Friday, March 12, 2010

New Artist of the Indefinite and Undefined Period

It's a rainy, dismal morning here in the National Capital region and the weekend forecast calls for periods of gray gloom followed by downpours and drenching melancholy. All of which sounds like the perfect excuse to sit on the couch and watch hour after hour of college basketball. Thanks, National Weather Service!

Until then, dig on Mumford and Sons, an indie band from London who've been described as the British Avett Brothers. In G:TBLand, that's high praise, indeed. This song's been stuck in my head for the past two weeks. (There's a NSFW word in the chorus, so turn the sound down if you'd prefer not to be admonished by HR.)


  1. Fuck HR...and crank it up fuckers!

  2. Is that an e-bow at the beginning? Somewhere, Jimmy Page has a semi.

  3. Banjoes win me over everytime.

  4. For those of you who are so inclined, Landon Donovan, Tim Howard and Everton will be on FSC tomorrow morning at 10 AM, squaring off against Birmingham in a battle for 7th/8th place. Should be a good one.

  5. speaking of soccer, today brings news that mls players are thinking about striking. i've heard dumber ideas, but they're usually the product of a fuckton of weed. that'd be an excellent way to kill yet another american soccer league.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Rob, you read that Danny Allsopp is a striker. That's a position in soccer. That doesn't mean he's picketing. Come on, dummy, get it together.

  8. since i'm fairly certain you had to look up danny allsopp, let's talk about something more important. what's your first offer for the mets' win total for 2010? we need to establish the case bet margin.

  9. and that's a curious deletion by tr. i think the man may have gotten to him.

  10. 69 wins, Jerry Manuel is fired, Ollie Perez is murdered in Queens, David Wright once again hits like David Eckstein, and Jose Reyes's Mets records all get the asterisk because the story of his roid-a-rama comes out in full.

    Looking like a banner fucking year, eh, Marls?

  11. And you were exactly right on me looking up Danny Allsopp. I remembered reading a news tidbit on the DC United signing some striker and could not have come up with the name if you'd spotted me most of the letters.

  12. rob - how's your sharter doing today? was the subject brought up or entirely ignored?
    as an irish trad & bluegrass fan, i like the post/band - i'll give 'em 4 pairs of sharted underwear out of a possible 5.

  13. There is a draw created for the Champions League quarters, which then holds through the finals. I wanted to know who Man U will play next, but I'll have to wait until next week. I figured nobody cared. I forgot that Rob hangs on my every syllable. It feels good to know that. Chicken soup for my soul.

  14. Seth Davis thinks the Tribe has a chance to make the tourney.

  15. Rob, speaking of the Avetts, it looks like the closest they will get to VA on the upcoming US festivals tour is some hillbilly hoedown in Cumberland, MD. Disappointed, at least for now.

    For those in the tri-state area, I don't know where Elmer, NJ or Hunter, NY are, but the Avett Brothers will be making stops in both places in June.

  16. Hank Baskett has rejoined the Eagles after playing most of 2009 with the Colts, catching five passes in 12 games.

    "I'm glad we had a chance to get Hank back in Philadelphia," Eagles coach Andy Reid said in a statement. "Not only has he proven himself to be a productive receiver, but he also does a solid job on special teams."

    ". . . that hideous, utterly game-changing, hands-like-feet onside kick gaffe in the Super Bowl notwithstanding."

  17. Whit, I would take the over on the 69 win bet, but not much higher.

    This is an interesting team this year and I am not quite sure what to expect. I think Pelfrey is going to have a big year and this lineup should score runs if they can stay healthy. It really comes down to Ollie. If he can be a 13 to 15 game winner (HUGE IF), I think this team can contend for the WC. If Ollie is 2010 Ollie, then we are in for a long season.

  18. Philly troglodytes will be happy to have Kendra and her funbags back.

  19. the boys in vegas have the mets at 82.5 and the sox at 94.5. i can't quibble very much with the sox number, though i might have said 93. i can't see giving you 25.5 games, so pick a reasonable number between 69 and 82.5 and we'll have the customary handshake ceremony.

  20. whoa, fighting beileins making it interrresting in indy.

