Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Like Flynn

For those of you Tri-State area residents who enjoy drinking in bars, who like gadgets and iPhone apps, and who aren't too proud to go somewhere just for a free drink, this is exceptionally cool.

For those of you who knew our late, great, hard-partying, beer-swilling, bar-dwelling, "technology is best used to enhance drinking"-espousing, fine friend Flynn . . . well, this is almost eerie. When I'm gone, look for similar signs that I'm somewhere beyond the grave still doing what I do and messing with you guys all the way.

Here's the website as well.


  1. The part where they say "it's like having a VIP friend who personally knows every manager and bartender in town" is especially striking. I've never, ever known anybody who fit that description more than Flynn.

  2. I'm not sure what the Whitney app will be after I go. It'll probably correct your punctuation for you, give you some random music fact, and have a beer with you whenever you want.

  3. Hopefully my app will direct you to all the nearest fast food establishments and end each set of directions with an overused pop culture reference.

    "There is an Arby's 1.2 miles due west....I DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE"

  4. and in between all of that whit, it will bitch about redskin football

  5. someone told me there was a rhombus in progress here. figured i'd better check it out.

    my app won't take up much room on your device, but might be prone to occasional outbursts. it'll watch sports with you anytime you want, though, and tell you how to vote.

  6. over on "sentence of dave" i've just left my best comment ever in response to whitney's worst comment ever.

  7. Also, Teej is clairvoyant, i was just about to put up a post profaning the military, but luckily, whitney interceded with some filler so i don't have to go and do that.

    you never hear much mention of the war of 1812 on veteran's day . . .

  8. Also, Teej is clairvoyant, i was just about to put up a post profaning the military, but luckily, whitney interceded with some filler so i don't have to go and do that.

    you never hear much mention of the war of 1812 on veteran's day . . .

  9. over at caa:lamm, mgl tells us that at least half of the league is looking to play up-tempo this season. that bodes ill for the tribe.

  10. Dave, thanks for the double vote of confidence on my clairvoyant-ness.

  11. I believe the proper word is clairvoyance. If you had it, you would know my correction was coming, so you wouldn't have made the mistake in the first place.

  12. I like my made up word better. And shouldn't you be working on your epic "TR vs. ROTC" post?

  13. dukes openin up tomorrow against the buckeyes...i believe buck marston and son will be in attendance, rooting for the caa of course.

  14. Maybe TJ's clairvoyance has been dulled by various substances over the years, so that he did know your correction was coming, but by then it was too late.

    It's the worst of both worlds now, where he sees the retribution for his actions coming and gets extended dread, but he can't see it in time to prevent said actions.

    Poor, poor clairvoyant TJ, or as we call him, Clair-a-T.

  15. Rob's app gives you the Tribe score while deleting your Randy Newman mp3's and adding "James, LB" to your contact list.

  16. The force is weak with this one.

  17. speaking of the tribe, the south's oldest college football rivalry has been renamed the 'capital cup'.

  18. that's real neat. that'll fill the seats if anything will.

  19. Much classier than the I-64 Trophy.

  20. Dan, don't worry -- JMU is still full of tradition, too. It doesn't mean that much that the W&M / UofR rivalry began a decade before your alma mater opened its doors. As a woman's college.

    According to the propaganda JMU started accepting men in 1946, but I've seen little evidence to support that.


  21. I've decided my posthumous app will tell you where the highest quality "produce" can be procured within a 15 mile radius, who the coolest bartenders are and where they work. Then, it will talk down to you about sports and end it all by telling you to fuck off in one manner or another.

  22. ...and it will feature a lengthy list of the Most Hated SEC Football Players, sortable by douchey attribute. (Worst Throwing Arm, Biggest Choke Artist, Biggest A-Hole, Worst Hair, etc).

  23. Good addition Whit. i think I might be able to make that into an app all to itself.

  24. Mo Williams can fuck himself in the ass with a claw hammer. Fuck that guy. Seriously, FUCK him.

  25. Mark's a bit bitter. Shaq's corpse and the Cavs are pasting his Magic, and the Knicks continue to look like they want to make a run at Memphis and NJ as the worst teams in the league.

  26. Why is it I go always get Mr Chatty Cabbie at 445am? Perhaps me henpecking away right now on this blackberry will be a hint to him I don't want to fucking talk...

  27. ...nope, we've gone from a Ft Hood discussion to Thomas Jefferson to way too much big govt to the birther topic (take a guess what side he's on)...all set to the dulcet tones of Fox News Radio.

  28. God bless the Virgin America ticket counter woman. When I checked in yesterday I was trapped in a middle seat for a cross country flight, and needless to say I was less than enthused about that. But ticket counter lady just got me an aisle, and I plan to celebrate with a bacon cheeseburger from Five Guys.

  29. I like your optimism, Teejay, that she adjusted your spot for your benefit and not for the benefit of the poor saps in 16A and 16C.
