Saturday, October 17, 2009

Picks, Pics, and Us Being Pricks

Another big weekend of American football contests -- and us giving you unscientific opinions as to who will win them -- is upon us. You are used to photos of college co-eds in these pages, and you'll get them once again. Well, . . . no, it won't be Florida cheerleaders, and no, no, it won't be a pair of Georgia's prettiest putting on pouty looks. This time around, you get the pride of Williamsburg, VA. Lovely ladies. (And dorky dudes.) These stills are entries in a current "Halloween & Fall Photo Contest" at William & Mary. You're welcome . . .

USC @ Notre Dame (+10)
USC is favored by ten. In South Bend. They've won seven in a row vs. the Irish by something like 690-2. The obvious (and logical) choice is the Trojans. Nope. My life partner Jimmy Clausen gets it done tomorrow. Irish win, but unfortunately that probably saves FUPA's job, so I'm not quite sure how happy I (or most Irish fans) are about that result. Oh well, he's sure to lose to BC yet again in a few weeks. Boy does Charlie miss Tommy Brady...and Hostess cupcakes. Irish cover.

Kansas City Chiefs @ Washington Redskins (-6.5)

A couple of weeks ago, a wise man wrote:
Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Washington Redskins (-7.5)
Take the Bucs. Dear God, take the Bucs.
A not-as-wise man countered in a comment:
I think the Redskins will win and cover this weekend. 24-10.
The wise man was right.
Take the Chiefs. Dear God, take the Chiefs.

Marshall @ West Virginia (-20)

It's a miserable, dreary, bleak fall Saturday here in the shadow of the Nation's Capital. The long, long shadow. To celebrate, I'm taking my daughters to see Spike Jonze's live-action reboot of my favorite children's book, Where the Wild Things Are. In a nod to Mr. Sendak's genius, we look just over the horizon to Morgantown, where still wilder things are. I've made a lot of money* betting against Bill Stewart's Mountaineers, so I've got no reason to stop now, even as they take on a mediocre Thundering Herd team (again with the wild things). WVU wins, but not by three touchdowns.

* Any money made by me in this case is entirely fictional, at least to my wife and the IRS. Also, as far as anyone knows, my name is Whitney.

. . . And so, the search for a new logo for the College of William & Mary is over. The two feathers were offensive to some, so they've been replaced by a more peaceful symbol. We're putting the green into the Green & Gold. The new mascot will be named Bongo, and he's a narrow, cylindrical fellow with a bulbous bottom and a penchant for mischief. We went looking for the explanation behind the "Thriller" dance record and the photos above, and I think we have found it:

It seems my threats to expose TJ's gay mating ritual with Greg have left our pale friend so nervous that he couldn't sleep this morning and thus was up and able to put up our weekly picks post. Of course, I didn't write any picks last night. Nope, I actually got drunk with my old man whilst discussing his complete and utter disgust with both the Buccaneers and Seminoles. It's actually quite fun to see my old Dad drunk and apoplectic at the state of his preferred football squadrons. If Florida State has to fire Bowden at the end of the year (please, please say it ain't so) can we at least check in on the possibility of stealing Raheem Morris from Tampa Bay? Well, at least I don't have to hurl expletives at lazy ass Gaines Adams every Sunday afternoon anymore. I really need to save all my swearing and vitriol for Michael Clayton. Believe me, he's earned my full attention.

Now, for the real reason I'm here...picks...and weed. But mostly picks.

Arkansas @ Florida (-24.5):
I've been pointing to this game as the one on the Florida schedule that worried me most since August. It's no secret that Florida traditionally struggles with SEC West opponents. Not just top tier teams either. Since I enrolled at Florida they've lost games to Ole Miss (twice), Mississippi State (twice) and Arkansas. Furthermore, this is a natural let down game for Florida. There is going to be a hangover effect for the Gators early on today. There's just no way to avoid it, not after all the hype (both Tebow related and otherwise) that led up to last week's game in Baton Rouge. Besides all that, Arkansas has a ton of talent on offense (Ryan Mallet, DJ Williams and Michael Smith are all future NFL first day picks) and Bobby Petrino can coach 'em up on offense. What does all this mean? That I'll be drinking very early today and that there's no way Florida covers the spread today. The Gators win, but only by two TDs.

