Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Movie Month Off to a Slow Start

While we're on the subject of the President and basketball (sort of), we've got some questions.

Why does the President wear running shoes when he plays basketball? Doesn't he know that's setting a bad example for weak-ankled youngsters around the world while blemishing the court something fierce? And why does he usually wear long pants? That's just weird. (Bonus question for Reggie Love: how does it feel to have a middle-aged man stuff your weak shit?)

Who dressed Joakim Noah and the guy to his right (Nocioni?) in the photo below? Had they been drinking?

(Photos from a pretty cool gallery of POTUS hoops-related shots at Talking Points Memo.)


  1. per whitney below, mgl dropping hoops knowledge (and an gtb shoutout) this morning:

  2. Except that I have a modicum of HTML savoir-faire and can embed a link like a MF.

    People are left to copy and paste yours, and studies show they almost never do, so really, do you want people visiting MGL's site, or do you just want him to see that you gave him a feeble shout-out while not really enabling the visitors to our little Hotel California to leave?

    Well, Rob???

  3. i prefer to have others do my work for me. et voila.

  4. I'm old school and have mad skillz. So I copy and pasted it into a browser.

    I think that's one AFL point, Whit.

  5. pour a little out for captain lou albano. to be honest, i had no idea he was still alive.

  6. And just in time for Halloween...fantastic.

  7. Ronnie Mervis wants to buy the Redskins. That would be phenomenal... and the radio spots would be comedy gold.

  8. oh, please, please, please make this happen. so good on so very many levels.

  9. Who else is going to the US-Costa Rica game at RFK tonight? I have my winter coat b/c its going to be COLD in the upper deck. How do those guys run around in shorts for 90 mins in this weather??

  10. So if Ronnie Mervis buys the Redskins, would Vinny Cerrato be the "middle man"? Please?

  11. he'd actually be working in one of ronnie's mines. as a canary.

  12. Can't Ronnie's brother Zed replace Vinny?

  13. The lowtop shoe/ankle sprain correlation is totally overrated. I've played probably 2/3 of my basketball life in lowtops and never had any worse injuries to my ankle in lows than in highs. In fact, the one time I broke my ankle was in high tops. Once the ankle twists/tunrs to a certain point, a 1/2 inch piece of leather isn't going to change much.

    That is all, carry on with your Mervis related discussion.


  15. His videos are not as enthralling as his radio spots.

  16. but the cushioning on a running shoe is different than that of a low-top basketball shoe. the toeplate (made up technical term) on a lowtop basketball shoe is made to withstand jumping/cutting - wide base, etc. a running shoe has a much narrower toe and is much more condusive to straight-ahead motion. it barry was wearing lowtop basketball shoes, i'd have no issue. but it looks like he's wearing running shoes. and if the president turns an ankle taking reggie love to the hoop, the terrorists have clearly won.

  17. and if i keep spelling condusive that way, the republicans have won, too. dumbasses.

  18. Point taken. I've played a little ball in running shoes too when I didn't have any other option. My issue with a true running shoe (like the old school Air Max that Love is wearing in the pic) is the size of the sole, as it has your foot sitting higher and makes you more susceptible to a sprain.

    This is a really exciting and noteworthy day at G:TB, by the way.

  19. yes, we truly are bringing it today. tune in tomorrow, when our special guest is dr. ken bloom, podiatrist to nascar's stars.

    (note: such a person actually exists, is actually a podiatrist to many nascar crew members and drivers, and is actually a friend of mine. he is not, however, joining us tomorrow.)

  20. I may need an appointment with Dr. Ken. All of Rob's famous podiatrist name-dropping has left me with some badly bruised toes.

  21. Don't be tellin' rob about foot doctors. He's the foot fuckin' master.

  22. Slovakia will be going to their first World Cup courtesy of a 1-0 win over Poland. How did they score you ask?

    An own goal by Poland.


  23. read "born to run." i'm now running either barefoot or in old school running sneakers and i play hoops in low tops-- all the rest is a conspiracy propagated by the sneaker companies-- our feet are designed to withstand, running , jumping, etc. as long as we go about it thinking that they are NOT encased in armor-- which they are certainly not, even if you have a bit more sole or ankle support.

  24. Shlara appears to be one of oh, 500, soccer fans at RFK right now.

  25. TJ--there are a lot of people here. They are waiting on the concourse to stay dry. Luckily, I have a covered seat in the section behind the US bench.

  26. And Rob...the term is toe box. You name dropping douche.

  27. Shlara...what the hell are you doing to USA Soccer?

  28. Tulsa-Boise State's got some shootout potential working right now.

  29. I know..I may have to leave RFK to change the karma

  30. Or to get out of what appears to be absolutely dreadfully cold, wet weather.

  31. HAHAHHA! Take that shit Costa Rica. Fuck you Ticos!

  32. Shlara, did you stay for that?

  33. That was clutch. Really nice to see our boys not lay down when they very easily could have. Certainly not the start, we would've wanted. But to come back and pull out in the victory (both in the game and CONCACAF), and especially in the way they did it is pretty special.

  34. Excuse my terrible punctuation. Finish threw me, I think.

  35. Tulsa might want to make one defensive stop tonight. Just one. Give it a shot fellas. You might like it.

  36. las vegas/florida ufl action tonight. jp losman still sucks.

  37. Boise State didn't do a whole lot to convince folks it should be in the national title mix. I think Cincy should leapfrog them if they win convincingly tonight.

  38. this line opened with so fla favored by 1.5 on a couple of sites - cincy favored now by as much as 3, but 2.5 seems to be going rate...that's a lot of movement - veddy intedesting
