Friday, April 30, 2010

Seasick Steve is very Gheorghe

You should add "Later with Jools Holland" to your TV regimen, particularly if you like music. Each episode has four to five guests who take turns playing music. And the combinations of artists are preposterous. Dizzee Rascal and The Hold Steady? DBT and Mos Def? The Streets and Alan Toussaint? Kaiser Chiefs and John Legend and Frank Black? Robert Plant and The Go! Team? Lunacy. The host provides a minimal introduction of the next artist between songs. No Q&A sessions on the couch, no promotion of tours or albums, just song after song after song. If you take my advice you'll find interesting new musicians like Seasick Steve.

You might ask "Who is Seasick Steve and why should I listen to his music?" I'll tell you why. He's got more Gheorgheness than Rambo's got bullets. By way of a non-limiting example, he has an album titled "I Started Out with Nothin and I Still Got Most of It Left." How Gheorghe is that?

Want more Gheorgheness? If Igor was about 10 years older with legitimate facial hair, a three-string guitar, and lots more musical talent, he'd be Seasick Steve. Don't believe me? Watch this (make sure you hear the first four seconds):

Total Igor/Gheorghe (Igheorghe?) move. Seasick Steve also has a one-string guitar.

And a banjo (for Dennis).

And a drum machine (for Greasetruck).

And he likes cars (for me). But he isn't a very good driver.


  1. mark, i didn't even know you HAD a blog and i'll never find it on that gigantic "what gheorghe is reading" list.

    i blame TJ.

    i will go and fuck everyone's sister.

  2. Well played, Dave. And for the record, I like you. I've only scene you with a mustache though (which probably has a lot to do with why I like you) so it might be pretty jarring if I meet you sans mustache.

  3. i have 4 sisters. better pencil in the whole wkd.

  4. This is gonna be one helluva wedding.

  5. We've already seen the video preview.

  6. Mark's marrying Mindy McCready?

  7. i am going to all obft and gheorghe events with that mustache. i normally have a goatee so i can transform to mustache dave in minutes.

    so mark, the real question is-- what is the name of your blog? i used to go over to "jerry's wheelhouse" but since he got demoted, i'm looking for some new reading material.

  8. Did you know that Rhett Miller is going to the White House Correspondants Dinner tomorrow? He's a guest of Wonkette.

    Do you think the evening will make it into a future song?

  9. dan likes bluegrass. dan likes seasick dave.

  10. Seasick Steve also has bad tattoos which may increase his overall Gheorgheocity.

  11. My blog has been dormant for about two years (I think). It was called Drunk & Stupid. I might try an resurrect it...probably not.

  12. Dave, sorry, my WordPress tribute page to you isn't quite finished yet...soon tho, promise.

  13. I'm still pissed that David Stern let the Sonics leave Seattle. But I will say that these OKC fans are rabid. Impressive.

    Oh, and I love Kevin Durant and GM Sam Presti.

  14. penguins unhalaked les habs

  15. You KNOW it would have been way better if it was Seattle-LA than Oklahoma City. Seattle fans hate LA with an intensity that rivals Philly-NY.

  16. El Tigre shot a 79 yesterday?

  17. And in addition to those tunes posted by Zman, I highly recommend Seasick Steve's "Never Go West." An awesome tune that is begging to be the theme song of some actiony, 2010-version-of-Magnum cop tv series.

    Just finished off the 24-7 for Sugar Shane/Floyd and I'm pretty pumped for the fight. My pick - Mayweather in a unanimous decision. While he's shown in recent fights a willingness to go toe-to-toe, Mayweather will probably return to form, pick his moments, and jab and move on Shane for a relatively easy victory. I don't see Floyd having enough power to stop Shane nor having the inclination to try.

    Shane is a notoriously slow starter, taking the first couple of rounds to get a feel for his opponent. His best chance is to land something big in the first or second round and sustain close contact with Floyd, which no one has figured out how to do yet. Floyd does have a history of hand injuries, breaking his power hand in at least two fights.

    Shane's best case scenario is that he is able to figure out Floyd enough to reach him in the mid rounds. In all the fights I've watched Floyd in, I can't ever recall him being hurt or in trouble. But his defense has devolved over the years from a solid Winky Wright-type arm guard to dropping his hands and relying on his head movement. I think Shane could potentially hurt him if he can reach him, but Floyd's speed is otherworldly and I think Shane will be suprised by it and be unable to overcome it.

