Thursday, May 27, 2010

Filler 'til someone posts something better


  1. Barry's getting crushed in his presser.

  2. Agreed. He sucks at press conferences. Less is more, B.O. Ten minute answers make people think the truth is complicated or that you don't know the answer.

  3. And can we decide once and for all if it's Pack-i-stan or Pahk-i-stan?

  4. The Fox News live pic of the oil leak in the upper right of the screen is a nice touch.

    Every time Obama says "Pah-key-staaan" another redneck restocks his terrorism bunker.

  5. ref: the strasburg post, 6/8 is my 40th birthday. i won't complain if one of you wants to buy me a ticket to that game.

  6. Apparently Obama's goals in this presser are as follows:

    1. Take a huge steaming shit on BP
    2. Answer as few questions as possible by giving groin-grabbingly long answers
    3. Say "to the extent" 200 times or more.

  7. I have two tix to the game on 6/8, though I may be forced to use them for "business" purposes.

  8. "To the extent that" is one of my least favorite lawyerly phrases. You can typically just replace it with "if."

  9. The President would have been much better off not doing that presser.

  10. At least he didn't spook the market. And he has Geithner in Europe, bitch-slapping the cigarettes and coffees out of the Eurozone leaders' hands to try to get them off their asses. So we got that going for us.

  11. The Prez needs to realize that it's not enough just to avoid making middle school grammatical errors and misusing improper colloquialisms in press conferences. If you're going to be the change in leadership from dumb to smart, you need smart pressers.

    And like Geoff, smart dressers!

  12. If you misuse an improper colloquialism then you're using a proper colloquialism, right? Stay the course Igor.

  13. The impropriety is in the abandonment of all erudition and the relegation to using colloquialisms in a Presidential press conference, presumably to reinforce the aw-shucks image to those voters with "less than 32." The misuse of them makes even the last wave of intelligent supporters grimace.

    You don't want to see what it makes Grimace do...

  14. There was a girl with purple hair at W&M that we used to call Grimace. She hung out with another purple-haired girl we called Grape Ape. It was part of the weird Trekkie/punk/oddball posse that hung out in the Campus Center. The same group that we used to fight with on Sundays for control of the big screen TV to watch football.

    It was a splinter group of the weirdos that would hang in the smoking section study lounge next to the library all night.

  15. Ah yes, I know of these kids...
