Thursday, August 13, 2009

YouTube Filler Fit For A King

Yeah, you know what you're about to see...again...and you know you still love it:


  1. Yes Geoff...hang in there...the payoff is going to be worth it.

  2. Sooooo...the judicial system gives Donte Stallworth 30 days in jail for brodericking a guy, but Fidel Goodell suspends him for the whole season?

  3. pour a little out for les paul

  4. So good (the clip, not Les Paul dying). When I finally got an iPhone a couple months back, this was the first clip I looked up on youtube.

  5. Vick to the Eagles. Didn't see that coming...

  6. I thought I was looking at my mother's old douche bag, but that's back in Ohio.

  7. A mobile QB with a strong arm and a low completion percentage is the missing piece of the puzzle for the Eagles. Oh wait...

  8. There was a strong comment on deadspin about the broad sides of barns sleeping easy tonight in the Delaware Valley.

    All joking aside, I wish he hadn't ended up in the NFC East.

  9. I agree with you, Geofferson. Why couldn't he have ended up in San Diego is a strange twist of fate?

  10. And Teejay, it was DJ's like you in the 70's and 80's that ruined Born in the USA and "Stairway to Heaven." I love the Ernie & Bert clip more than I love some of my extended family; don't kill it for me.

  11. I just post what's requested by tiny...

  12. Speaking of tiny, he just had a verrrrry interesting morning.

  13. More reasons to hate the fucking Eagles. Perfect. It would've killed me to have to start hating a benevolent team like Jacksonville or Kansas City. Hand meets glove...

  14. I'm waiting for the inevitable Jerry post over at the Wheelhouse to start the re-lash in favor of Vick, and I think it's due. The level of "moral" outrage over a team signing him is fascinating. Goodell, Dungy, Reid, McNabb, the rest of the Eagles leadership. These are, for the most part, semi-intelligent people who have met personally with Vick and performed their own due diligence and concluded that 1) he can help an NFL team and 2) he deserves a chance to see if that's true. The motivation of many not very close to the issue, including certain special interest groups, in protesting this seems to border on jealous/vindictive from where I'm sitting.

  15. And, the difference in the reaction between the Humane Society and PITA shows why only one of those organizations is generally deemed credible.

  16. Pita is edible. PETA is not credible.

  17. vick was very impressive in his press conference. seriously.

  18. There's a ton of talk down here in southeastern VA about the Vick thing, as you might imagine. Polar extremes with the outraged and indignant versus the folks who are outraged he was punished at all. Both are morons.

    He's paid a debt far greater than Leonard Little, Donte Stallworth, and others like them ever will. He f-ed up, and the hammer was brought down on him. Time served. Time to move on, people.

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