South Carolina(+17) @ Alabama: It's the battle of two of the biggest assholes in SEC coaching history, which is REALLY saying something when you look back on the long storied history of assholes in SEC Football. There's a key difference here though: Spurrier is a fun asshole. He pokes, he prods and he says mean spirited things that elicit chuckles ( A couple of my favorites: "Can't spell Citrus with UT" and "Its a real shame about the fire in the Library at Auburn. I heard most of the books hadn't even been colored in yet."). Saban, on the other hand, is just a prick. He's aloof, he's a liar and he's a bitter control freak. He's also a well documented international pederast. With that said, the man is building a fucking juggernaut in Tuscaloosa. Can Spurrier and the suddenly competent South Carolina offense come into Bryant-Denny Stadium and steal a win from the Tide? In a word, no. I think that the Gamecocks keep it close for a half but the depth, toughness and discipline of Alabama are eventually too much for a young South Carolina squad to handle. Alabama wins, but they too don't cover.

Texas(-1.5) vs. Oklahoma: I'll be honest, I haven't watched much of Oklahoma this year. I was at Florida's opener for their game against BYU and I was at a bar with friends from out of town during their loss to Miami. I've watched even less of Texas. However, I have gleaned some information on both teams based on some of the highlights I've seen and articles I've read. As far as I can tell, Texas is essentially the same team they were last year. Heavily dependent on Colt McCoy and the passing game. These things happen when you pin the hopes of your rushing attack on a guy named Fozzie. They don't have as dominant a defense as they did last year but Oklahoma's offensive line is far worse than it was last year. Texas knows they can't lose this game if they want to have any shot at the BCS Title game. Oklahoma's too banged up and Bradford's still going to be shaking off the rust from his extended layoff. I can't see Texas losing this game and I can't take another cheesy segment between McCoy and Bradford where we find out who makes the better omelet or has the more manly patch of chest hair. We get it. They're both great players and they're friends to boot! Amazing, what a story. Why don't the two of them just double team Heather Dinich and get it over with already. Texas.


  1. is the dude in the white shirt a lammy? or does he just resemble one?

  2. i think they all kind of look like lammy's.

  3. TJ has daughters? Congratulations Teej!!

  4. I went to Grad school with Jenn Brown (who's interviewing Colt McCoy on Gameday right now). Very cool girl...not very smart and kind of a slut. I'm just saying.

  5. The dude in the white shirt looks like Lammie/former Money Earnin' Mt. Vernon Crew member JM Freeland. But it isn't him.

  6. Good for her, and maybe even for you...

  7. No...not good for me Zoltan. I did hook up with her hotter, sluttier friend though. One of the only good things that happened to me whilst interning in Cleveland.

  8. And Mark, you wouldn't know about my daughter because they're locked in my home until they're 18...or until they escape in my homemade weather balloon.

  9. Probably a good idea. Keep them away from Greg.

  10. One thing about Golden Tate: He's a great athlete.

    Thanks Corso.

    Paging Jesse Palmner...Jesse Palmer please report to the Gameday set.

  11. Greg just sold them their first Barbie Dream House, and of course took his requisite 6%.

  12. so i completely fucked up my daughters' schedule today and won't be taking them to a movie. the upshot: more time for me to watch football. genius, or lousy parenting? i say genius. or idiot savantry, at least.

  13. My picks are now up too. Well done Rob. Too many interesting (and potentially good/great) games going today to be stuck in a theater watching James Gandolfini dressed up in a muppet suit.

  14. How could a guy named "Austin Box" NOT go to Texas?

  15. Austin Box should be a female porn star's name.

  16. on own computer now, leaving much more time for mixing drinks and concentrating on nd's efforts.
    time for a bloody

  17. how's michigan get delaware state this late in the season? who makes their schedule, urban meyer?

  18. Go to the movies you fucking little prick...

  19. For those of you who don't live in the South, I encourage you to make sure you have a Publix sub if/when you ever venture down here.

  20. No Rob, I just don't like you.

  21. yeah, i've come to terms with that.

  22. I'm all for Chris Brown scoring a TD today, if only so we can hear Musberger say he "punched it in".

  23. To be fair Rob, I don't like most people.

    Who the fuck put a curse on Oklahoma? Did Stoops piss off some old Haitian lady whilst in Miami for last year's BCS Championship?

