Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I got your head noddin' cuz your neck knows it's old

TR and I recently jointly opined that we know we're getting old because it seems like all new rap sucks. This isn't the first time I've felt this way. Fortunately, something like this inevitably turns up to make me feel like less of an old man.


  1. Straight from my freshman year of college. So yeah, I'm old.

  2. What's straight from freshman year - the beat or the subject of the post? Or both?

    Did anyone kill themselves while you were in college? Or were they too happy to contemplate suicide?

  3. wait. there was one. freshman year. a baseball player who coincidentally i went to h.s. pre-winchester...
    he went to his parents house, got a shotgun, walked back to bball field at jmu...sat on home plate...and, well...you can probably figure it out from there. how i forgot about that one i don't know. bad alcohol.

    go jags!

  4. zman- the kid in liechtenstein was an OD- pretty much assumed it was on purpose. And he was gay. typcial overachieving W&M student. Had to fulfill both stereotypes...

  5. The beat. Freshman year of college. Though coincidentally, one of my good friends killed himself during my freshman year of high school. I've had a couple other friends do the same but none were collegiate friends. Can't recall anybody killing themselves during my time at Florida, though I'm sure it happened at some point. Really though, if you can't be happy at Florida then your issues probably run much deeper.

    I did start college at a small school in a tiny rural NC town and nobody offed themselves there either. And that was a pretty miserable place.

    Finally, not sure if it's the death talk or the semi-obscure rap reference that's scared the crowd away today. I'm guessing it's the rap ref...doesn't hit with much of the G:TB crowd.

  6. Is the beat off of Hard to Earn or Daily Operation?

  7. I enjoyed the rap - was a little surprised to see Pusha T's inclusion in that group. I remember buying the Clipse CD when "Grindin'" came out, listening to it, and was not overwhelmed. Did have a couple of goood songs/beats, so I guess I was sufficiently whelmed.

  8. To be honest, I hadn't listened to the beat. I was accessing G:TB thru my phone and assumed that the video was the old Mad Skillz song due to your reference of it in the title. Now that I've seen the video, the beat sounds like the "Take it Personal" beat to me. In that case, that's from my freshman year, of high school. One of the songs that led me to fall in love with Gangstarr and still one of my faves.

  9. Just realized I didn't answer the question about the album from whence the beat came. A Daily Operation

  10. pusha t is from clipse? i love that "lord willin'" album.

    i am stuck listening to "only built 4 cuban linx pt. II"-- i am old and it's hard for me to move on.

    we have to show some bullying/suicide video in class this week . . . i am not sure if i am equipped to facilitate bullying/suicide discussions in class, i'm sure i will say something tasteless/insensitive/offensive about the issue.

  11. Answer the question! The question, jerk!

    I'll never get tired of that line.

    T-minus 11 minutes until AJ shocks everybody with a pedestrian outing. 6 IP, 3 ER and a quick hook by Girardi to avoid anything to bust his confidence, on case he is needed again.

  12. Good start for AJ to the game...I fully expected an implosion and hook during the 1st inning.

  13. Wow - two good innings. Pls just give us five innings prick.

  14. that's some boolcheat right there

  15. Some HR shenanigans in this game, eh?

  16. underrated story: how much of a douchemonkey the kid who interfered with cruz acted like after the play.

  17. You didn't enjoy the double middle fingers and profanity spewing? Did you also catch the pudgy tard to that douche's left?

  18. why, hello, a.j. nice to see you back.

  19. Oh A.J.

    Ron Darling needs to shut the fuck up.

  20. Clipse's first album had a few decent tracks. Though the definitely benefited from their friendship with NERD. Often the beat was better than the rhymes. Though you could say that about a lot of popular hip-hop over the past decade or so.

  21. Here's that pic of those fine Yankee fans in right:


  22. tommy hunter's losing his shit

  23. I texted TR about the dooshey middle-fingering Yankee fan, noting how dooshey he is. The fan, not TR. Glad to see great minds run in the same gutter.

    I'm also glad to see that the Rangers hired Frank Zappa.

  24. That fan is gonna get murdered.

  25. ESPN.com has a story about Brian Bosworth meeting with an agent when he was in college? Does anyone care?

  26. Fucking asshole. Sac-less asshole. Fuck you pal. Fuck you.

  27. And they walked Murphy to get to Molina. Painful.

  28. Also, Joe Girardi, why would you put the go ahead run on intentionally? Fuck you too assfuck.

  29. I came very close to calling the Burnett stat line. Mostly decent + a couple awful pitches = something between crap and average.

    I have been silent as I was busy catching up on the DVR. That intentional walk smelled awful.

    The inevitable fielding disaster for the Yanks won't be Swisher at first. It will be Thames in the OF. He is a defensive trainwreck.

  30. And an interesting sidenote to the faux Bartman is that TBS intentionally never showed the guy again. He may escape somewhat unscathed from this, although I'm sure Deadspin will have a freeze-frame of his fat face tomorrow. Bartman, on the other hand, was shown squirming over and over and over again on camera. At least TBS decided not to ruin a guy's life.

  31. At least no one got hurt. Oh wait.

  32. Can't some savvy Manhattan bellman put a couple grams of coke in Hamilton's room tonight? He's killing us.

  33. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  34. There's a company in Herndon called Tata Communications?

  35. Joba, get a fucking grip, you cornbred shithead.

  36. I like America as much as the next guy, but can we please stop doing GBA at every playoff game. Especially the anti-semetic Irish rain delay version.

  37. Ronan Tinan says to go to hell.

  38. Actually, ZMan, Ronan says "Go to hell, all you dirty Jews."

  39. Why the hell did some many supposed Yankees fans leave already? Morons.

  40. This game might take six hours...

  41. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuck this. I'm going to bed.

  42. I'm pulling an all nighter, which in-house does not typically do, don't know about Zman or Marls. Working from home there have been some great craptastic movies to have on in the background while churning out the work product - specifically Twins and the Great Outdoors. And these essentially followed Midnight Run. It's been a banner day for late night tv.

    And Dave - the best part of Lord Willin' is Pharell, especially on "Young Boy." Aside from him, I find that effort a bit pedestrian.
