Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Music Month goes out with a...hearty chuckle.

As I'm sure is the case with most of you, my significant other watches a ton of terrible shit on TV that I end up watching bits and pieces of as well. Because of the multiple TV setup in our living room (and because I want to watch sports without too much bitching on the weekends) I often end up out in the living room with a game on TV #2, perusing the interwebs whilst my girlfriend is watching some mind numbingly awful show. Its usually about weddings, or cooking or makeovers. I really don't pay much attention. However, every now and then something she is watching is so awful, so blindingly bad that I can't help but stop what I'm doing and briefly pay attention. I call it the car crash syndrome.

The most recent, and best, example of this would be The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Have you seen this show? I sincerely hope not. Its awful on so may different levels that I can't accurately describe it to you if you are lucky enough to have not seen it. Anyway, a couple of these women (one is a music is definitely not) got together and recorded a song recently. What followed was one of the worst, yet most memorable songs in the history of...well, I guess you'd call it music.

There, now you have this crap stuck in your head too. Seriously, don't be tardy for the party.


  1. Or maybe nobody will have it stuck in their head. Seriously, I urge you to listen to this song...the unintentional comedy is completely off the charts.

  2. I saw 10 minutes of The Real Housewives of NJ, at my lady's insistence, and I lost 20 IQ points. I'm too stupid to spare any more IQ points so no more Real Housewives for me, regardless of the venue.

  3. zoltan...there are no clips of the show on the embedded video (just the ling which features "the making of the song), just the song. If you like to laugh...give it a shot.

  4. Oh, I listened to the song. It's great stuff.

    My iPod is screwed up. I need a new one. Does anyone have an iPod touch? Is it worth ponying up the extra money over a 16G nano? I have no interest in playing video games.

  5. Greg has an ipod touch. Good luck getting a hold of him.

  6. Mark--the Housewives are redic and pathetic, which is why we watch. Bravo is currently filming a DC Wives season--I'm sure it will be an equally compelling train wreck, but I doubt any of the DC wives can top "Tardy for the Party"

    Whit--I had no idea that Sesame Street changed the ending song--I totally recognize those chimes from yesterday's video as the end of that show--it was a catchy 70s tune and I still love it.

    Rob--How was U2?

  7. Sesame Street's starting and ending songs definitely have more hip hop flava these days. Thankfully, my kid has outgrown them already. Big Bird was killing me. What a p*ssy. And the effeminate Asian guy and the annoying Indian woman with the nose ring are insufferable.
