Friday, May 07, 2010

Good Morning...I guess.

Guess who woke up at 6 am with Showdown stuck in his head and couldn't get back to sleep? Yep. That would be me. Like most things in my life, I blame TJ. And you should too because now it's going to be stuck in your head too.

Bill Murray's hair never fails to crack me up whenever I see this clip. Though, to be fair, his hair can't hold a candle to the hair of the lead singer of Electric Light Orchestra. And since I'm being fair, here's another song to get stuck in your head on this fine Friday morn.

Finally, since Gheorghe: The Blog is now a part of the Twitter movement, I thought I'd let you all know that I jumped on the bandwagon too. Not that you care. However, you should care enough to follow Rick Muscles on Twitter. The highest of comedy and jackassery all rolled into one. Vaya con dios, folks.


  1. Your location on Twitter is Ass Kick, FL? What, you lettin' Greg ghost write that thing?

  2. Not yet, Teej. But I do now live where Greg grew up. Do the math.

  3. That was before my move to Raw Dog City, following a brief stint on Fuck Mountain.

  4. i like his bio - it's succinct yet full of good info.
    i won't be twittering anytime soon. this is close enough, same goes for FB. (FB stands for Facebook)
    i will be heading over to the
    play-AHS shortly after lunch to loiter around 17 tee and drink cold beers if anyone would like to join me.

  5. I would like to join you Dan, but I'm stuck in an office in midtown Manhattan assessing oil spill damages. Working is not as fun as not working, and even less fun than drinking.

  6. I have some friends who'll be joining you this weekend, Dan. Unfortunately, I won't be in tow as it's my old man's bday this weekend. Stupid guy who gave me life has to go and ruin my weekend.

  7. I misread Dan's last comment and thought he said he was gonna drink 17 beers. Then I realized it was Dan, and that would clearly not be happening.


    Yeah!! Misreading things and making fun of your nancy-boy attempts at drinking!!

  8. yeah that's right whigor. i'll probably switch to v&t's after 10 or 11 girlish figure won't be put in jeopardy.

  9. Also, Mark, thank you for bringing some much needed E:LO to G:TB. I will have to include a picture of Jeff Lynne's honk-fro next time -- gotta find a way to work in Evil Woman, Do Ya, Strange Magic, or Don't Bring Me Down.

  10. igor is becoming a meta-commeneter.

    i still don't understand twitter-- do you get them on your cell phone?

    and does gheorghe go out on twitter? isn't it too big?

    i've just managed to figure out blog etiquette-- i can't learn something else.

    i drank beer last night and i'm drinking beer this afternoon and my parents are taking the kids tomorrow night so we can go to a neighborhood party. what do you think of that, igor?

  11. Dave, you might want to try the link in the right sidebar called "Gheorghe on Twitter".

  12. Gheorghe has 365 followers on twitter?!?

    We couldn't get that many people to show up at Unit M for a party

  13. Our parties were always packed once we caved and went the Theta Delt route - play music girls like to dance to, and they will come and dance, and maybe talk to you, and maybe, if you don't throw a punch at them or yell at them, even come back to your room to "see your CD collection." It's like we had to be taught the lesson from the party scene at the end of PCU.

    Too bad we didn't play a lot of Pete Rock, or this would have been somewhat relevant to the post.

  14. what about weighing them in? does that fit into the "things girls like from a frat party" template?

  15. gheorghe on twitter is blocked here at my workplace.

  16. Dave, you are an Igor-approved drinker. Always have been. Even the pussy frequency and rate at which you now consume can't take that away from you.

    I like you, Clarence. Always have. Always will.

  17. i can't wait to tell my mom that i am "igor approved."

    there is a post in this.

  18. so a tsa employee faces charges after punching a fellow employee who made fun of his penis size during training on the operation of a body scanner.

    the level of detail apparently displayed on the body scanners tsa uses bodes poorly for certain members of the gtb community. and their members. i think you know who you are.

  19. Cavs went with their Arizona St unis tonite, eh?

  20. hell of an evening for boston sports fans

  21. by 'hell of a', i obviously mean 'completely forgettable'.

