Friday, February 19, 2010

Lil John he always tells the truth

Vampire Weekend's second album "Contra," and its noteworthy cover art, came out a month or two ago. It's good but basically more of the same stuff they did on their first album - emo-ish songs with good shit happening on the upbeat, and they have a track or two that shows they listened to Super Cat a couple times, which was not apparent on the first album.

Accordingly, I was totally unprepared for this video featuring some of the worst form ever displayed on a tennis court, the RZA as a tennis umpire, and Lil John as a tennis coach. I know they name-checked Lil John on the last album, and it looks like Lil John knows it too. And he liked it so much ... that he got the RZA involved?

Vampire Weekend - Giving Up The Gun from Rizoh on Vimeo.


  1. Drew,
    Can you please define "crunk" an use it in a sentence. Geoff and I would appreciate the help.

  2. That video was crunk.

    Crunk: adj. - very f'in phat.

    Woke up this morning to the "Pick Your Pal" Mikey Mouse marathon on the Disney Channel. Had a flashback to pledging and channel 69. Gormley, pick a pal.

  3. interesting video. jake gyllenhaal is quite a tennis player.

  4. Hey, I'm hip! I went to a Tribe Called Quest concert! I own a flip camera! I have 6 african american facebook friends!

  5. siena/butler slightly more entertaining than tribe/iona

  6. Krunk is the same thing as hyphy only east coast. If that doesn't clear things up, it's the opposite of anything involving Nantucket.

    The only person in this video who nominally knows their way around the business end of a racquet is Lil John. His backhand lesson was legit.

  7. I love Vampire Weekend at Bernies. Team Larry.

  8. Zoltan, you threw everyone with your hyphy mention. Well, except for me.

    First, crunk is more south than east, but your point is well taken. Also, while krunk or crunk has definitely been more of a mainstream hit, the hyphy movement is probably more ridiculous, and thus more awesome.

  9. And that's largely because the Bay Area is fucking loaded with freaks of the highest order.

  10. Shlara, the RZA, and Lil John -- three peas in a VW pod. Who knew?

  11. C'mon Mark, Marley Marls and Geoff are all over the hyphy movement.

  12. And did anyone see women's skeleton last night? 90 MPH head-first on a cafeteria tray. Those ladies have cajones.

  13. northeastern loses at home to la tech. this bracketbusters thing isn't so kind to the caa thus far.

  14. vampire weekend is NOT "emo." i know this because i've been polling my students as to exactly what "emo" music is (and because i call every band they listen to "emo," or "screamo," which gets a laugh.) i think "my chemical romance" is emo.

    i know it's gay, but i like vampire weekend.

  15. This just in: I like Curling. America's second win in a row, with this one coming in dramatic fashion, has me on board.

    Shit, I'm so fired up that I might even go to one of the local retirement communities and take on some geriatrics in shuffleboard.

  16. Rob, don't know if you watched La. Tech-Northeastern, but Northeastern blew a 10 second half lead and the lost on a banked 3 in the last 15 seconds.

  17. i actually missed the comeback - had to get my car from the shop. saw northeastern take the lead, came back in time to see the last 10 seconds.

  18. I guess my musical taxonomy may be wrong, but this seems pretty emo to me:

    Oh Bryn! You see in the dark
    Right past the fireflies that sleep in my heart
    You know, it's easy to see
    Wait for the season to come back to me

    They're pretty hard to dislike. Reggae riffs, good lyrics, catchy hooks. Kinda like The Police only the frontman isn't pretentious yet.

  19. Garden state, bitch. I have arrived. I need to get in touch with Marley Marls and Zoltron. You fellas want to come party is up for St Paddy's Day? Although from what it ounds like, Zoltron has 5 hours of free time each weekend.

  20. I love Vampire Weekend as well. I would counter Z-Man's assertion that they are emo and counter that they have more of a poppy neo-world sound (a genre I just invented). I like that they acknowledged Peter Gabriel in their first album. I think emo is much more pretentious.

    But I think this album is a step back. It sounds like the first album, but more like tracks that weren't as good as the tunes on the first album. There are a few winners, but a lot of tracks are aimless. But I like that they mock the preppy pop culture existence around them, while confessing that they are a part of it.

  21. Proofreading. Not overrated, apparently.

  22. Nobody spiked Dave's set of "I've been polling my students"?

    We're getting soft.

  23. i'm still trying to decide how i feel about vampire weekend bring compared with the police.

  24. i hope someone else just saw the finish of the 30km pursuit.

  25. Am I wrong though? Go listen to "Campus" or "Walcott" again. Kinda like The Police. Right? Dancing about architecture I guess.

  26. I also enjoy curling. And the women on the Russian curling team are absurdly hot. Particularly the 2 shooters.

  27. DeMarcus Cousins is 5 minutes away from a complete and utter meltdown. This kid is truly unstable.

  28. suggestion for a post - the origin of curling. how the f was this game started? why? who? when? i want to know it all, and rather than look it up as i could quite easily, i will continue to rely on you. thank you.

  29. Kentucky play s ridiculous amount of entertaining games...

  30. oregon had zero assists against cal today. they've just given up on ernie kent.

  31. The CAA pretty much became a one-team-in-the-dance conference this weekend.

  32. barring some late comebacks, the caa is looking at a 3-9 bracketbusters weekend. jamarcusian.

  33. laphonso ellis is doing a nice job on this mason/charleston telecast

  34. mary carillo is 'participating' in mountie boot camp right now on nbc. i wish i were kidding. i also wish there were sports on my television.

  35. Apollo Anton-Ohno just made one hell of a move. Good God, it's tough not to appreciate the mental and athletic acuity it takes to do what he just did.

  36. Bonnie Blair has stolen Jerry Seinfeld's puffy shirt...

  37. Just home from first dinner w/o kids in 6+ months. 2 scotches, 3 glasses wine, 1 glass port, 1 glass single malt. Dinner somewhere in between, with wife manning the car heading home.

    Swim lessons at 8:30 AM tomorrow seem daunting.

  38. Ohno's dad following through on the adage that people who button the top button on their dress shirts look like they are mentally retarded.

  39. that's a medal-worthy performance by tr

  40. Did you guy's see the feature on Friday night -- after Ohno lost a race when he was 15, his dad left him alone in a cabin in the wilderness to "decide" what he wanted to do with his life....for a week. I guess it worked.