  21. TJ and I have high hopes for Mr. Pelfrey as well, Marls. And Jerry for that matter.

    Mildly funny anecdote from lunch break today... I was at Best Buy perusing TV's and ended up purchasing Turbo Tax 2009 (yes, I know I can download it from the web, assholes; but it was right on the shelf next to the TV's). As I'm checking out, the "sales associate" ringing me up hands me my receipt and says, "Thanks dude. Stick it to the man." I laughed audibly and thought about high-fiving him, but I'm pretty sure he was too stoned to make contact. So, I settled for a "right on" instead....

    As you were.

  22. evan turner's not bad, huh?

  23. the video and the vocal stylings are so avett bros. it's a rip off.

    if you are confident in your manhood, listen to the new beach house album, teen dream. it's dreamy synth pop, but it's awesome-- i can't stop listening to it, even though it makes me feel light in the loafers.

  24. Evan effing Turner. Already making money in March.

  25. Best part of Turner's game winnner (well, two parts actually): That he held his follow through the whole way (like he knew it had a real shot to go in) and then his 'What, you DIDN'T think I was going to make it?' reaction afterwards. I continue to love him.

  26. i liked thad matta's reaction. you don't get that much emotion from coaches very much these days.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I've been a big fan of Turner since I saw him outgun Robbie Hummel in January. Hummel went for 35, including 8 of 13 from behind the arc, but Turner's 32 pts and 9 rebounds led the way to a big second-half rally and a sweet win. These two combined for 67 of the 136 pts in the game. Hummel was unconscious from behind the line, but Turner was lighting it up in every way.

    I'm a big believer in the "Turner over Wall" argument that has become a massive shift in group think over the last month. And I don't mean Tina over Paul.

  29. I love when TR recaps a highly publicized game like the rest of us just got out of a prison camp and haven't seen any CBB games from this year. Not as much as when TJ tells us that he "told us about" (insert random relatively known athlete here).

    As for Turner, I like him a lot but he still has a few holes in his game that people don't like to talk about. Good, not great athlete. Very, very average jumper (which is where the Brandon Roy comparisons are most off base) and he broke hsi fucking back this year. Sure, he came back from that broken back and scored 32 in the the game TR mentioned but it's still a broken back and gives me some concerns about his long term health.

    Wall concerns me too...His jumper is a set shot and I feel like he's going to be a handful attitude wise but, right now, the NBA is a point guards game. Good to great ones can change the fortune of a team. If you need a PG, I think you have to take Wall. If not, I have nor problem with taking either Wall or Turner. Just please, for the love of God, don't take DeMarcus Cousins.

  30. I should proofread my comments every now and then.

  31. This Miami/Va Tech game is also quite good.

    And Mark, I'm trying to work on my commenting flaws. Jerk.

  32. Malcolm Delaney...way to not show up pal.

  33. Sooooo...the Miami Hurricanes, eh?

  34. badgers making a game of it...

  35. and michael jordan looks....bloated.

  36. I've never heard of Evan Turner, but that's probably because I'm pretty much trapped in a prison.

  37. Larry Johnson is a Redskin. I find that to be a curious decision.

  38. Is he older than Clinton Portis?

  39. if by 'older', you mean 'less stable', then yes.

  40. It's true he's unstable, and he got it from those wild Rebel days under Tark the Shark. I love me some Grandmama, though, and I think he adds a solid inside presence for a weak Redskins frontcourt.

  41. He also provides humor and insightful analysis with Craig Mustard.

  42. Gary Williams' boys determined not to let the Tribe in the tourney. That drubbing is still stinging.

  43. terps are killing team a's rpi

  44. I'm at the beer store, looking at something called Samuel Adams Noble Pils, "brewed with all 5 noble hops." can anyone tell me what the frig this means?

  45. it's common knowledge that digger is hammered on set by this time of night, right?

  46. fairly sure it's a monty python skit, whit

  47. It's a terrible beer. I had it at the Dub last wk. Awful.

  48. Really crappy weather day here in NYC. Made some coffee and settled in read a little G:TB only to realize that there is no new post. What the F? Media empire my ass. What do I pay my subscription for?

  49. saturdays have never been our strong suit, marls. i blame teejay.

  50. mgl makes the case for the tribe over va tech at caa:lamm this morning. and then says the powers that be won't let it happen.

  51. Is CBS going to have a camera at the university center to show the tribesters looking dejected when we don't get in?