  22. How about we make it the whole game?

    In honor of Harwell, who loved to let the sounds of the game do the talking, Fox announcers Joe Buck and Tim McCarver will turn off their microphones during the third inning of Saturday's Yankees-Red Sox broadcast.

  23. Josh Beckett brought his A-game tonight. And I mean A for asshole. Plunked Cano and Jeter and was up and in on Cervelli and Tex. It's time like this I miss having Kyle Farnsworth. Only times like this, mind you.

  24. So Tim Wakefield doesn't age, huh?

  25. asshole is beckett's default setting. as, lately, has been 'batting practice'.

  26. jamie moyer threw a shutout tonight. that's awesome.

  27. Jon Barry just said that Jason Richardson is the "difference maker" for the Suns. And the play-by-play guy says RJ is the Spur's "X factor." They are unloading the arsenal of platitudes early.

  28. Richard Jefferson is among the most overrated NBA players of the last 10 years. Can't shoot, can't create and completely average defensively.

  29. It's jarring to see the Suns play so confidently and effectively against the Spurs in the 4th. With their 2nd unit no less.

    Goran Dragic is killing them right now. Unbelievable.

  30. Hey Mark, nice job getting Kanye to write your bio! But I don't understand how it's "two words."

  31. I enjoy that song immensely. Sometimes Freeway's rhymes hit me just right. It's not often, but it does happen. And there are an awful lot of phrases in that song that are much more than "two words".

    Phil's had quite a day at the TPC.

  32. Just entered the DC Armory for some ladies roller derby. The 16 oz PBR cans they're selling are both telling and refreshing.

  33. I have decided not to question what (and who) I see here this afternoon.

  34. I'm stunned that roller derby made it to DC. Are the participants wearing vineyard vines helmets?

  35. The Lehigh Valley Rollergirls are really taking it to the DC Rollergirls Capital Offenders (tip 1 - shorten your names).

  36. I know nothing of this sport, but I don't think the home team losing 42-2 is a good thing.

  37. Forgive me. It's 102-20 at the half. To say this scoring is loose would be a vast understatement.

  38. rain, motherfucker, rain

  39. My main tattoo guy coaches a women's Roller Debry team so I've attended a couple of matches before. And even I think it's a freakshow beyond description. I always had a pretty good time though.

  40. I second those sentiments entirely. Minus having a tat coach of course.

  41. Your game 1 final: 145-59.

  42. The home town ten (sp?) Were severely overmatched. No chance that is normal.

  43. No, not a normal score. I think they're usually much more closely contested (again I've only been a couple times), but they are generally very high scoring.

    The post match parties are generally quite fun as well.

  44. The crowd in Atlanta is booing the Hawks lustily. Frankly I think they're taking it easy. They should be throwing feces on the floor.

  45. Vince Carter has as much natural ability as anyone who's ever played basketball. Don't believe me? Watch the way he casually shoots lefty 25 footers after a foul is whistled on the perimeter.

  46. In my experience, the after-parties are at least half the reason women's roller derby, pillow fighting, and wrestling leagues exist.

  47. A friend's lesbo cousin participates in a rolle derby league in Asbury Park, NJ. A real hipster gathering. She's no lipstick lesbian, unfortunately. More like Aida Turturro. But lots of militant chicks with nose rings fawn over her.

  48. What the hell got into Ron Artest tonite?

  49. Derek Fisher couldn't cover me at this point in his career but the guy is as clutch a 3 pointer shooter as there is.

  50. I couldn't agree more. At least we can get thus series over with asap. It's not like Utah was going to take 4 of 5 games from LA anyway.

  51. Guys, I am super hammered at a neighborhood bar. I have no good comments to make. Greg, you especially - I need good comments right now. Something funny. Go. Igor is incapacitamated.

  52. Paul Williams and Kermit Cintron both just fell in one if the more awkward sequences I can ever remember seeing in a boxing ring. Cintron fell out of the ring and onto a TV monitor and is laying motionless at ringside. Now a stretcher is being brought to ringside. Strange, disappointing and awkward. I'm still not sure (nor are HBO's announcing team) what happened.

  53. Happy mother's day. Remember: most of y'all brothers came from your mothers. Think about that.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.
