Sunday, July 25, 2010

Heat Brain Damage Sock Puppet Hip Hop: I Have Become T.J.

I am on vacation in Sea Isle City and it is nearly 100 degrees on the beach, which is retarded.  Yesterday, during the hottest part of the day, I carried several thousand pounds of luggage up the stairs to our second floor condominium and it did something to my brain.  I no longer have the desire to write long-winded posts full of meta-analysis and bad jokes.  I have no desire to accompany said posts with funny pictures and bad garage rock. Instead I just want to post a link to a funny song.

Now I know what it's like to live inside T.J.'s brain.  It is a happy, simple place.  The heat gave me brain damage.  The brain damage made me understand T.J.  I'm sure it will wear off when the heat wave passes, but while I am on vacation, I am going to channel the spirit of T.J.

I am assuming that everyone has heard the song "Pizza Hut & Taco Bell" by Das Racist, but I am also assuming that no one has seen all the videos for the song, because there are thousands.  The band decided not to make an official video and instead let their fans generate loads of unofficial videos.  This one is particularly Gheorghe.  Why is it particularly G:TB

Because of previous posts of this ilk.  And this.  And who could forget this?


  1. for vacation, mr. truck up very early. or maybe he hasn't gone to bed.

  2. perhaps you didn't realize . . . but you can automate when the post is posted. so i wrote it last night but posted it this morning. magic.

    of course,my kids woke me up at 6:15 anyway.

  3. or that's what mr. truck would probably say if he wasn't banging igor' mother right now.

    mr. truck!

  4. i considered that, post post. the technology inherent in this blog, and the savvy-ness of its contributors, is simply awesome. tell igor's mom the d-train says hello. miss her.

  5. I can't watch the vid, but I see my name a lot - let's hope its weed smoking muppets throwing bottles at the homeless.

  6. And watch out, author of this post, our meth-dealing, jorts-wearing Florida colleague (not named d-train) will tell to z"suck it up, you're not hot, you should move to balmy FL for a that's hot.". Or something more sweary.

  7. that's a pretty good blind synopsis of the video.

  8. Jason Kendall is with the Royals now and when I saw his name I said to myself "Jesus, Jason Kendall is still in the league? That's not possible, he's gotta be old as hell!" but when I looked him up he's actually almost three months younger than I am. I feel really old now.

  9. Buzz taking shot at lil Buster Olney now...

  10. The Buzz Olney/Stark rant is fanfuckingtastic.

  11. You know what really fucking sucks? When you get on a redeye flight back from LA after watching the Mets get fisted by a crappy dodgers team only to realize that an uber type A douchebag is setting next to you and is unpacking his whole home office and will be working with the light on for the entire flight. Hey asshole, if you want to work the whole time, take a daytime flight. This flight is for trying vainly to sleep you cockmonkey.

  12. Hey 王李秀樺姵君, eat a dick.

  13. How about a regualr feature where Marls takes only redeye flights and liveblogs them?

  14. How about spellcheck TJ, you douche.

  15. Do I get a G:TB corporate card to expense the fights and the booze? If so, I am an, but you may need to find a new producer for ZMan and the Teej.

  16. everyone on vacation again i guess....must be nice being g:tb brass.

  17. I've been in meetings all morning, D. Meetings that lasted approximately 2.5 times longer than necessary. Tough way to start the week.
