Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Getting rob's back...

Settle down dirty thinkers...I am simply here after a two day absence courtesy of some quality stomach cleansing to say I've seen what the diminutive one has done recently, and I welcome such (shallow, awful, unfunny) attempts at filler he has compiled. And in that tiny tradition, I happily offer this Wednesday filler, which in some f**ked up way even applies to Music Month...enjoy gheorghites:


  1. That went over swimmingly...

  2. thank god whitney remembers the different sound-tracks to all our college road trips.

  3. I need some help here for clarification (for obvious reasons), but I'm pretty sure we did Spring Break 96-97 with "Award Tour" and "Aint No Fun..." in the three and four holes, if you will.

  4. Dude, emoticons are the work of Carrot Top (sp?) and Carlos Mencia's "V" baby...

  5. Mary Jo Fernandez does not look her age, whatever that may be.

  6. Hammered in a sushi place, getting takeout for the wife. 510 wakeup already looking tough.

  7. GTB: twitter for degenerates.

  8. Stay tuned for more details of "TR's Lame World."

  9. Seriously, let me know if Puck tries to steal your California roll.

  10. Seriously, "work from home" means happy hour starts at 4 at the bar that's walking distance from your house, right?

    Blue Moon. Mmmmmmmm.

  11. Pedro Martinez? Pedro the William and Mary campus cop? Pedro Feliciano?

  12. Nas T. Fitzgerald? That guy was a hell of a rapper.

  13. so the timberwolves aren't so bright, huh?

  14. Pedro the AIDS victim from Real World San Fran! The man whose peanut butter jar was pillaged by Puck's dirty finger.

  15. Though Rob might try to tell you differently in 2009, he was a big-time fan of "The Real World" that year. Spurrier and I would yell at him to change it, but we'd have to sit through that (while playing Sega Genesis hockey) to get to Beavis & Butt-Head.

    And yes, we were out of college. I get it, we're older than you, Mark/Geoff/Father Time.

  16. It was an upgrade from the Atari 7800 (remember that weak version?), Colecovision and Intellivision.

    Intellivision baseball was epic. A left-fielder could throw out a guy running to first on a single.

  17. I wanted an Atari but we were too ghetto to afford one so my mom got me an Odyssey at a garage sale. Turns out the garage sale was based out of the garage of this other kid in the neighborhood, and he tooled on me mercilessly for at least 2 years that I had his hand-me-down Odyssey. If I saw him today I'm sure he'd bring it up.

  18. So the Bucs canned Jeff Jagodzinski? Is it too late to just cancel the season?

  19. I hear Chan Gailey is available if you want him.

  20. Have we ever figured out what Chan is short for? He doesn't look like a Channing to me.

  21. It's an acronymn for "Channeling Handley And Norv"

  22. Finally posted Music Month entry part deux. Up now.
