Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesdays with Tenuta

What is a Tenuta?

It's a sultry voice.

It's a sexy accordion.

It's a monstrous, saggy pair of breasts.

And it's brilliance personified. With cartoon spaceships and planets.


  1. I've always been told comedy is timing...and an accordion.

  2. A "Tenuta" is also a blitz heavy defensive coordinator who has an amusing speech impediment. But Dan and TJ know this already?

  3. Excuse my punctuation. I may already be drunk...

  4. Or high...in 2 min...

    Amazing Jonathan called...he wants his act back Miss Tenuta.

  5. Sadly, that must wait. I have some balls that need golfing...

  6. The seas were angry that day my friend...

  7. Like and old man trying to send back soup in a deli...

  8. ...and you want to be my latex salesman...

  9. You kept making the stops?

    They kept ringing the bell.

  10. By the way, if any of you Seinfeld fans out there don't watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, you're an idiot. More importantly, I'd strongly encourage you to at least watch the recently completed season. You'll definitely miss out on some inside jokes from season's past but you'll really enjoy some of the Seinfeld stuff from about half the episodes.

    I'm very biased and love Curb but, even if you don't you'll enjoy the Seinfeld plot.

  11. Pour some out for Abe Pollin...

  12. In an effort to boost our post count, I am throwing up (pun intended) a new one...

  13. Danny Duberstein is good at two things. Just like me.

  14. You have replenish your mitzvah...

  15. Boys, its a sad day for the Bullets faithful. Mr. Pollin died. He was a class act and he totally tranformed a run down part of the city by building the arena. He will be missed.

  16. Shlara and I will share the 40 after the pour out...

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