Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hurricane Igor

As FOG:TB Geoff noted in the comments below, there will most certainly be a Hurricane Igor this season. With that in mind, I thought I'd take a stab at depicting Hurricane Igor in typical Gheorghe form....

The obvious "El Nino" comparison...

The deeper and way less relevant Bob Dylan take (wait for it)...

The "because it's Igor's joke" approach...

And, since I bothered to type this, the "because it's TJ's post approach"...

Continue in the comments if you wish. Honestly, I just couldn't stand to read a post anymore that professed to enjoying Dane Cook.


  1. For those of you desperate to know this year's other storm names, here they are:


  2. The Teej came up big with the E-mode scene. Broka's cool lessons panned out for you.

  3. Hurricane Danielle is of course Hurricane Geoff and just failed to log in to google correctly.

    And Hurricane Tomas is my Weanie Beanie doppelganger.

  4. Yes. Hello. How is the weather down there?


  5. Girls are posting to facebook photos of themselves and their peers getting (overly) dressed up, having pre-parties featuring cliched mixed drinks, and going to see Sex and the City 2. They are apparently not ashamed of this behavior.

    This vexes me.

  6. When the first "Sex and the City" movie debuted there were all sorts of overly-tarted-up drunken ladies tramping around Boston, particularly at my local martini bar. If you weren't married with children you might actually think this is a good thing. You know, drunk girls trying to look their sexiest and excited to wind up on the business end of a johnson after watching their fictional heroines plough through a bunch of guys.

  7. Because you missed out and had to stay at home with your kids, I presume

  8. One problem with that, Z. There's no way all of those girls are finding somebody to take them home. Somebody (probably multiple somebodies) will be left out and then, nobody gets action.

  9. You're right Mark. But it was a hell of a lot better than your typical night in Boston where women dress like teenage boys with pigtails: Red Sox hat, Varitek/Schilling/Damon/Beckett t-shirt, dumpy jeans, sneakers.

  10. What's the leisure end of a johnson?

  11. Airmen O'Malley and Rodriguez?

  12. I'm on the leisure end of my johnson. But I'm pretty lazy.

    In other news, I have to review this article for work. I'm not amused.


  13. And when did you start working at The Pleasure Palace?

  14. It's more like the Bumming Dome, actually. Only more bookish.

  15. there is a typo in the first paragraph of that article. other than that, it's a terrific piece. for you crazy frat guys, possessing a copy of this during nights on the town could have helped your scoring %'age...probably a little dry up there in the 'burg.

  16. g:tb is the epicenter for learning. it has opened my mind in ways i thought unimaginable. before today, i never knew that the storm names are recycled every 6 years. so if you're not on the list next year, you still got a shot over the next five, that is unless you're one of the people who partakes in g:tb regularly, and if that's the case, you're completely fucked, unless you're me, who has a storm named after him, but won't see that one again 'til '14. better than a donut though. now, the names shown are atlantic storm names, so you may have a shot in one of god's other bodies of water (rob - should that apostrophe be after the s' since it's "bodies" or where it is since it's "other"....that's a tricky one) that is info i won't be looking up since i've already secured my spot in the atlantic rotation.

  17. I guess the speed I airmailed d-train worked.

  18. awl tj.
    on the contrary, am dragging and a wee bit punchy, so could probably use some. i await the hypothetical delivery, woodchuck. grey squirrel, out.

  19. well, he's not technically famous, nor is it still the wkd, but i was close to my prediction that another celeb would purchase rural space prior to end of monday....


    i bet his dad's hair just drove him over the edge.

  20. Can't wait to bring out the chants when Hurricane Otto hits:

    You can do it, Otto! You can do it, Otto!
    Help each other out: that'll be our motto!
    Make this spare; I'll give you free gelato!
    Then back to my place, where I will get you blotto!
    Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto.

    Yep, that'll be some fun.

  21. love that otto chant.

    i also love when other people besides me have apostrophe trouble.

  22. http://i.imgur.com/W1khw.jpg

  23. Its "cut off your nose TO SPITE your face" not DESPITE your face...right? People keep using this incorrectly...according to me.

  24. Per all-knowing Wiki:

    "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the source of one's anger.[1]

  25. geoff - like me, you are a very petulant individual

  26. when i was a young lad, my family went to emerald isle, nc every summer. it was there i fell deeply in love with leann from indiana. she was hawt, but lacked in the smarts. we carried on a long-distance relationship pre-email, cell phones, and internet via landline & letter writing. that was her demise. i'll never forget that while using what was supposed to be the word "supposed" she spelled out, "so post". she never heard from me again. though i'm sure she'll probably see this and figure it all out. if so, hi leann. i hope you became a better speller.

  27. Discriminating against people due to their substandard intelligence (so long as its not so substandard as to be qualified as a disability) is one of the last few acceptable forms of discrimination. How I love it so.

