Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Zack Morris Lives

As per rob's request:

Wait, people watch Jimmy Fallon?


  1. As someone who proudly owns a Bayside Tigers t-shirt I feel confident in saying that that clip is easily the apex of Jimmy Fallon's career.

  2. Fallon was awesome in that one SNL skit where he started laughing at Horatio Sanz, forgot his lines and then started scratching his head.

    Remember that one?

  3. Is that the one where he kept looking at the camera the entire skit?

  4. http://tinyurl.com/mf98ko

  5. Yes he was. It was on right after the skit where Cheri Oteri did a lot of painfully unfunny mugging and gyrating.

  6. i have a great deal of respect for mark-paul gosselaar for going all out in that clip.

    and cheri oteri might be the least funny snl character in history.

  7. i don't think the jimmy fallon crowd appreciated that bit enough, either.

  8. Whoa whoa whoa...slow down feller...I've got Kenan Thompson on Line 2 for you.

  9. Remember the SNL skit where some barely funny line or event happened, and then they kept repeating it over and over again until it wasn't funny?

  10. run for the money there, to be sure, teej. oteri 'wins' in my book on the power of sheer annoyingness. thompson's at least inoffensively unfunny.

  11. Cheri Oteri is probably my least favorite...Siobhan Fallon, Ellen Cleghorne and Nora Dunn deserve to be in the conversation.

  12. i like nora dunn, agree on ellen cleghorne, and don't have the foggiest clue who siobhan fallon is.

  13. Ellen Cleghorne...so awful. Vinner.

  14. Really? We're giving Horatio Sanz a pass here?

  15. Mark, the guy's main skit with Fallon was papal ballot-based, and you of all people are giving him a hard time?

  16. If you're going to discuss the worst SNL performers ever, you have to include the following folks, some big and some small, who were never ever funny one time on that show: Anthony Michael Hall, Damon Wayans, Jeanene Garofalo and, the least funny person to ever be on that show - Finesse Mitchell.

    I am partial because I know one current cast member (the brother of a good friend). You all would like the cast a lot because it is absolutely loaded with avid papal ballot staffers. They (and their entourage) had no problem stinking up the green rooms with smoke the night Palin and her security detail was on the show. Awesomeness.

    As for the "hard drug" users, it's
    the writers, not the talent.

  17. are you saying that amy poehler was baked while 9 months pregnant? i think you are. that's a scoop that us weekly will pay handsomely for. teej, go find the tip jar and market to those bottom feeders.

  18. I'd be willing to bet $50 that this is the current cast member Rezvan knows:


  19. Why? Because he's chubby, goofy-looking, and appears to have a giant mass of pubic hair coming out of his head?

  20. How about because he did a G:TB post trumpeting Moynihan's debut on SNL?

  21. Give it up for Mark Hughes, winner of the TR (nee Rhymo) Loyal Readership Award.

  22. One of my best high school friends is married to his sister. He's a great guy. He wrote the skit where he, Timberlake and Samberg danced with Beyonce.

  23. I actually like Horatio Sanz. He is just one of those people who looks funny, even if he's not.

    He didn't do anything particularly hilarious in this sketch, but check it out anyway, as it's a good gag...

  24. Tim Floyd resigns...yep, I sure we won't see any (further) major allegations surface about USC in the next few months. That guy is Jim Harrick 2.0

  25. Yeah, this NCAA Investigation might actually be getting somewhere. too bad it won't affect the Trojan football program at all.

  26. Andy Katz just said Floyd might have been sacrificed by the USC athletic department because of just what Mark said - the school sure as hell wasn't going to even remotely punish Pete and his football machine.

  27. I have no idea why the Padres drafted OC swindler and deadbeat dad Jimmy Cooper third in today's MLB draft.

  28. It makes sense from USC's perspective. Anyone remember how awful they were in football before Carroll? I'm sure plenty of people at USC do and they sure as hell don't want to revisit that time.

    On the other hand, Tim Floyd is extremely replaceable and only moderately successful. Seems like and easy decision to me.

  29. finally got to this nba game. how in the hell is orlando shooting 76% and trailing?

  30. Kobe Bryant is out of fucking mind, that's how.

    Also, NBA officiating just drop yet another notch. How is it humanly possible for Joey Crawford to miss that blatant double dribble by Pietrus?

  31. The story about how Floyd landed OJ Mayo is fishy enough to warrant his departure.

    Rumor has it that a colleague of Mayo, out of the blue, approached Floyd and told him Mayo wanted to attend USC. I bet that a wad of Trojan Boosters' Benjamins stuffed into Mayo's pockets helped him decide. Floyd played up the "aw, shucks, I can't believe he came to me and wanted to go to USC" angle, but there must've been some shady things happening. You get the sense Mayo watched Blue Chips and wanted his piece of the pie.

  32. Suck it Kobe!!!!! Jordan never fell apart like that.
