Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I think TR meant to post this...


  1. No joke required...

  2. For those of you not paying attention to Wizards basketball (all of you), just wanted to note that the Wiz lost again last night, making it 16 losses in a row. The Wiz have 9 games left. I don't know about you, but I'm rooting hard for a 25 game losing streak to end the year.

  3. Now I feel as old as Whit and rob...

    20 years ago today the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie came out. I saw that movie opening night in the theaters. I was so cool.

  4. Denard Span hit his mother.

  5. Taco in a Helmet, anyone?

  6. I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I was never an A-Team fan. Or a Dukes of Hazzard fan, for that matter. For me it was all about sports, cartoons, rated R movies late at night and trying to figure out how to take Ginger's dress off through my TV.

    Yeah, that's right. I was a Ginger fan over Mary Ann when I was 10. Suck it.

  7. TR was probably a Riptide guy though.

  8. We used to serve Taco in a helmet at the minor league park I worked at. That thing did terrible, terrible things to my insides. And then I did terrible, terrible things to the clubhouse bathroom.

    And I saw the TMNT Movie the afternoon it came out while on Spring Break. Suck it, Teej.

  9. i think all prepubescent males are ginger fans. it's only after we all realize how completely unequipped we are to handle high-maintenance smokeshows that most men see the appeal of mary ann. secretly naughty mary ann.

  10. Not me. I'm not ancient so I never watched that show as a child. It was on as rerun every now and then, but I can't recall it being a staple of my youth. Neither were 8 tracks, bell bottoms or hula hoops.

  11. Pour some out for Wire writer David Mills.

  12. Or co-writer of The Wire, whatever.

  13. "For me it was all about sports, cartoons, rated R movies late at night and trying to figure out how to take Ginger's dress off through my TV."

    Why the use of the past tense?

  14. The US Women's Soccer team is playing Mexico in the middle of a snowdrift. Or maybe it's a snow storm.

  15. Aaron Gray is killing the Wiz right now.

    Aaron. Gray.

  16. i'm watching the soccer game, too. really odd conditions.

  17. Abby Wambach, beast. Abby Wambach, Gator.