  28. It's not often that I climb aboard Geoff's Wagon Train of Condescension, but on this point, I'm a veritable Laura Ingalls Wilder. We are friends with a number of slow-witted people (case in point), and I enjoy their company without imparting (too much of) my modest intellectual prowess. Where stupid meets douchey, however, I climb aboard that high horse, perch it on my soapbox, and look down my nose at these imbeciles. (Metaphoriffic!)

  29. I embrace elitism in almost all of its forms, as does Igor, whether he likes to admit it or not. Not only do we take life a little less seriously around here--we also take you and your childish, sophomoric ideas less seriously than maybe your feeble brain wishes we would.

  30. I look down my nose despite my face.

  31. I appreciate Geoff's consistency; it may well get him elected one day (not Papal style).

    I don't endorse elitism based on race, religion, job title, or income level. I love condescension based on sports team affiliation, rock and roll knowledge, matters of trivia, alma mater, height, ability to play Z, and any random criteria that serves to confuse.

  32. Yes, of course, Igor. We don't want to offend the gizz moppers or the Scientologists, but if you think the new Vampire Weekend comes close to their first album then you need to go play in traffic.

  33. What really matters is what you like, not what you are like.

  34. Zman, I believe that comment should have been followed by this.


  35. Or perhaps this...

  36. Or this.


  37. i don't consider myself an elitist. you probably thought my comments on the poor speller pretty ironic considering my jmu heritage. i'm ashamed of myself, true fully, i am.
    gizz mopper - i continue to learn here. thank you g:tb

  38. Is "gizz mopper" spelled with at "g"? I don't want to offend anybody by misspelling their title in my christmas letter.

  39. Marls spells fluffer with a "ph".

  40. The gizz mopper is the GZA's personal squeegee guy who follows him around to peep shows.

  41. I actually did some quick work inappropriate googling to determine the preferred spelling of "gizz." It was about 50-50 "gizz" and "jizz."

  42. is that a "by the job" kind of guy or is he on retainer?

  43. The job allows him to come as he pleases.

  44. geoff or the mopper?
    either way....great gig.

  45. maybe not so much for the mopper, but the flexibility does help make up for the other conditions.

  46. when i last visited igor, his woman called him "an elitist" or maybe it was a "snob," and he argued that he wasn't. you make the call.


    a man of the people

    MR. TRUCK!

  47. we had a bbq on saturday, with some good friends and some newer town friends, and i veered between my typical elitist condescension and a rather extended bit on how giving my friend the Heimlich was going to turn into sodomy-- i woke up the next morning, shook out the cobwebs, and wondered what they made of THAT.

  48. While on the topic of elitism based on personal taste, you're doing yourself a disservce if you don't check out the new Black Keys album, "Brothers." It's much darker and bluesier than their last album, probably because Danger Mouse only produced one track. In particular you should give "Everlasting Light," "Unknown Brother," "Sinister Kid," and "Next Girl" a listen.

    The Drive-By Truckers' new album, "The Big To-Do," is also worthwhile but not as good as "Brighter Than Creation's Dark" or "The Dirty South."

    I eagerly await your derision.

  49. You have got to be fucking kidding me:

  50. Zman, my favorite albums of the year so far: (TJ see which one is made up)
    The National
    Band of Horses
    Frightened Rabbit
    The Black Keys
    The New Pornographers
    Broken Social Scene
    Dum Dum Girls
    The Pack AD
    The Budos Band
    Sharon Jones & Dap Kings
    The Hold Steady

    Also, I'm head to HOB tonight to see the The National. Got an extra if anyone wants it.

  51. Do with this what you will: http://bit.ly/9varim

  52. Frightened Rabbit put out a good album. They're like Glasvegas.

  53. None. How get out there and buy some music. Or at least download some.

  54. How is Gollum a character from the past 20 years?

  55. Good point. Sam Cassell is near 40 by now.

  56. In a very stiff staff meeting now. After this exchange:

    "Who's Jessica?"
    "Tom's assistant."
    "Who's Tom?"

    ...what is the proper peanut gallery retort?

    Duh, it's "Jessica's boss." You don't have to hate Tommy Lasorda to know this stuff. And when I interrupted to say it? Crickets chirping.

    I'm one step closer to resignation.

  57. I didn't know we worked together!

  58. Igor come back to the darkside.

  59. http://tbz.me/vO8zw

    Printer from the future.

  60. Freida lost the number for Alan's lawyer in Utah.

  61. And getting back to Geoff's Gizz (sic) Moppers, Scientology is not even close to being a religion. It's no more a full-fledged religion than Amway, the KISS Army, Facebook, SOSH, Bunco, poker leagues, Daughters of the American Revolution, Pi Lambda Phi, Mac users, Trekkies, blogging, The Big Lebowski convention, Local Pipefitters 151, sluglines, the GOP, The Cameron Crazies, or Mormonism.

    So I guess add pseudo-religions to my list of elitisms.