  24. In other news, my dog can catch absolutely any food item you throw his way. He just made an over the shoulder grab of half a chicken finger that would've made Willie Mays stand up and applaud.

  25. Quentin Carter has a little bit of Vlade Divac in him.

    Oh boy...that changes tings.

  26. I agree with Hebstreit. Touchback.

  27. turrible decision to field that punt.

  28. Or not. This is a pretty complicated review. Depending on what is actually being reviewed, of course.

  29. Recovery of the muff.

    I finally figured out the title to my first album.

  30. Things I've learned during the 1st half of this game:

    - Musberger enjoys a corn dog and a beer at 9 am.

    - Outside of Shipley and McCoy, Texas doesn't have a single fucking playmaker on offense.

  31. I get a $10 gift certificate to Costco every time Herbstreit refers to someone's ears being pinned back. I just used those certificates to purchase three shrink wrapped baby grand pianos.

  32. I knew I liked Musberger for a reason.

    And Whit, Tokey the Anti-Smoking Bong is not going to be psyched to hear about Bongo. I smell cage match.

  33. texas doesn't seem to be very smart.

    who's the heisman frontrunner right now? ryan williams? eric berry? terrence cody? brett favre?

  34. In the 30 minutes I've been at BWI, I've seen 4 people in Florida gear...and one guy in a Trent Edwards jersey.

  35. Texas' WRs don't scare OU at all. That's two potential pick sixes OU defenders have dropped on WRs in the flat.

  36. I think Mark Ingram has to be in that discussion, Rob.

  37. After Clausen beats USC today, you'll have your Heisman front runner.

  38. You know what this game needs? More fumbling.

  39. Sure TJ. Keep telling yourself that.

    I really enjoy the slutty cowgirl look the Texas cheerleaders are going with.

  40. And accoring to at least two guys on, that huge DE on Nebraska is in the Heisman mix.

  41. tj - i so hope you're right about the clausen/nd...but i just have a hard time seeing it - nd D too porous

  42. You asked for it TJ. And i'm pretty sure that Suh is a DT.

  43. Like I said...more fumbling.

  44. this is among the worst big-time football games i've ever seen.

  45. More reviews would be good too.

  46. Is it possible these two teams aren't that good?

  47. Yep, typed the wrong thing...I was unaware of his dominace this year, but watched a few clips after reading about him, and he is a fucking beast.

  48. Add Case Keenum to the list. And Obama.

  49. Obama's putting up big numbers vs subpar competition. Let's see what he does in conference play.

  50. this can only mean a great 2nd half

  51. You know who's not winning the Heisman? My younger dog. While the older is catching foodstuffs, he's been out back rolling around in his own shit.

    As a result of his terrible decision making, I just got finished Febreezing him.

  52. You read that right. I Febreezed my dog.

  53. Purdue is gawd awful. Nice to see they're leading sweater vest 16-7.

  54. Big John Saunder and Smooth Jesse Palmer? Really?

  55. The Flaming Lips sold out to Merrill Lynch?

  56. I loved the original incarnation of "V". Not sure if I can get behind this remake.

  57. Is Robert Englund involved?

  58. John Saunders has said the wrong score for 80% of the game highlights so far.

  59. "V" legitimately frightened me as a child. I would be very happy is this remake was even marginally entertaining.

  60. Zoltan, remember who the leader of the human rebels was? Hint: he would like you to come in on the weekend to rebel.

  61. Yep, I'm pretty sure it was Gary Cole.

  62. "V" was a great series when I was 8 years old. I can't come up with a single reason to watch it now - I know what will happen, and it isn't too interesting.

  63. I do, however, watch "True Blood," and I can't come up with a single reason to watch that either.

  64. I'm horribly wrong. It wasn't was Marc Singer.

  65. who dressed brent today? doug sanders?

  66. How come the reservation's witch doctor couldn't fix Bradford?


  68. Haitian voodoo is far stronger than Dirt Worshiper magic, that's why.

  69. I just ordered a picture of Dan(?) for my office.

  70. thanksthatwillgotodeclan's(myson's)

  71. And if he doesn't get into community college, there's always JMU.

  72. Dan, you look downright svelte in those pics. Who do you know that photoshopped your face on those bodies??

  73. I just walked by a house and a dude on the front porch was covered in a Mexican blanket and he was smoking from a hookah. I don't see that every day.

