Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Seriously, Enough with that Picture

I have no idea what to post here...but seriously, that picture? Dude...that is awful. Let's's Wednesday...Hump Day...let's go with this:

All right!
Stop whatcha doin'
'cause I'm about to ruin
the image of bloody hands that ya used to.
I look funny
but yo I'm makin' money see
so yo world I hope you're ready for teej.

Peace and Humptiness Forever


  1. Although this song is tremendously played out there was a time when I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread (or even sliced fingers). "Sex Packets" is a greatly under-appreciated album.

  2. On the topic of dated (but still interesting) hip hop, anybody with access to the Fuse channel on their cable dial should watch/Tivo Welcome to Death Row tonight at 9 PM. It's a great two-hour documentary on the rise and fall of the label. One big drawback is that they don't have music rights, which forces them to overdub generic wannabe gangster beats. But it's a pretty thorough review of the entire era, including some of the behind-the-scenes folks I didn't know about.

  3. Hell, I even thought this song was good and I hated Hip Hop and Country music back then with a vengeance.

    On another note, the stupid Griffin is probably here to stay for a while after this news:

  4. t.j.-- couldn't you have written a few "words" with this post-- i still saw the sliced fingers!

  5. Couldn't you at least have worked "Cuz in the 69 my humpty nose will tickle your rear" into your post?

  6. Is that picture below AJ Burnett's hand after his little tempertantrum the other night?

  7. I think that's actually a photo of Swint's hand after fisting TJ.

  8. Has anyone else read Woj's article on Bron?

    Its REALLY good.


  10. Dont know why this makes me laugh, but it does. . .

    The last verse of the newest Greastruck ditty:

    "I'm peaceful and easy, it is known. I like to drink a cup of coffee on my own. You can tell my parking spot from the orange cone. Don't ever ask me for a loan. Like Russell Crowe, I'll hit you with a phone. Like Joe Pesci, I'll beat you with a phone."

    ...10 translations later we get:

    "I am very relaxed, very simple, very clear .. I want a cup of coffee in our country, we can say, with Orange machine. I do not have access to credit. Russell Crowe is a person on the phone. As Qiaopei Xi, over the phone."

  11. i am going to have to record a funny translation version of the song.
