Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lazlo Hollyfeld is Not Pleased

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency just spent a ton of taxpayer dollars to prove something that we at G:TB knew was possible decades ago.

On the bright side, Chris Knight will finally get to wear a cap and gown.


  1. apparently the video we are attempting to watch is unavailable.

  2. Lazlo has moved on to bigger things, like changing his name to Rico, living out of a van and wondering what would've happened if he could've been the starting QB for his high school team.

  3. teejay says the video is available in google chrome. so everybody change browsers.

  4. I bet I could throw a football over that mountain.

  5. I hope everybody is ready for some red hot footie action this afternon. Man U squares off against Beckham's AC Milan squad, while Lyon squares off against Real Madrid. Both matches start at 3 PM EST. I know Fox Soccer Channel is showing them in some form. I will be tuning out at that time as I watch them on DVR.

    It will be interesting to see if Beckham starts, or if he even plays at all.

  6. also, usa hockey plays switzerland at 3 est. a veritable smorgasbord of international sport. and, of course, tribe @ mason this evening. the lovely teej and dennis will be in the house, as will shlara, kq, and i.

  7. i am lost in the allusions. is rico the uncle in napoleon dynamite with the time machine?

    what was on the video?

    was lazlo val kilmer in real genius? or was he the skinny guy who won the lottery?

    sometimes it gets pretty obtuse around here.

  8. Lazlo is Rico: Rico is Lazlo

    Lazlo won the Frito Lay sweepstakes.

  9. Its "the lovely Teej" now? Noted.

  10. And are the references contained herein obtuse or obscure?

    Was that malice or mere depraved indifference?

  11. anyone else concerned that we haven't heard from whitney for 4 days?

  12. at least one of you will be happy about this: small wonder season one is now out on dvd.

  13. Tribe/Mason tonight is gonna be huge...

  14. Small Wonder was popular around the time Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time" video was a big hit. In the video, she wore a ridiculous bikini/mesh/thong thing and a leather jacket. It was pretty ridiculous. My high school friends and I called it "the outfit." We used to come up with new people that should wear it. Every time we came up with a new really good person, we would try to top it.

    Somehow, we landed on Jamie, the son from Small Wonder. Once we came up with him, we retired the game.

  15. dear nbc.com,

    how the fuck am i supposed to know what my verizon fios password is? and why the fuck do it need it to watch streaming online video of olympic hockey? you really are trying to fuck these olympics up worse than a football bat, aren't you?

  16. I'm pleased to see the table has been set for a season of TJ's "Hey Wang, don't tell 'em you're Jewish" jokes.

  17. geoff, what is a martin kaymer, and how is it the 4th seed at the accenture match play?

  18. Dear NBC,

    I have a TV in my office (which is supposed to be for watching CSPAN, but is used for that purpose approx 8% of the time), so I don't share Rob's frustration with your website. However, I foolishly thought that tuning my television apparatus to your station would allow me to watch said hockey game. I have instead been relegated to watching the biathlon (which yes Mark, I was initially excited about until I realized the "poles" involved were for skiing and not smoking) which does not interest me. Why do you vex me so, peacock network?

  19. He's a skilled German who plays on the Euro Tour. He was the "ir Henry Cotton Euro Tour Rookie of the Year" in 2007. Duh...

  20. Make that "Sir" Henry Cotton. He's quite certain he's earned it.

    I first heard of Kaymer when he was rumored to be a captain's pick for the last Ryder. He's never been in my kitchen.

  21. And the game is airing on USA...which is not available on my work cable provider. And I also don't know my Verizon Fios password. Go suck a bag of dicks NBC.

  22. i know it's *cool* to say nbc's coverage of these games has been bad, but it's also really fucking true on a number of levels.

  23. happy lithuania day everyone.

  24. your fios password is on your wireless router. that thing that's giving us brain cancer.

    we just got fios today. gheorghe is so fast now!

  25. Indeed it is. Sadly my wireless router is at home...and going home to get said password and returning to work to watch hockey seems...inefficient...

  26. yes, but what's my fios userid, smartguy? and how am i going to view the password on my router from my goddamn office? answer me that, sentence boy.

  27. We need to live in a world where each person's user ID and password for every website is the same. And I think we are rapidly approaching such a world. For instance, I know that half the guys who post here use 6971 as their ATM code.

  28. US 3, Switzerland 0 after 2 periods.

  29. i got your neutrality right here, switzerland.

  30. You could try calling your cable provider, giving them your name, address, etc. and then ask them for your password. Or continue to grouse here.

  31. Lots of anger toward NBC and Fios. Seems like some of it has spilled over toward the Swiss. Good, they deserve it what with their big mountains, fancy watches and soldiers who ride bicycles.

    And Geoff, I'm hurt you think I'm only looking for ways to insult you by turning your comments around and making you seem like something you clearly aren't. For shame.

    And a Happy Lithuania day indeed. The best man in my wedding (which is over a year away) will be Lithuanian so, basically, that makes me the most Lithuanian motherfucker on this blog.

  32. It's really not that simple Z. I tried that recently for my WEP Key. I was on the phone for a half hour.

  33. i choose 'b' zoltan. eat a dick.

  34. that wasn't very nice of me. see what nbc has driven me to?

  35. tribe/mason is on masn for you dc peeps that are too lazy to come to fairfax.

  36. It's all Mary Carillo's fault.

  37. Just to spite Zoltan, I just called Fios. They will let me reset my password and userID, but they won't give my current info to me over the phone nor will they email it to me, and if they reset my password they need to give me a new router. So go choke on Dick Ebersol's dick for a while Drew.

  38. roberto: I have a giant bag of dicks next to me in the form of subject-specific law outlines, and I'm chowing down on them like a fat kid with a 7-layer cake.

  39. that's a whole truckload of funny right there

  40. That's what you get for going with some fancy Greek ISP I guess.

  41. Maybe. It's a modified 50 Cent lyric. Tis a sad day when I start biting off Fiddy.

  42. I do love the anger about not being able to watch TV at work.

  43. tribe/mason starting well. standing outside will call waiting for shlara and kq while the anthem plays.

  44. What is the enviroment like inside the Patriot Dome?

  45. Weren't you late for the Maryland game too? Good karma.

  46. karma is huge. the teej, dennis, and jerry made it in for the tip. hope they don't fuck it up.

  47. w&m ad terry driscoll just stood in the will call line to get his tix. solid character move. more karma.

  48. Watching on TV even though I live like a mile away. Tribe has been swatted on 3 of 6 possessions I've watched.

  49. UNC Wilmington up by 13 on Northeastern right now.

  50. 69 seconds to go in the half...bad times for Les Tribe

  51. Decent start to the half. 5 straight points, followed by Mason timeout.

  52. Seven minutes to play...we all tied...

  53. I just yelled "academic success" at the mason troglodytes

  54. Rob, you better be representin'

  55. Dennis about to accost a ref


  57. WOW...no, really. Wow. Huge win for the the Tribe. I didn't realy give them much shot going into Mason's home arena.

  58. I just walked in on a press conference so I could be wrong...but it appears George Karl has cancer...again.

  59. tribe, bitches. my phone died with about 4 minutes left. but that was something else.

  60. All I saw was the second half, but it was worth the two hours of traffic to watch the win.

    And, now that I have an iPhone, there needs to be a GTB app.