  74. That I was walking home from the mechanic shop where I had dropped my car off after getting it towed 15 miles and the shop's not open 'til Monday . . . that part was less entertaining than the hookah guy.

  75. yes - w&m a much better school -no way could i have been admitted, not that i would have wanted to.
    as far as pics, i know not what you speak of. what does "svelte" mean?
    usc just took out carving knife - get ready for the route

  76. Just landed...score of ND game?

  77. 7-0 usc...early in the 1st...that was usc's 2nd drive but it took 'em about 3 plays

  78. robert hughes is the 2nd coming of jerome bettis

  79. Dan, you are so right about that defense...porous is too kind a term.

  80. the db's might as well be in wheelchairs.
    nd is fucked.
    35-14 usc
    and god willing, charlie fucking cheeseburger gets shitcanned at end of the year and gets signed on to subway's new $10 2'footer promos...he fucking blows.
    angry? yes.

  81. Terrible whiff on Marc Singer. He was the goddamn Beastmaster! And he tamed the beast known as Tanya Roberts in that flick. She was a sexy poor man's Suzanne Sommers back in the day.

    I'm not saying the Beastmaster's special effects don't hold up, but they make Clash of the Titans look like CGI.

  82. tj - where are your travels taking you today?

  83. ok charlie cheeseburger...nice work
    i apologize now for the obsene amount of posts from danny boy you will see during this game

  84. Interesting day in the EPL for you footie fans. Man U back on top after a win and a Chelsea loss, Liverpool continues to sink in the standings.

  85. obscene...that's jmu comin thru

  86. Ah, Liverpool. They must have gotten the memo that I decided to root for them. Sorry, Liverpudlians.

  87. Sm-albany, NY. More specifically Latham where I grew up. Have a fundraiser for my cousin's wife tomorrow.

  88. Florida is literally trying to give away this game. The offense has gone from unexplosive to slow, predictable and allergic to ball security. Fuck me.

  89. I'm so disgusted with Floridas offense right now. I would be a horrible person to be around this afternoon.

  90. i think they should show the directtv/fergie commercial 2 or 3 times more per quarter hour.
    take notice of her big toe -it's freaky long

  91. I tuned in at right time....more fumbling. Yaaaaay.

  92. I'm sorry, did you say big toe, or camel toe?

  93.'s all the same to me

  94. A perfect storm of sloppiness and complacence for the Gators thus far.

  95. You know what else is freaky long?

  96. alex flanagan is the cougar version of erin andrews...and i'll take alex flanagan

  97. you can relax mark - i'm sure tebow mc'd the halftime speech - his disciples will follow

  98. Florida's o-line is fucking terrible. And UF has had ridiculous amount of significant injuries to key players this year. They aren't Oklahoma but damn if they haven't been limited by a number of dings.

  99. I can't relax, this Florida offense is predictable and maybe even a little shitty. Wrs don't scare anyone, oline can't pass protect and they refuse to give the ball to their own bi back (moody).

  100. really disappointing that they can't overcome their prejudices and just give the kid the ball. bi or not, he can play.

  101. ur right - you can't relax...

  102. After Florida and Alabama lose today, will the country be ready for an Iowa-Cincy national championship?

  103. Okay Tebow, either you find a way to win this game or you're giving the same fucking speech you gave last year. Fuck me, this game is like the Ole Miss game in soooooo many ways.

  104. congrats to the gaytors with convincing win over 24 point underdog.
    come on irish...still in it tho they should not be...kind of like florida

  105. I called this game as a trap game. Dan, don't drink Danielson's kool aid. Florida had 4 fumbles, repeatedly stalled or fumbled in the redzone, their all American middle LB missed the whole game (as did Trattou, one of their top 4 pass rushers) and the defense played a very subpar game. I'm not saying Arkansas didn't have their chances but Florida played as bad as they could have and still found a way to win. This game shouldve been a loss. Last year against Ole miss it was, two years ago against Auburn it was a loss. Ugly win but I will take it.

