move.

  23. True or False: "Black Friday" would be a good name for an ebony porn star.

  24. I'll be drinking at 10:59 Mark.

  25. I think Good Friday would be a better name for a porn star.

  26. Are you guys throwing a going away party for Greg?

    I think you should all get drunk and go pee in the fountain of a local Marriot and then pass out in the bushes. You know, for old time's sake.

    Oh, and catch a horrific nosebleed too. Don't forget about that.

  27. So zman, you're a gay who watches Dancing With the Stars...what's the deal? Bristol tried to back Jennifer Grey into a corner?

  28. I haven't had to watch DWTS since The Situation got booted off.

    Every time I see Jennifer Grey I think "Save Ferris."

  29. Ejaculate Conception

    t.j. why do you have knowledge of episode titles of 90201?

  30. 90201, the less-successful compton-based series

  31. actually it's Bell, 90201...who were the stars in that onen?

  32. Geoff will have my back here - the "Squash It" episode of 90210 is one of the greatest episodes of television ever produced.


  33. Bell, CA:

    Oscar controversy
    In March 2000, Bell gained worldwide publicity, as the media announced that a shipment of 55 Oscar statuettes was stolen from a trucking company loading dock in Bell. In addition to the Los Angeles and Bell police departments, FBI art-theft experts were investigating. It was the second Oscar mishap, as earlier that month 4,000 ballots were misrouted. Coincidentally, the missing Oscar ballots were found by the post office in a Bell processing center. AMPAS Executive Director Bruce Davis was quoted as jokingly warning Billy Crystal (host of that year's Oscar Ceremony) not to go near Bell, because it "seems to be a Bermuda Triangle for Oscar things."

  34. Danimal loves the comedy rhombii.

  35. But this rhombus is only 3-sided.

  36. The squash it episode of 90210 emasculated every person who saw it by 71%. Scientific fact.

  37. The last time I saw my mom I remarked to myself, "wow she looks just like an isosceles triangle."

  38. Holy Cumunion.

    /im going to hell

  39. As Teej guessed, I'm pretty disappointed I missed the early discussion, so I have a couple others:

    -John Travolta and Nick Nolte turned down Rambo

    -Molly Ringwald rejected the lead role in Pretty Woman (I've mentioned that one before)

    -Elvis turned down the Jon Voight (the actor) role in Midnight Cowboy. J-O-N is zippier.

    -Gene Hackman was originally cast as Hannibal Lector (he was probably too busy doing Keiren Dry beer commercials).

    -Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep were originally cast to play Thelma and Louise.

    Good day, gents.

  40. Mayhuge was originally cast to play Ray Jackson in Bloodsport but child labor laws prevented him from taking the part.

  41. And then he wad cast to play Ray Jackson in the Fab Five but he was too white.

  42. And then he was cast to play Ray J in a home video with Kim Kardashian, but he was too, um, camera shy.

  43. And then he was cast to play OJ but the glove didn't fit.

  44. Wet-dream Spunk-fun.

    (That may be pushing the limits of good taste and a phrase that sounds like Extreme Unction . . . you be the judge).

  45. t.j. is planning a "novelty post" for thanksgiving.

    what are we calling the rest of the posts?

  46. And then JJ but he just wasn't DYNOMITE!!!!

  47. Yeah, Teej has something up his sleeve for tomorrow that we'd call "light fare."

    For a change of pace. It being Thanksgiving and all.

  48. And Dave, you've been registering your intense dislike of "Aqualung" since 1991; no chiming in on the Tull bashing?

    (I do like "Bungle in the Jungle." The song, not the sex act. As much.)

  49. Hey Igor, go choke on the dark meat.

  50. Teej, that was intended to depict Gheorghe: The Blog, not you.

    And here's the best scene from a pretty lame movie, a nice tribute to our Thanksgiving tradition.

  51. i've spewed so much vitriol towards jethro tull that i thought i'd give it a rest, but i did send the post to a friend of mine that is a big fan.

    seriously, he's a jethro tull fan-- he's gone to see them multiple times and he actually went last year (with my other friend, who is also a "tull-head" and won some tickets).

    my hatred towards them is spent. now steely dan . . .

  52. Steely Dan was known for three things:
    1. Dark sarcastic lyrics
    2. Studio perfectionism
    3. Their long running feud with the Eagles.

  53. And of course their name...a type of vibrator. True story.....and now you know....

  54. Danimal, you got some nostalgic tale about how good things used to be. Well, that's what a fool believes. That's....what.....a fool.....believes.

  55. Boys--I watched DWTS for the first time this "season." I don't know what drew me in, but I couldn't stop. Bristol did improve over the course of the 10 weeks, but she really has no talent and zero charisma. The Disney kid Kyle, is awesome and the disco ball trophy was pretty much promised to Jennifer Grey and her fake nose since the beginning of the season. You guys might like it--lots of limber girls in skimpy clothes--that's one of their big selling points. I am still impressed with Rick Fox's moves even though he got kicked off early.

  56. my name is danimal and i periodically watch dwts. there. i said it.
    mark must have a chubby right now with the miami/orlando game.
    just watched 2 more episodes of pawn stars - i give it 3 1/2 gold bars out of 4. please watch it.

  57. I too watch Pawn Stars from time to time. Enjoying the Magic-Heat game but Orlando's a terrible matchup for Miami. Both Bosh & Wade have always killed them. There is a lot of basketball on in my house right now. And a fair amount of beer too.

  58. Danimal, you got some nostalgic tale about how good things used to be. Well, that's what a fool believes. That's....what.....a fool.....believes.

  59. vcu giving tennessee a run. i'm sure bruce pearl will find a way to cheat them out of a win.

    and shlara, i'm a little disappointed that you think we're so shallow. we are, but i'm disappointed nonetheless.

