Thursday, January 07, 2010

A legit reason to use this Super Troopers clip

I always enjoy a good story of "hamburger rage". Today's star is some crazy woman in Kansas City:
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Surveillance video from a Midtown McDonald's restaurant on Main Street shows a woman experiencing hamburger rage.

The incident happened on Dec. 27 and the video clearly shows a woman demanding a refund for what she claimed was an inferior hamburger. After being denied the refund, the video show her throwing a bucket of water over the counter along with other items, including a basket of straws, cookies, a sign and even three of the cash registers.

The incident played out in front of several unsuspecting customers, including children. The woman was gone before police arrived. They are asking anyone who can identify the woman to call the TIPS hot line.
But really, we needed some filler this morning, and it lets me drop the always entertaining "liter of cola" clip from Super Troopers here...


  1. at the risk of betraying my increasing disconnection with popular culture not involving sports, what the fuck is a lady gaga?

  2. She's a trampy pop star. Madonna version 4.0.

  3. I find her "best" work to be in the background of this Wale song:

  4. Robert, just be thankful your daughters don't know who she is. Mine seem to enjoy her work. Not good.

  5. stat of the day courtesy of mgl: the tribe had 5 turnovers in 45 minutes last night. and they only turned it over 8 times in the loss to uncw.

  6. There is a rumor on the internets that Lady Gaga is in fact not a lady at all.

  7. Which of the following is NOT true about 1984 subway vigilante Bernie Goetz:

    (a) he ran for mayor of New York City in 2001

    (b) he was photographed nude for charity with a strategically placed .38 revolver

    (c) he is an advocate for vegetarianism and the serving of vegetarian lunches in the New York City public school system

    (d) he is involved in the squirrel community of New York; he installs squirrel houses, feeds squirrels and performs first aid

  8. He would also be pleased with beating teams just barely; so as not to offend anyone.

  9. Gibbs that is...Bernie Goetz would probably enjoy a good drubbing.

  10. Maybe Lady GaGa is Paul from the Wonder Years.

  11. She's Vinny Delpino...or possibly the son from Who's the Boss?

  12. But definitely not Brian Bonsall.

  13. That's the second time this week someone brought up Bernie Goetz. Not including Y'all So Stupid, who claimed to be "Bustin' more shots that Bernie Goetz, yes."

  14. See that Bernard Goetz what he deserves...
