Wednesday, June 03, 2009

This is what happens when I'm bored

In order to survive a brutal two hour all staff meeting yesterday at work, I attempted to walk through this entire film in my head, one quote at a sure as hell kept me entertained, so I figured today's filler might entertain you as well:


  1. what does this have to do with honda?

  2. Now that's a joke for two...

  3. Once again, I sure know how to spark conversation...

  4. Spark conversations, no. Spark other stuff...

  5. TJ...You might want to pick things up. Your annual G:TB performance review is coming up soon and I'll be sitting on the committee this year. I wouldn't want to have to put a letter in your file.

  6. As long as the letter is written on smokable paper...

  7. So my office has a view of Boston's North End, the harbor, Logan Airport, Eastie, Charlestown, etc. It's a fantastic view. But I'm also right above Faneuil Hall, a hideous tourist trap full of street musicians, acrobats, gypsies, etc. Some jackass street musician has played the fucking pan flute all day long. I'm going insane listening to the fucking pan flute. It's impossibly annoying. I'd rather listen to static for hours on end.

  8. Geez, my bad, I messed up the master of the pan flute...

  9. Matt Lauer was reporting from Faneuil Hall this morning. A friend recently escorted his boss to the Today show to be interviewed by Matt and described Mr. Lauer as a "Grade A knob job."

  10. Did that turn you on, Geoff?

  11. Maybe it's Matt Lauer out there blowing the flute. It's insufferable.

  12. Matt Lauer is a handsome man, I'm not gonna lie.

  13. All this talk of Matt Laurer blowing stuff is too much for Geoff. He's gonna need a cold shower soon.

  14. A cold shower with a bunch of dudes.

  15. Thank you...we'll be here all week.

  16. nice start for the u.s. in costa rica. guh.

  17. Marvell Wynne's gotta be related to the former Tidewater Tide of the same name, right?

  18. yep, his son. the younger marvell was not looking good in the portion of the match i watched before i fell asleep.

  19. I urge you all to take a few minutes out of your day, go to the Washington Post's web site and read the recent two-part story about the murder of Robert Wone.

    He was murdered almost three years ago, and police are still trying to piece together what happened. It's an amazing case that's tailor-made for an NBC Dateline story at some point.

  20. In case anybody doesn't know the name, he was a 1996 W&M graduate. I didn't know him personally, but I know he ran with the "over-achieving W&M" crowd that was highly represented in places like Phi Beta Kappa and Swem Library.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he never took a vodka shot from an iceblock at one of our Alpine parties.

  21. My wife lived on that same block of Swann Street when that went down. Its very strange--that is not remotely a high crime neighborhood.