  106. Gaytors... I get it. It's a play on words! A win is a win is a win.

  107. i hear ya mark...yes it should have been a loss - a good win despite how gawful they played.
    fucking irish - i would have been happier with the 37-17 loss than i am with what just went down. charlie cheeseburger will still have a fucking job. nd will win 9 games, go to the gator bowl, lose or maybe win, and chucky cheese will return in '10 to keep the flame of medicotrity burning.

  108. Charlie Weis is so stupid that he can't lose weight even after gastric bypass surgery.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. z-dawg...i'm not a fan of the weism-man, but those last 2 plays were all clausen. weis had the right scheme. clausen fucked up. he had his TE rudolph wide open in the endzone - missed him.

  111. It must be cold in Alabama...Spurrier is wearing a hat. Never seen that before. What a terrible this/decision by Garcia.

  112. Replace this with throw. Damn you iPhone.

  113. In an ESPN ad for this week's MNF, they said that their Chargers would be facing "their arch-rival, the Denver Broncos." Would you say the Broncos are the Chargers' arch-rival?

  114. On second thought, they may have even phrased it "arch-enemy," which takes it laughably into Justice League of America territory.

  115. It was arch rival. As far as the AFC West goes, i think that applies. As I understand it, the Raiders and Chiefs consider one another arch rivals so I think Denver and San Diego have no other choice.

  116. I guess so. I just wonder if it's really a situation that qualifies as arch-rivals. It's not a rule that you have to have one, and those 4-team divisions have only been in place for a handful of years.

    Mark, what team is Tampa's arch-rival? Atlanta? Who are the Panthers'?

    What's funny is that I bet if you asked fans of the Redskins, Cowboys, and Eagles who their arch-rival is, they'd all say the Cowboys. The Cardinals might, too. Not sure who Dallas people would call the Cowboy's mortal enemy.

  117. I agree Whit. Just giving you the other side of the coin. As for the bucs, if pressed I'd say the panthers. They've been the two most consistent NFC South teams and their was some real bad blood between the two early this decade when both were very good teams.

  118. Wow, that Gamecock took a vicious hit there. Not good times.

  119. Panthers. Huh, I wouldn't have guessed that, though I'd forgotten that Carolina was good when Tampa was Super Bowl-worthy.

    Dan, aren't you a Cowboys fan? Who's your huckleberry? (Not just who's good in a given year.)

    I do love the NFC East and the bile for each of the other teams felt by any fan of any of the 4.

  120. i think the arch rival of cowboys would be the cowboys, as you said below. or above. b
    back to college football, which is still being played. vatech loses.

  121. Va Tech losing is for the best. Everyone can stop pretending that Tech isn't a real title contender.

  122. can i get some chatter in here people?

  123. Yeah, Mark, I'm not sure you phrased that the way you meant it. Or maybe you did, and it's such a complex thought you just blew our mind.

  124. I'm at one of Latham's finest dive bars...the one connected to an OTB of course.

    AJ Burnett can suck it.

  125. Erick Aybar is not afraid to look like Eazy E. If I were on the Angels, I would call him that, especially b/c his first name starts with E. He would probably wonder why a gringo knows NWA, and then he would curse me out in Spanish to Vlad Guerrero. But I would take it in stride and laugh to myself.

  126. Joba in the 7th and Hughes in the 8th. The Yanks are in a good spot here.

    No AJ bashing, Teej. He went 6 strong and gave up 2 runs. We'll take that every single time.

  127. He grates on me. The lack of focus, the willingness to throw 5 balls a game into the dirt, the douchey look on his face.

  128. I don't like AJ coming back out for the 7th.

    Ken Rosenthal's verbal cadence couldn't be more awkward. It's worse than the parting shots by the Sports Reporters.

  129. AJ looks like the kinda guy that you see in the background of those Lake Havasu Girls Gone Wild videos, where he is chugging Bud Light cans and hooting while two girls go at it on the deck of his houseboat. The bad ink all over his arms doesn't help that image.

    If he were a 50% owner of, I would not be surprised.

  130. Plus with Burnett there's the $16.5 mill that got you a 4+ ERA. Seems like less of an ROI than you'd want for that sum.

  131. Phil Coke = bad news for the Yanks. The guy was soooo flaky all year.

  132. Do we know the story behind the dog collars that Becket, Burnett, Joba, etc. wear?

  133. It's a gay bondage thing. You wouldn't understand. (Please don't understand.)

  134. Here comes Joba for Torii Hunter. Girardi will keep him in for the 8th but swear Hughes is still his 8th inning guy.

