Tuesday, June 15, 2010

rob found the 69 bus post too subtle for his liking

So here's some clip TR sent me with Natalie Portman in it. I'm a big fan of Ms. Portman. As for the clip? Hell if I know. I didn't even watch it. I just figured everyone else would be as bored of the 69 bus post as tiny.


  1. you should watch the clip.
    i love ms. portman. was in a nyc hotel elevator w/heronce, alone. i think i pissed myself.

    didn't realize zach g had his own show. when's it on?

  2. new zealand ties it!!!!

    a tie!!!!!


    mr. truck picked that tie.

  3. this filler is much better. I'd be in Zach's wolf pack.

  4. All of you need to go to funnyordie.com and see all of Galifianakis' "Between Two Ferns" episodes. I think there are 8-10 of them. Also hilarious are the Ben Stiller, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron and Jon Hamm episodes.

    Beware of the video in this clip. Some is NSFW. All is hilarious.

  5. Portugal-Ivory Coast got very chippy in a hurry, and now players are diving like they've been shot every time there's any contact. Ronaldo got a yellow 20 minutes in. Will be interesting to see when Drogba will enter. I don't see how they will sit him all game, unless they take a surprise two-goal lead within the first 60 minutes.

  6. Do I just automatically win?

  7. Does Bill Simmons actually write these days or does he just tweet and cast pods?

  8. Zman, Bill Simmons has moved on up, so he doesn't have to write columns any more. I guess he finally got a piece of the pie. You have to admire that he has worked and found success. It took a whole lot of trying just to get up that hill -- now he's up in the big leagues and getting his turn at bat. He can do podcasts and tweets -- and there really isn't anything wrong with that.

    The thing is . . . if you put foil down, take it from me -- beans will surely burn on the grill!

  9. I'm not knocking his success, just trying to figure out if it's worth checking his website for columns any more. I'd love to be a talking head/sports pundit. You don't even need to be able to write well, all you need is an idea that fits into 140 characters and/or the ability to talk louder than the guy who disagrees with you.

  10. George Jefferson certainly knew that latter truth -- much to Weezy, Florence, and Tom Willis's chagrin!!

  11. Wuchoo talkin bout Tom Willis?!

  12. I am going to load up the Z-Man and the Teej fan van as it appears that we need to take a road trip to Wisconsin.


  13. The Kim Jongers are really giving Brazil a tough battle, although Brazil has themselves to blame for not being able to put open shots on goal.

  14. Fried cheese steak on a stick is for drooling mouth-breathers from Philly like drexdrago.

  15. since this series is pretty much going 7 games, is there any point in watching tonight's?

  16. Speaking of game 7, the Matteau game is on MSG. Get some!

  17. sparty needs to send bronbron a thank you note

  18. I can think of some reasons Rob. Like there are (at most) two basketball games left to watch between now and October, for example. Or the fact that it's Game 6 of the NBA Finals and there are 4-5 HOFers playing. I could go on but I'm completely in the tank for the NBA so I doubt my arguments are making much difference.

  19. it was a rhetorical question. i'm watching. not liking what i'm seeing, but i'm watching.

  20. Did David Stern hire a Ron Artest doppleganger that can shoot for Game 6?

    Gasol is flopping all over the fucking place.

  21. Don't try and confuse with your big words and fancy shoes, Rob.

  22. it's almost shelden williams time. and nobody wants that.

  23. Somehow, Candace Parker does.

    And, I don't care about the Celtics but I fucking loathe Lakers fans. I don't find myself rooting for either team when they play in Boston but I can't help rooting against the Lakers in LA.

  24. I cannot explain how bad Time Warner cable is. I just asked the customer support lady to reschedule an appointment on Thursday because I have to go to a funeral. She offered me next Wednesday. She can't do anything earlier because only tech support can change a repair appointment. I asked if she could connect me with tech support and she said no. I then asked if she could connect me with Fios. She now hates me and will probably send me a new cable box full of roaches and bedbugs.

  25. I can't get Fios. I live in the center of the fucking universe and I can't get Fios. Unreal.

  26. Rick Rubin better not be rooting for LA. And what does Canned Heat's "Goin Up The Country" have to do with basketball?

  27. does anyone here have fios? if so, what did you have previously? am interested in hearing about the experience.

    mark - were about 11 weeks away from cfb

  28. i have fios and i do not have cable. i have been watching world cup games on espn3 with the fios and i get a nice clear full screen picture on my imac-- so i guess fios is pretty fast.

    the natalie portman rap is funny but definitely NSFW-- or the uncensored version i saw on youtube, anyway . . .

  29. ya know barry's in trouble when olbermann is slamming him.

    also in the news...alleged affair between gore & larry david's X...al baby gettin' some strange on the side?

  30. Speaking of Natalie Portman and rap, Ghostface Killah dedicated "Stapleton Sex" to her. I should've turned that into some Ghostface Fillah.

  31. panic on the streets of madrid? spain lost to switzerland - gotta be the biggest upset thus far.

  32. Time Warner guy: How can I help you.

    Me: I called last night and I was told that I need to talk to tech support to reschedule my appointment for tomorrow. I have to go to a funeral and I can't be there.

    TWG: How can I help you.

    Me: Well, either connect me with tech support or reschedule the appointment.

    TWG: Let me see if I can do anything.

    >>5 minutes later<<

    TWG: I see you have an appointment tomorrow. How can I help you?

  33. Maybe you should let the ZWoman handle this issue. TWC seems to have it out for pasty guys with bad hairlines. I know because I have fought with them before.

  34. sounds like comcast to me, but slightly more competent.

  35. TWG: I can send someone over next Wednesday.

    Me: I have to wait a week? Aren't you in the business of installing cable boxes? You have no one who can bring me a cable box within the next 48 hours?

    TWG: You can go and pick one up in Queens.

    Me: You're selling me cable for $140 a month through a broken cable box and I have to go Queens to get it fixed? You have nothing available this weekend?

    TWG: I can't change the appointment to something sooner, only tech support can.

    Me: Get me tech support.

  36. I had Comcast for 10 years and never had anything remotely approaching this level of inconvenience and ineptitude. TWC is more pathetic than my college transcript.

    They rescheduled me for Saturday, for those of you following along at home.

  37. Brighthouse (my cable company) seems relatively bearable in comparison to Time Warner. Brighthouse is fucking awful, mind you, but I've never had to wait a week+ for a new cable box.

  38. Dan -- didn't realize we were only 11 weeks away from from CFB. I'm genuinely pumped to root for Florida this year. There's definitely something to be said for rooting for a (relative) underdog.

  39. is the appt sometime between the hours of 8 am & 5 pm? at least you have nothing to do on saturday...or watch.

  40. The window goes from 6 to 9.

  41. Zman - There is a TWC store on 23rd street just off Park. You can get a new cable box there.
