Tuesday, October 27, 2009

These reports you handed in, it's almost as if you have no business training at all.

"I don't even really work here."
SOMERVILLE, N.J. (AP) - An Illinois man has admitted banking more than $470,000 in paychecks from a New Jersey company he never worked for. Anthony Armatys, 35, of Palatine, Ill., pleaded guilty Monday in New Jersey Superior Court to one count of theft as part of a plea bargain.

Prosecutors say Armatys accepted a job with Basking Ridge, N.J.-based telecommunications company Avaya Inc. in September 2002, then changed his mind. But the company's computer system never removed his name from the payroll. Paychecks were deposited into his bank account until February 2007, when Avaya auditors discovered the mistake.
"That's what makes this so difficult."


  1. TJ already mentioned this, and Simmons is sure to brag about his prognostication skills, but damn if Blake Griffin isn't already out 6 weeks with a broken kneecap. Danny Manning on Line 1 for you Blake...

  2. that game last night was perfectly disappointing. the skins were dreadful, but not jamarcusian. the eagles were about as bad as a winning team could be, at least offensively, save for two desean jackson plays. typical skins - can't even suck well.

  3. Well Rob, if there's a silver lining, I think there is a real chance they'll go 3-13 this year.

  4. and get the 7th draft pick, which they'll use on a tight end.

  5. Yeah, the Skins picked a bad year to win 3 games...they're still picking no better than 6th with the Bucs, Rams, Lions, Browns and Chieves lacing them up each week.

  6. The Lions are so bad that they're only giving 4 to the Rams this week in Detroit.

  7. we need to work up some redskins fan fiction - what more could possibly happen to this team that would demonstrate how poorly they're run? not talking about bad luck, like the cooley injury, but bad leadership. does danny smith get caught exaggerating expense reports? is the training staff indicted on steroid charges? is it revealed that spurrier is actually calling the plays?

  8. Zorn made Fred Smoot the team Social Chair, citing his previous work on Lake Minnetonka.

  9. steve coll in the new yorker, via the sportsbog:

    The issue is not the team's performance on the field, dismal as that is. It is the culture created by the owner--one of greed, expediency, and mean-spiritedness. The general atmosphere around the team suggests Zimbabwe--a failed state, an intractable dictator, and an impotent and suffering populace....I cannot give up on football; I can hardly give up on the Redskins; but like many other oppressed peoples worldwide, I can at least fall back into exile and await regime change.


  10. it's one of the underreported side effects of supporting team zimbabwe.

  11. The Skins are destined to take a beat-up Bradford and have him never become a good player.

  12. You mean Chief Paper Mache Shoulder?

  13. To be fair, a lot of people were unsure on Adrian Peterson out of college b/c he had a couple big injuries. And that seems to be working out okay for the Vikes.

  14. i don't know that we're really looking for fair here, tr.

  15. And by "a lot of people" I mean "me".

    By "me" I mean the same guy who loved Nick Collison, Drew Gooden and Chris Wilcox in college. The same guy that owns 9 Todd Zeile and 7 Mike Greenwell rookie cards.

  16. I know we've discussed that the print media is dead, but this is pretty cool.

  17. The NY Post is classy.


  18. Zoltan, http://bit.ly/

    Look into it.

  19. http://bit.ly/VOuLq
    any thoughts on this? just askin.

  20. The injuries that bradford and Peterson suffered in college are far different in terms of how they affect their pro prospects. I collarbone has far less to do with a tailbakcs long term future than an AC joint does for a QB. These are two very, very different situations.

  21. Whit, From your link the Boston Globe no longer exists. Thank god the Patriot Ledger still does. Otherwise I'd never know what is happening in Boston. If I read a newspaper that is.

  22. I thought Peterson had a broken leg in college too, but it turns out it was just an ankle sprain. I played rugby in college until I got a 3rd degree separation in my shoulder. Even with the mighty Dr. James Andrews, I would think a broken bone near the shoulder area could be an issue if you get tackled 300 times a year. But this is coming from the guy who was fired up the Jets drafted Blair Thomas.