  60. lebron is stunningly passive in this 4th quarter.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Bron Bron really looks like a guy who realized he made a terrible decision. There's a chance the Heat are the 4th best team in the East.

    And the Knicks are .500 again. They may stay at that level all year, given their awful division.

  63. jameer nelson and jj redick are playing better than dwyane wade and lebron james right now.

  64. i'm over the look-at-me chest slap thing.

    grumpy old white guy

  65. The bird is baconed, oiled, rubbed, and in the stove. So far today I have consumed:

    1 bacon egg and cheese sandwich
    16 ounces of coffee
    1 episode of Boardwalk Empire

  66. Happy Fangsgiving Vampires!!! (ht to Salts)

  67. Z - please send Turkey samples to gtbr's. Sounds DEELISH!

  68. Woodhead....pretty decent porn name.

  69. Just peeled 5 pounds of potatoes. The zwoman went to Duane Reade to get a 2nd peeler. They guy said to her "What do you need a potato peeler for?" On Thanksgiving. Can't make this stuff up.

  70. how is boardwalk empire?

    i am in the annoying "i am hungry but don't want to eat lunch because we are eating early" segment of thanksgiving. i guess i'll just eat some lunch.

  71. It's quite good, but you need to stick with it for 4-5 episodes. Scorsese sets up the background stuff slowly, but once the storylines are set it's great. Scorsese also isn't afraid to exploit the hell out of every 20-something woman on the show. And Gretchen Mol.

  72. Chuck Norris doesn't own a potato peeler. He uses his face.

  73. I think Detroit is a year or two away from real goodness.

  74. "Woodhead, an easy release" sayeth the man from Morehead State.

  75. I agree on Boardwalk Empire. It's gotten quite good in the last 3-4 episodes.

    And in case anybody is wondering, I'm fucking starving. Played football this morning for an hour or so and had a couple beers with my friends afterwards. Come home to find that the future wife's timing is all off and neither her artichoke dip or toasted raviolis are prepared. By the time they're done, it will be time to leave for my sister's house and the actual Thanksgiving meal. Dammit. Dammit to hell. I was really looking forward to some early snacking during this Pats-Lions game.

    Oh yeah...Happy Thanksgiving.

  76. who's putting up the thankful-for post?

  77. I've been in the car for the last eight hours, so that post aint coming from me...

    Happy Turkey Day...and a big middle finger to the Jersey Turnpike.

  78. I'm sitting in my imitation palatial estate, wondering where I will eat.

  79. goddammit tj! you promised a thankful post. text it while driving! for g:tb!

    i will check out boardwalk empire.

  80. There were/are 8 pies and a cake here at my sister's, plus artichoke dip, toasted ravioli and fried rice balls for appetizers. And, of course, all the regular Thanksgiving fare. I'm stuffed but there is sooooo much else I want to eat. I need another stomach. A papal election's going to come in handy later on.

    Greg- Go to Outback. I did one year for Thanksgiving and it was tremendous.

  81. Car's in the shop....just ate with some friends.

  82. malcolm jenkins just george teagued roy williams

  83. Food. Coma.

    And those Cowboys sure know how to ruin their fans' day, eh?

  84. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving in lieu of Jets game? Well sure, TimeWarner, since you give me no choice, you PoS cable provider, I will watch CB

  85. Welcome to my life TJ. No NFL Network down here. Sucks.

  86. Foswhitt, not even remotely a name.

  87. But Fozzie is a cool/goofy nickname so I'm cool with it.

  88. This UGA/ND college hoops game is fun.

  89. Looks like Carson Palmer ate a bag of dicks for Thanksgiving instead of turkey.

  90. This just about sums up my afternoon, minus the uniform and plus about 13 inches.

  91. After that intro I expected to see gay porn.

  92. i'm watching this game with no sound - what did fairley do?

  93. I think we all knew Auburn's secondary sucked. It appears we drastically overrated them.

  94. this score does not adequately reflect alabama's level of dominance in the first half. hope the missed opportunities don't come back to haunt them.

  95. apparently the president took 16 stitches in his lip this morning after taking a loose elbow playing hoops. somebody's pulling really shitty duty for the next 6 months.

  96. Rob-it was an excessive celebration penalty and a very bad call.

  97. yeah, um, nice play on that ball

  98. Rob-it was an excessive celebration penalty and a very bad call.

  99. Looks like Rob's fears have been realized.

    Game. On.

  100. i'm not going to be much fun to be around tonight

  101. Cal basketball has 5 points after 17 min of first half play.

  102. yeah, i'm not real happy. time to commence drinking.

  103. Sorry Rob, but I enjoy watching Saban helpless in the 2nd half. For as great a coach as he is (and he is terrific) he's developing a bit of a history for a lack of 2nd defensive adjustments in big games.

  104. yeah, their game plan was letter perfect in the first half. auburn just outplayed them all over the field in the second. go cocks.

    and vcu beat ucla in hoops today after odu beat clemson and xavier last week. the caa two-bid drumbeat is faint, but audible.

  105. I harken back to a comment from mark some weeks ago that Auburn is incapable of playing an exciting game. It held up.

    Go Arizona and Nevada.

  106. I'd forgotten how awesome the Arizona-Oregon game was last year. That, and the start to tonight's game gives me hope for another barnburner.

  107. I hope Arizona doesn't get dumb and go for two if they score to go up 8.

  108. Icing the 'Zona kicker with 2 timeouts to end the first half is fucking lame. Shame on Bellotti.

  109. Today feels like a Sunday but there is no NFL. I am vexed.

  110. new post up about a really stupid internet-based event
