Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I think the picture speaks for itself


  1. I mean, wow. Just wow.


  2. CSPAN is streaming coverage of the oil spill on-line. I find it very amusing to watch a senator I'm unfamiliar with speak for 2 minutes, and then make a blanket assessment of that person's intelligence and competence.

    Right now I'm down on Byron Dorgan (and his hair and his ringing cellphone), up on Jeff Bingaman and undecided on John Barrasso.

  3. You're in Geoff's wheelhouse now...

  4. My ultimate conclusion is that 80% are morons, 10% are morons who are smooth enough to convince me otherwise, and 10% are sincere. Seems about right.

  5. Nickname for Senator Stabenow around the Hill is "Grimace." Her husband was arrested for soliciting a prostitute last summer...shocked that he strayed.

  6. i love cutting off a huge line of traffic as is illustrated. once you get over the embarrassment, it saves you a ton of time.

  7. She's not ugly if you're into the Dr. Ruth look.

  8. I didn't realize the Redskins signed Willie Parker. They're looking at Brian Westbrook too. Their backfield would be awesome if it was 2006.

  9. I feel the same way about my pecs, Zman.

  10. I feel like the Skins are building towards cutting Portis during training camp. They will say he didn't come in to camp in shape.

  11. I feel the same way about my waistline. And my hairline. All my lines, really. Except for those around my eyes.

  12. charlie davies was left off the us world cup 30-man roster. bummer.

  13. definitive world cup preview tomorrow!

  14. i cannot stress enough how fucking delicious stacy's cinnamon sugar pita chips taste. otherworldly good.

  15. Hey Fellas! Thought I'd check in after a pretty harrowing day for me. I pinched a nerve (I think) in my back whilst working out today. Erika took me to the Doc where I passed out during X-rays due to the pain. I'm currently high as hell on percoset and muscle relaxers and don't have feeling in about half of my right hand. Moral of the story: Being lazy and out of shape is much easier and often more fun than being on a dedicated fitness regimen.

    Seriously though, passing our in the X-Ray room was fucking scary.

  16. Remain horizontal.

    In other news, I picked up a 1 TB external hard drive for $99. Tetabyte. As in a thousand gigabytes. For $99. One cord plugs into an outlet, another plugs into a USB port, and you're up and running. With a billion kilobytes of memory. For $99. Technology is almost as amazing as Stacy's cinnamin pita chips.

  17. And by "tetabyte" I mean "terabyte." Although tetabytes sound like more fun.

  18. maybe they over-radiated you and now you have super-powers.

    probably best not to try anything too wild on percoset, though.

  19. Surprisingly, I've never much cared for pain meds so there's no silver lining in the "free" drugs for me. I'm laying on the couch and watching TV. Hopefully Celts-Cavs will be worth watching tonight.

  20. Tiger suggests you try sex on the percs. Preferably with a dirty, dirty whore.

  21. FWIW, the injury is in between my shoulder blade and spine so remaining horizontal isn't a must. Though, it's the most comfortable position.

  22. See...everything is adding up to hot percoset whore sex.

  23. When I dislocated my hip as a 13 year old, I was given a morphine drip in the hospital. Still to this day the most loopy I've ever felt on anything. I am glad I have no idea how to score morphine, because I'd be hooked and dead in a week.

  24. mark - seeing your right hand is about numb, you've got a great opportunity there - it'll be pretty much like a stranger doing it.

    is anyone on this blog 40 yet? i hit it today. i guess your cards are all running late. i'm sure they'll be here tomorrow.

  25. I believe that move is actually called The Stranger.

    Happy Birthday. I'm the youngest of this crew so I'm nowhere near 40 but congratulations on the milestone nonetheless. And I sent Joslyn James your way. Might want to get the rest of the fam out of the house tomorrow night.

    TJ-- how did you dislocate ur hip? That sounds fucking awful.

  26. TJ dislocated his hip whilst breakdancing. I believe he was doing the Smurf.

  27. danimal, my countdown is under 30 days. i'm not really handling it very well.

    top notch internet comedy, zman

  28. Midlife crisis, Roberto? Sorry to hear that.

    Come out and see me when I visit next month and I'll see if I can't help out by getting you blind drunk. I'm good like that.

