Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gheorghe Quotes the Classics: Vol. 5

As usual, wisdom:

"If me saying bullshit on television after midnight is going to push your little damn brat over the deep end, you're just a crappy parent." -- Charles Barkley

When you're right, you're right.

Courtesy of Sports Illustrated


  1. Those mug shots debunk the theory that Barkley was even shorter than believed. He appears to be about 6'7".

  2. I'm assuming he was arrested for that shirt he's wearing in the mug shot. Christ that's bad.

  3. No one loves airport moving walk ways more than this guy.

  4. my kids like them a great deal, teej.

    and barkley's obviously wearing heels in that mug shot. they match the shirt.

  5. If the Nats are going to misdirectedly fire Manny Acta, the only redemptive move I see would be to hire Davey Johnson as a middle finger to Peter Angelos.

    And if they could pry Pat Gillick out of retirement, they might be able to actually piece together a team and really stick it to Napoleangelos.

  6. I had to rewind this on the dvr to get this absolutely right.

    In reference to Dontrell Willis and his negative effect on the Tigers rotation Dave Winfield said Detroit should stick with him because, and I quote, "you go with the devil know what he's done for you in the past."

  7. What is up with Joe Morgan's jacket/tie look?

  8. okay, now vh1 is doing top 100 rap songs of all time. straight out of compton is 6. grandmaster flash, 'the message' is 5. just started watching, so no idea what's come before. any guesses for #1 from the more rap-literate? something by public enemy?

  9. Any channel that still calls it "rap" shouldn't be allowed to comment on it.

    Knowing them, LL Cool J will win for Momma Said Knock You Out. They can show that disturbing footage of him performing the song on MTV Unplugged shirtless, with GIANT balls of deodorant in his pits.

    Sounds gay to describe it, but it was beyond disgusting and overshadowed the performance.

  10. they may have actually called it hip-hop. and 'fight the power' was #1, with 'nothin' but a g thing' #3, and 'rapper's delight' #2.

  11. Didn't mean to pick on you, Rob. It's just that I hold true to my hip-hop roots, when I hustled on the mean streets of the Dirty Jerz.

    And that's actually a decent top 3. Some folks under 25 might learn what Flavor Flav was up to before becoming whatever he is now.

  12. I've seen that VH1 top 100 before. I think the formula they used relied heavily on commercial success and not so much on how influential the song was.

  13. i've been sorta reading with the game on in the background. what the fuck just happened? how is los angeles up 12?

  14. good gracious. magic is wearing a space suit.

  15. jesus h. christ, gasol is daring howard to spin to his right. spin, dummy.

  16. This won't be interesting unless Orlando gets to the 2nd half of game 6 with the score tight.

  17. wow, stern's memo was received. i don't think i've ever seen a worse non-call than the one gasol just didn't get. he was mugged.

  18. orlando's really kind of a dumb team, huh?

  19. And yet somehow they beat LeBron & Co.

  20. I'd pay good money to get whoever's announcing the Finals MVP to say "Pau Gasol" just to see if Kobe storms off the court in the middle of the celebration.

  21. The Magicians pulled poop out of a hat

  22. first nba postseason i pay attention to in years and the lakers win. neat.

  23. I'm well aware of LL's Unplugged performance with the deodorant balls. Hilarious and disgusting all at once.

    And, I can't say I was glad to see the Magic lay down tonight but this season so far exceeded my expectations (and that's before Jameer Nelson went down) and the future is so potentially bright that I have a hard time being to bitter about

  24. I can see "LL's deodorant balls" being a gheorghe reader's fantasy football team name

  25. Google the phrase " LL Cool Berries."
