Thursday, February 25, 2010

That's all it takes really, pressure, and time

It's apparently Block Quotes Day here at G:TB, and I sure as hell didn't want to miss out. Enjoy:
Netherlands: Woman tunnels out of jail - using spoon

A female prisoner at a jail in the Netherlands has escaped after using a spoon to tunnel her way out.

Tunnelling under the prison walls has long been a favourite method of breaking out of jail, but now one female convict in the Netherlands has managed to gain her freedom by digging herself out with a spoon.

The 35-year-old prisoner displayed her resourcefulness with cutlery to escape from a prison in the Dutch city of Breda, in the south of the country.

"She used a spoon to make the tunnel to escape on Sunday morning," Wim de Bruin, a spokesman for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service, said yesterday.
I heard all they found of her was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old spoon, damn near worn down to the nub.


  1. I bet Paul Ryan isn't a fun guy to drink beers with.

  2. zoltan's sacrificing himself for the benefit of all mankind by watching this show.

  3. mgl with all the skinny on the caa tiebreakers at caa:lamm today. in a nutshell, tribe needs to win, mason and/or vcu need to lose.

  4. It's more fun than the Olympics.

  5. and it's funny too. our govt is funny.

  6. Now these guys are practicing medicine. I think Coburn is a legitimate MD though.

  7. Obama's gonna give this guy a backhanded slap in the mouth.

  8. Where's Geoff? I want his unbiased commentary on the health care proceedings.

  9. I've had dinner with Paul Ryan a couple times and he's a good guy. Not particularly fun, but a good guy. And he's going to run for President some day. He's the smartest guy in the room on the R side, just as Rob Andrews is the smartest Dem. Two guys no one outside DC's ever heard of who are really the only two guys anyone should be listening to.

    More unbiased analysis: The bottom line is no one is going to have their opinion changed by this, which is a win for Republicans.

  10. Most powerful and influential entity in the world: The Congressional Budget Office.

  11. WTF?

    Moving vans accompanied authorities to the home of Las Vegas entertainer Wayne Newton this morning.

    Is he sneaking off to Indianapolis?

  12. Sounds like a bank seizure to me...Can Wayne really be out of money?

  13. Dick Durbin's making a closing argument here. Pretty effective.

  14. "OH MY GOD... it's Wayne Newton! Can I be your bodyguard? I'd die for ya."

  15. Dick Durbin is breathtakingly dumb.

  16. Sure, but he spins a yard really well.

  17. So the President walks out of this in 45 minutes and says "Well, I think it was a good debate...a healthy debate...and we did identify some areas of consensus. But overall I was disappointed that we kept regressing to the same, old, tired political talking points. Since it seems clear that we cannot come to a compromise or at least both parties are not willing to compromise, then we will proceed with the bills that the House and Senate have been working on..."

    And then we'll do the whole reconciliation bruhaha next week or the week after.

  18. Fascinating array of combovers at the summit.

  19. OK, I laughed - read the top item:

  20. Check out Henry Waxman's nose if you get a chance. His nostrils remind me of those pig men who guarded Jabba's lair. He's also about 4'8".

  21. After he was spotted drawing "doodles" on his Blair House pad this a.m., Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) made a point to note that aside from "a few squares drawn at the top," the markings were actually "scribbled notes" (pool reports).

  22. Well then...

  23. Its about time. Thanks for that TJ.

  24. The internet scares me. Not as much as Bea Arthur's dick, but still.

  25. a seaquarium trainer on the news describing Lolita, the killer whale that killed his co-worker yesterday - "whales are individuals like you and i, they have bad days."
    oh, well shit.
    the trainer (the one that is still able to breathe) followed with, "plus, that bitch shouldn't have been with Lolita...Lolita's my girl and nobody gets in between me and my girl."

  26. hanging out with my man trombone shorty. review tomorrow.

  27. Hasheem Thabeet was just sent down to the D-Leauge. This would've happened in December if he wasn't a top 5 pick. Imagine how good the Grizz could be if they'd gotten something out of their lottery pick.

  28. This Canadian figure skating woman inspires impure thoughts.
