Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sean Hannity's G:TB Debut

The Politainment Industrial Complex has offered us some boggling cultural juxtapositions (witness MC Rove, to name just one) and sublimely strange bedfellows (of the Bono/Jesse Helms kind, not the Clinton/Lewinsky version). We're hard pressed to top this one, though.


  1. thanks to wheelhouse geoff for the link

  2. I guess T-Pain doesn't like taxes?

  3. Why is it that all the female teachers who have been arrested in recent years for having sex with male students somewhat attractive? Where were those ladies when I was 15?

    It reminds me of this joke Galifianakis tells:

    "I was reading on CNN.com today. You know that kid who had sex with his high school teacher about a year ago? I read online today that that kid died, today. He died of high-fiving."

  4. that's funny.

    i need clip description-- i don't know what rob is talking about.

  5. Sean Hannity gets T-Pain to admit that T-Pain DVR's Hannity's show, and then gets T-Pain to exclaim "Conservative Victory in 2010."

    Auto-tune is the worst thing to happen to pop music since Master P, and T-Pain was at the vanguard of its rise. T-Pain also admits in this clip that he can't make up a rhyme on the spot. Worst MC of all time.

  6. He's not even an MC. He's a hook singer/hypeman. He's all crap though.

  7. Hey, let's back off T-Pain fellas. After Glenn Campbell, Lee Greenwood and John Tesh, he is our most famous conservative musician.

  8. Hey Sarah Palin, if you are going to attempt to make a (pathetically unfunny) joke about the President's foreign policy experience, step one towards successful roll out of said joke is pronouncing "nuclear" correctly. Now kindly go eat a hot bowl full of dicks you fucking repugnant, ignorant harpy.

  9. AWL. Geoff's funny. Palin, on the other hand, is not. These people that have taken to altering their McCain/palin stickers to just read "Palin" make me irrationally angry. Then I remember how ignorant they must be to be so fully in support of this redneck and I feel sorry enough for them that I decide not to spit on them...yet.

  10. That was a gross oversight. I met the motor city mad man at a GOP political event in 2004.

  11. traveling today and forgot my lint roller. of all days.

  12. I missed Palin's joke. Does it have anything to do with living close to Russia?

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMVwI8QgbXY&feature=related

  14. i like the idea of ted nugent, but i find his music pretty annoying.

    conservative musicians-- johnny cash? although he did wear black for all the men who died in vietnam.

    warren xevon? this is a tough one. i'm going to google it.

  15. gene simmons-- loves the biz.

    charlie daniels and james hetfield.

    i could live without all of them.

  16. I understand that Kid Rock is a republican. I think that cuts against the GOP.

  17. TWO escaped convicts have dodged a huge manhunt - by disguising themselves as SHEEP.
    The pair dressed in full sheepskin fleeces, complete with heads, to lie low among farm flocks.

    Robbers Maximiliano Pereyra, 25, and Ariel Diaz, 28, stole the sheep hides from a ranch after breaking out of an Argentinian maximum security prison a week ago.

  18. a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  19. Mary had two guys on the lam...

  20. Maybe T-Pain joined the GOP because he can't fathom Eric Massa's behavior?


  21. the first g:tb staff member to try the new kfc double down needs to blog about it. my money's on tr, but if igor gets within smelling range of one after a few pops, all bets are off.

  22. I refuse to try a double-down because I think I'll like it too much and will never eat real food again. Sort of like why I refuse to try heavy drugs.

  23. I was gonna make it an Arby's night...but a challenge is a challenge.

  24. in point of fact, the double down has 23% fewer calories than a burger king whopper. have two, teej. and we'll need some photographic evidence.

  25. I will be going "Ketchup Only" of course on these items - fuck that goofy mayo they're putting on it.

  26. i believe that's a disqualification.

  27. I believe if I am going to clog my arteries with this misadventure than I determine the rules, midget.

  28. No TJ, Rob's right. All contents must be consumed in order to qualify.

    FWIW, the Double Down is currently the wallpaper on my iphone.

  29. And Z, go ahead and try some heavy drugs. You have some will power and a pretty well formed brain, you'll be fine. Trust me.

  30. The Colonel's Sauce is just not something I want in my mouth. Anymore.
    /andy dick'd

  31. new music out or on the way from drive by truckers, she & him, mgmt, the hold steady, new pornographers, the national, band of horses, and blitzen trapper. to name a few. i see some music posts in our future.

  32. BRMC and GFK/Raekwon/Meth too.

  33. love the hold steady.

    what's the double down? i'm almost done with an epic greasetruck song about food-- maybe it needs to be included.

  34. that sounds pretty good. not as good as a mcrib or that thing at taco bell where the hard taco is inside the soft taco-- what's that called?

  35. Dave, perhaps we should work together on this...I'll sample the KFC Double Down sandwich and you write a stirring Greasetruck fast food song...to be unveiled at once.

    Can you perhaps create some "walking around the Fair" music for me as well?

  36. how about i sample the sandwich and you record the song-- just to completely surprise jerry.

    i will start working on a fast food song-- my new song is more about food items that sound dirty. whitney wrote some of the lyrics, too . . .

  37. Who's this chick "Whitney"?

  38. anyone watching the iverson doc on espn? the conspiracy theory section is awesome.

  39. I'm watching the doc--it's really good.

  40. OK, and this HS graduation footage is making me cry

  41. WhIgor could've had a field day with this Mets team.

  42. A snack food manufacturer yanked "Big Ben's Beef Jerky." I mean their beef jerky endorsement deal with Roethlisberger.
