Monday, November 16, 2009

I continue to detest the Titans

Bud Adams clearly read G:TB's Bills/Titans preview. Here's his response.

Note that Frank Wycheck, he who threw the infamous spot pass to Kevin Dyson, is emblazoned below Adams' luxury box. Is there not a more prominent Titan to post on such a prominently placed placard?

Hat tip to Geoff for bringing this to my attention.


  1. Whit, in reponse to your comment in the last post, I think that would be a wise move. You know how much David Stern hates fights, and I think that is inevitable.

    Oh, and did you know that Gil's finace is pregnant too? Third child.

  2. whit, in response to your last comment, i thought i'd let you know that you used the word "yikes", or was that one of your daughters?

  3. Shaq impregnated Gilbert Gottfried's girlfriend?

  4. The NFL just decided to fine Bud 125k per middle finger.

  5. That may make Cuban re-think his decision to buy a team. No lightweight Stern fines from Goodell.

  6. Just flipped over to Browns-Ravens (no, I don't know why) and saw a Browns fan holding up a small towel with "Die Art Just Die" on it. Highlight of the night I'm sure.

  7. Bummer that I missed the epic Monmouth-St. Peter's battle that started at 6 AM and just finished. Monmouth scores 34 and loses by 24. I bet their AD feels great about the publicity.

  8. TR--I was just logging on to post how much I'm enjoying these games!

    And, I just realized that one of the guys calling the Drexel-Niagra game went to school with us--he was on my freshman hall.
