Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Redemption Sonngonngonng

Genius is lonely, they say. A lesson I've learned the hard way in the wake of the universal panning of my most recent efforts at filler. But Thomas Edison didn't invent the automobile by giving up after his first failure, did he? And so, back on the horseless carriage one more time with this welcome to a short workweek.

Gheorghe: The Theme Song will benefit immensely from this technology.


  1. Shawne Merriman is keeping it classy.

  2. rob, you're the Nikola Tesla to my Edison when it comes to filler.

  3. Rob's facetious car-inventor comment triggered a quick thought -- wait, who invented the automobile? Then I remembered from my middle school days that Frank & Charles Duryea invented the car. That's right.

    And then I just Googled it and realized that I was fed some pro-American revisionist propaganda back in school. Most sources credit German engineer Karl Benz with inventing the first gas-powered car. But I guess there was no way on earth the US of A was going to give some stinkin' Hun-kraut-jerry credit for the pride of Detroit. Interesting.

    What percentage of Americans would you guess think Henry Ford invented the car?

  4. When the Jets lose 10 games this year, I will be the least surprised fan out there.

    The most surprised? - Fireman Ed.

    The most demoralized? - The fat guy in the Klecko jersey who's had Fireman Ed's genitals pressed up against the back of his neck for over a decade. He should go to I'm a Male Bitch therapy with Tim Sypher.

    Jets fever. It's venereal.

  5. On a poll currently being conducted by the Washington Post, 69% of Redskins fans think the team will win 9 games or more (that's actually the number, not making it up) with 42% predicting 10 wins or more. These folks are adorable. I, along with 4% of the fan base, predicted a 6-10 record for the Skins.

  6. Agreed, Geoff. The NFC East will be brutal on the Skins. They'll be lucky to win 2 division games.

  7. The offense...she is bad. The defense will still be good but is a couple injuries away from sucking (just like everyone else). And Jason Campbell is just a below average NFL QB playing behind and average offensive line with absolutely no depth whatsoever.

  8. Timmy, I don't often agree with your Jets' assessments, but yeah, it's gonna be bad this year.

  9. Geoff and I (and others) discussed this yesterday at the TPC at Hains Point, but honestly, Campbell and Zorn are gone after this year if they don't reach the NFC Title Game. Geoff thinks playoff win and Campbell and Zorn are fine - I say no dice with that stable of established head coaches available (Gruden, Cowher, Shanny, etc)

  10. I don't claim to know a lot about football, but I have a few general rules including:

    1. Your QB should have been in the league longer than your RB.

    2. At least one of your starting WR should be over 5'10".

    3. Todd Collins should not be on your roster.

    The Skins fail on all counts.

  11. Zoltan is on fire today. Which of course is a first. Big Z, make sure you print this out for your new live-in lady. She'll be so proud of you.

    For all the d-bags on here in our college fantasy league, the draft is at 2:30. Be there, or something.

  12. TJ is, of course, always on fire. You could roast a burger over the flame.

  13. And the Steelers might have violated rules 1 and 2 in 2005, depending on how tall Hines Ward is.

  14. Hines Ward is probably about 6'0"...and the Redskins are starting Malcolm Kelly as their #2 receiver this year, and he's 6'4". It won't help with their suckiness, but it will help with noncompliance with Zoltan's rules.

  15. It's OK Big Z...I'm sure she doesn't read Gheorghe...be yourself, you bitter, bitter chain-smoking old man.

  16. I am a bitter old man. In contrast, this guy is young and happy. And in fantastic health too:


  17. tribe hoops schedule is out: games at uconn, wake forest, and maryland highlight the non-conference portion. we've got a home game against vassar to even things up.