  135. i just put on my ballcap w/built-in earmuffs

  136. Rob...remember what I said about Mark Ingram being a Heisman canidate?

  137. mark ingram's making a case this evening.

  138. Dan likes the Cowboys, notre dame and the Yankees? Are you the antichrist?

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. And he went to JMU, which was our college's rival when we were in school. I can't believe I'm friends with him.

  141. i love nd, grew up loving yankees (also from ny), also dallas. but just nd these days. grew up catholic too. please don't ever infer that i'm the antichrist.

  142. friends? well...i don't know about that mr. whitney.

  143. You can play tough in front of the boys, Danny. I know you think I'm awesome. And let's be frank... why wouldn't you???

  144. wife, b4 going to bed asked - what's this blog thing you've been on? who started it? what's the deal? is it like a chatroom? do they make money off of this? it's nice being able to answer multiple questions with one "no"

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. With this grind-it-out Gamecock drive, you get the sense that Spurrier has money on SC +17. They seem to relish eating clock.

    And you gotta be careful typing that last sentence.

  147. I smell some bottom of the 9th heroics coming...

  148. you answered 'no' to all those questions, danny? does your wife think you're retarded?

  149. The tension with A-Rod is amazing at the stadium, now that he's come up clutch a few times this postseason.

  150. always has...that's why it works

  151. this rivera guy has a future. i like'em

  152. Let's get this over with...the DJ is getting sick of having to only play 90s hip-hop at commercialsonly. And the classy Lathamites are getting restless. It's ugly (the scene...and clientele).

  153. i have an extra ticket to the jags/rams game tomorrow that i'll pay for someone to take...anyone? anyone? bueller?

  154. scioscia's probably stretching out his hammie's after that run out to 2nd

  155. Hey! There's baseball on tonight?!!?

  156. look, mlb, we know you'd prefer to have the yankees in the world series. but we'd like it if you could make it a little less obvious.

  157. well, i guess i have to make another drink

  158. So...who just cursed out loud?

  159. I'm putting Dan down as a yes.

  160. Tribe, House of Pain, and now De La Soul...what will the next commercial break bring this crowd?

  161. We assume Tone Loc or Young MC is next...

  162. Onyx?

    Ken Rosenthal is either wasted drunk or brain damaged.

  163. I called that. And am in no way happy about it.

  164. Chone is Klodsh.

    Sean is Clutch.

  165. The DJ went with "White Lines Don't Do It"

  166. Grandmaster Flash?! In Latham?!

  167. A-Rod is just as suprised as everyone else.

  168. A to the Rod. His fake relationship with Kate Hudson has been well worth the cost.

  169. i need me some phil rizzuto right now

  170. this'l be over before you know it...moving right along. don't change the channel

  171. Before going to bed, my girlfriend looked at Ervin Santana and said "Why does he have that shithead beard?"

  172. has she ever seen whitney's mustache?

  173. Your girlfriend should see my beard.

  174. I told her that I'm a staunch supporter of the chinstrap and that I would grow one if I could. She frowned and went to bed.

  175. No way does A-Rod win the game here. Can't happen.

  176. Only a few lucky ladies witnessed my dirty stash. (And lived to tell the tale.)

  177. Can a-rod do it ? Will he choke? Am I typing questions just to jinx the Yankees?

  178. Lucky 13. Who's happy he bought a fresh sack last night?

  179. nice effort there - way to get a glove on it.

  180. whit - you have much defining to do, as in "few" "lucky" and "ladies"

  181. the yankees have that team of destiny stink upon them. smells a lot like jersey city.

  182. 5-0 saturday for the gtb prognosticators. don't spend all the winnings in one place. and no pressure today, whit.

  183. Betting against the skins hardly feels like betting at all.

  184. And I turned down a chance to travel to and from today's Redskins-Chiefs game by private jet. That's saying something, Redskins.

    I am instead going to a function called the Pork-a-palooza to eat ribs, pork shoulder, Boston Butt, and anything else folks are cooking up on this cold autumn Sunday. Maybe even have a few cold ones as well . . . for a change of pace.

  185. Also a fan of the Boston Butt?

    Stephen Gostowski.