  29. Oh, it was a cluster fuck of epic proportions. On a crisp September Sunday afternoon I went to play pick up football behind the elementary school half a mile from my house. At one point I tried to go all Riggo and carry a kid named Casey O'Connor as he made a tackle...but alas the hip joint is apparently not meant to hold your weight as well as that of another kid. My hip literally popped out of the socket. My leg had managed to kind of hook the other leg at the ankle, say that basically kept leg in stasis. I teethed on a wallet and ripped up every blade of grass within my reach. The ambulance finally came. Got to hospital, immediate morphine drip...and then the most surreal experience ever. The doctor grabbed my ankle, and suddenly twisted it real quick, popping the hip back into the joint. I am shivering just typing that. Unreal. A week in the hospital, my entire freshman year of high school on crutches.

  30. Ah yes, Casey O'Connor. A name feared amongst orthopedists across upstate NY.

  31. Happy Bday Dan.

    I turned 40 in January...I may be the most senior commenter on the blog.

    It's not bad at all. But then again, I don't act, look or feel that old--most people think I'm only 30...thank God for good genes.

  32. how long has sheed been shaving his white patch? that's a sweet look.

  33. these are some of the worst offensive possessions i've ever seen. the cavs don't deserve to win playing like this.

  34. To Rob's point. A recent tweet about this game reads: This game is so ugly, Craig Sager's going to wear it to Game 6.

  35. no offense, shlara, but danny ferry's getting exposed in this series. cleveland's roster blows.

  36. Unless LeBron can take over this game in the 4th and lead Cleveland back I'm officially ready to question his mental makeup.

  37. You're right Rob. This is embarrassing...THe Celts are old and inconsistent and they are killing in this series.

  38. Don't completely agree Rob. The roster's not great but how long can everyone continue to blame it all on Mike Brown and Danny Ferry. If you're the best player alive you have to take over games in the Playoffs at some point.

  39. LeBron has one bucket with 2:00 left in the 3rd?

  40. 0 FGs in the 1st half? Come on.

  41. if the cavs lose this series, they can trace it back to whatever teej said to mike brown in the bathroom at the 'more than a game' premiere.

  42. when jordan was carrying guys, he at least had pippen - on both ends of the floor. bron's really got no help, but he's also not doing much himself right now.

  43. For the record, LeBron has 11 FG attempts (not enough) and 9 of them have been jumpshots. That's not acceptable.

  44. the magic may go all moses malone into the finals - fo, fo, fo

  45. I agree. I just find it interesting that each of the last two years everyone agreed that the Cavs were prohibitive favorites in the Eastern Conference because of LBJ AND their upgraded roster. Then when things go south it's suddenly all due to bad teammates and poor coaching. Too convenient for my taste. Mentality and toughness go a long way in the Playoffs.

  46. I don't want to fight you, Rob.

  47. i don't pay enough attention during the regular season to have an informed opinion - but i take your point re: mental toughness. i don't see much from any of the cavs tonight.

  48. but you can't argue the fact that teejay only pissed next to one nba coach this year and that coach's team is underachieving.

  49. I didn't mean your opinion, speaking about most of the national media. Mental toughness comes fro
    the top down. MJ, Magic or Larry wouldve killed somebody in order to make a point on a night like tonight.

    And my fight comment was re: the Magic.

  50. Good point. TJ also called me 5 times last night and I ended up hurt less than 18 hours later. As always, blame TJ.

  51. Yeah, I can't imagine Jordan going 3-12 like this in a playoff game. He was too pathologically competitive to allow himself to score less than 25 in a playoff game. LeBron just isn't angry enough yet.

  52. Here's the thing with "yet". LeBron may only be 25 but he's been in the NBA for 7 years now. He's no pup anymore. Kobe never goes out like this, IMO.

  53. Good points - MJ was pretty angry at 25 and for all his faults Kobe wouldn't let this happen to him.