  18. I'd have to agree with most of what Mayhugh said. I finished up 24/7 today as well.

    I don't think Mosley's good enough or his attacks diverse enough to get Mayweather in trouble tonight. Also, most of Mosley's losses have come against good/great defensive fighters (Wright, Forrest) and Mayweather's at least as good as them if not better with far more natural ability.

    And, I understand why everyone hates Mayweather, but I don't. He entertains me. I just find his honesty and general dickishness refreshing. Personalities and controversy are a lot of what makes boxing fun. I like Uncle Roger too. I feel like he'd be fun to drink with.

    It's tough for me to get too excited about a Mayweather fight until I see him pushed or in the ring with Pacquiao. He's been so superior to his opponents for so long now that I can get my expectations up again.

  19. So . . . anybody drinkin' mint juleps right about now?

  20. i'm waiting for the simple syrup to cool. poor planning on on part. the knob creek is waiting patiently.

  21. I see know reason for making the Knob Creek wait, Rob.

  22. Are Derby jockeys predominantly gay, or do they just seem that way?

  23. "tis summer, the people are gay." Tisn't summer, Kentuckians, but the people on the horses sure are gay.

  24. Gay cokeheads, Ig. Don't forget the cokeheads part.

  25. i think it's just the high-pitched voice of the wee folk throwing you off, igor. my baritone is unusual for our people.

  26. ah, the matsuzaka shitshow, how i've missed you.

  27. 1st undercard fight - knockdown in the first 20 seconds, guy gets up, gets walloped for about another 15 seconds before clocking his opponent (the favorite) and knocking him down. The favorite gets up, gets dropped again and fight is stopped at 1:47 in the first.

    HBO is replaying the whole round for my benefit.

  28. the cavs have no answer for rondo

  29. papi has two homers tonight...and the sox are going to lose. time to release him.

  30. Saul "El Canelo" Alvarez, 19 year old fighter who throws smoke, has the least masculine nickname in boxing today. Translates to "Cinnamon".

  31. In case anybody was wondering, I still hate Mo Williams.

  32. I'm glad somebody else is watching this Mayweather fight. He didn't have the O'Jays playing as he walked to the ring. He had the O'Jays in the ring singing as he walked to the ring. Amazing.

  33. How about that red leather/fur robe on Floyd?

    Seriously, if there's any justice in this world Shane somehow figures out how to get this done. I just don't see it.

  34. Oh, and Mark, glad you could join me.

  35. Floyd's lengthy introduction reminds me of the Apollo Creed introduction in Rocky IV - The Master of Disaster, the King of Sting, the Count of Monte Fisto...

  36. I forgot about "The Dancing Destroyer"

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Mosley actually touching Mayweather early. But he's typically spastic in the first round.

  39. Ugh. This is looking U G L Y early. The mix of styles could be a grab fest.

  40. HOLY CRAP. Mosley just buckled Mayweather.

  41. I'd lock Roger Mayweather mic'd up and in my ear as I conduct my daily routine. And in my other ear, a translater.

  42. Oh man, Mosley's took it to Mayweather in the 2nd. A couple of really solid shots to the head (one of which buckled Floyd) and a nasty body shot too.

  43. Shane needs at 2-3 more rounds like that minimum. Floyd has turned on his quicks in the third. Mosley seems to expend a lot of energy just standing there not throwing punches.

  44. You're right. Mayweather's speed was a major factor in round 3.

  45. Floyd's got his hands up, which is rare especially after the first round - he's decided to take Shane seriously after the first two rounds. Shane might push him enough to make this a little special.

    And Mayweather's counter jab is ridiculously quick and accurate.

  46. It seems Mosley should try less jabbing and more right hand leads. Mayweather is too fast to set up with the jab. By the second punch he's countered or he's out of there.

  47. Mayweather seems to have Mosley's approach figured and is killing his on counter punches. I'm not sure if he's hurting Mosley though. Could make things interesting when Shane has to make a move late.

  48. Nevermind, he's hurting him.

  49. I agree, Mosley is absorbing the punches and he's being knocked around more because he's off balance. He's got to force Floyd to the ropes at some point.

  50. I could use a little more passion out of the Mosley corner.

  51. It's a good thing the undercards were good. I'm starting to wonder what else is on TV.

  52. Mosley's exhausted. Mayweather's going to put him down.

  53. Mayhugh and I were offered our own boxing show on Japanese TV late last night.

  54. . . . and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it this morning. But the lack of closure that had me scrambling over to ESPN after I first read it. A cliff-hanger!

  55. Most useful site you'll see all day:
