Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

The internet is a wondrous and kind mistress. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. that one is good, but this is my favorite.

  2. also, i should have looked at the post timing-- i just finished writing this and posted it and noticed that you must have set that to post. lots of saturday content!

  3. Anybody catch the outfit Ricky Fowler is wearing today at the PGA? Looks like he is wearing the jumpsuit from the county lockup.

  4. gotta go w/mcilroy at this point...

  5. Jimmy Johnson - last night i saw him on an Extens (sp?) commercial -Extens is some sort of penis enlargement program. (just call me sometime and i'll fill you in on the deets)
    and i see he's doing Survivor as well this season.
    whaddaya think is going on w/JJ?

    and lastly, i feel that steve elkington's hat should be any other color than red.

  6. At this point, I fully expect Bubba Watson to be talking to the camera on the 18th fairway, beer can in hand...aiming to knock a shot off the camera tower and a spectator.

    The Teej is loving him some Bubba Watson.

  7. mark-- thanks for the correction, i totally thought they were talking about skateboard ramps with mat hoffman.

    also, i am 5'9 and a HALF. there are plenty of professional tennis players, golfers, place kickers, soccer players, dart players, winter bi-athletes, bowlers, gay tandem bikers etc. at this height. i think what the article is saying-- and a lot of recent research-- is that elite athletic talent is being able to obsessively dedicate yourself to a task . . . you need to play a sport your body can play but you also need to have a weird special personality which certainly don't have . . .

  8. this potential rule offense is hogwash...

  9. dagggggger - tough major championship year for young dustin

  10. well, this is one way for the pga championship to get some press

  11. whoever thought this question could ever be asked:
    corey pavin: bubba, or tiger?

  12. d-train, my other friend doing the louisville ironman had to withdraw with a torn muscle. we're all counting on you.
