Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stop watching "Quick Change" on repeat

Your venti morning filler with a shot of idiocy:
Woman in clown suit accused of robbing bank
BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Police in northeastern Pennsylvania have arrested a woman they say robbed a bank in a clown costume. Bethlehem police said the woman was captured about five minutes after the bank robbery late Friday morning. Her name has not been released. Police said the suspect told bank employees she had a bomb, and fled with an unknown amount of cash. Arriving officers say they chased her to a nearby park and nabbed her changing out of the clown suit in her car. A bomb squad robot checked out items found in the car, including the clown suit and a multicolored wig. No explosives were found. No one in the bank was injured.


  1. Let's get one thing straight - Quick Change is no Shakes the Clown.

  2. Shakes the Clown co-starred the white Julie Brown from MTV....who is about to turn 56.

    Commence feeling old now.

  3. Damon Wayans, a.k.a. Homie the Clown, is about to turn 50.

    Continue feeling old.

  4. Saw the clown image in the video, first thought was Shakes the Clown.

    It sucks getting old.

  5. Worth 30 seconds out of your day.

    http://instantrimshot.com/ YEEEHAWW!! SFW

  6. i gotta meet this Tank Jones guy....


    can someone please tell me if he tweets...i'm now on twitter if you hadn't heard.

  7. and yes, i think ted is certainly wolf feed by this point.

  8. "shakes the clown" is one of the top ten alcoholic clown movies ever made.

    cameos by florence henderson, robin williams and adam sandler.

    ebert gave "inception" four stars but the zman pans it. now i need to see it to settle this dispute. anyone want to go out in new brunswick tonight?

  9. Dave - you should meet up with Mr. Truck in Piscataway to see the flick. The splendor of the town may add to your viewing experience.

  10. TR is very bothered by Piscataway's ranking. I like it.

  11. i am half bothered and half loving it-- since highland park borders piscataway it's good press for our area, but highland park is a way better town than piscataway.

    i did not intend the dirtiness of my sentence today and catherine thinks it is very funny.

  12. Sneaky cross-promotion. I couldn't leave a comment on SoD without feeling like an asshole so I didn't.

  13. Any of you bozo's, used disk recovery software? Recommendations? And I know this totally the wrong crowd for this type of question.

    I believe Billy Crystal might have been in shakes as well. Or is that another movie where he is a mime? Spinal Tap? Memory fading fast.

  14. I made the mistake of posting baseball-related shit...
