Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Zen, Bitches

I've gotten into Eastern religious theory of late, in large part to try to make sense of the Tribe's loss to ODU and NIT destiny (seriously, have you seen Memphis' schedule?), the fiscal crisis in California, and Nomar Garciaparra's retirement. I find the chanting soothing, but a little incomprehensible.

Thankfully for me, and for many of my colleagues on the G:TB masthead, the world has MC Happiness.


  1. 48 year-old chris chelios just got called up from the minors by the atlanta thrashers. and you think whitney's old.

  2. fuck zen buddhism and that whole living in the moment bullshit. one of the reasons i became a teacher is because at the end of the line you get a nice pension for your public service, but new jersey has mismanaged its funds, the way TR described, and by borrowing from it ceaselessly, and now the new governor wants to slash education funding and make the teachers pay more into the fund that the state mismanaged while the teachers always paid in.

    the only reason to live in new jersey is the food and the schools-- if this continues i will become the g:tb overseas correspondent.


    angry in jersey

  3. and the nets. don't forget the nets.

  4. if you're bored, i highly recommend the comedy rhombus from the october 9, 2009 gtb post. 160 comments of pure crack comedy.

    no, i don't go back and read gtb comments at work to keep from actually getting things done. why do you ask?

  5. Forget about Memphis - it's Virginia Tech you need to be scorning. You guys won more ACC road games than they did.

  6. i scorned them yesterday in the comments section before marls and the z-man so rudely accosted you.

  7. but i'll be using that little nugget. over and over again.

  8. actually, the hokies have 3 acc road wins to our 2. but we're 5-0 against common opponents to their 3-1 (we beat delaware twice). and their win over wake came at cassell.

  9. and jersey shore with...The Situation

  10. I live in NJ and have a situation. It's called high cholesterol.

  11. Marls and I have a synergistic douchebaggery situation.

  12. aah yes...SDS....a frightful affliction

  13. Rob -- How about a post where you compare W&M's tournament resume against all the other at-large teams you think they're more deserving than? Could work out to be some good pub for G:TB and the Tribe.

  14. that sounds like work, mark. i was happier when i thought they didn't really deserve an at-large bid.

  15. but i'll effort something.
