Saturday, May 30, 2009

Game 6 Over/Under

My friends and I just finished up playing a coupe hours of pickup ball this afternoon. Not surprisingly, Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals was a major topic of discussion. Over the course of our time we worked out some over/unders for tonight's game in Orlando. Feel free to throw in your own and/or chime in on these in the comments.

Free Throws Attempted by LeBron: 25 (Over)

Offensive Fouls by Dwight Howard: 2 (I'd like to push here but I'll take the over)

Offensive fouls on LeBron: 1 (There's no way I can take the over here...push)

Bad/rushed shots by Mo Williams: 6 (Over)

Bad/rushed shots by Rafer Alston: 6 (Over)

Number of times LeBron flops after minimal contact whilst on offense: 5 (OVER)

Number of times Dwight Howard flops after minimal contact whilst on offense: 3 (Under)

Flops by Anderson Varejao: We couldn't find a high enough number

Camera shots of a sweaty and exasperated Stan Van Gundy: Again, we couldn't come up with a high enough number

Number of times I scream at the TV: 10 (Under...I hope)

Number of beers I consume: 12 (OVER)

That's it. Enjoy the game. I think I speak for all of us here at Gheorghe (and if I don't then anyone I'm not speaking for has no soul and is a complete and total starfucker) when I say, let's go Magic!


  1. Yeah...I'm not really excited about tonight's game either.

  2. i'll take the under on bronbron's free throws. and i want to see a game 7.

  3. 102-101, several superb performances (one out of nowhere), one terrible call that could alter outcome, and after all that...a Game 7.


  5. greg, emphatically. i like it.

  6. magician fans, make the case for me that orlando can beat the lakers. i want to believe, i really do.

  7. i like delonte west's game.

  8. that's why you follow your shot, gentlemen.

  9. the cavs are getting completely outworked and outhustled. they should be embarrassed.

  10. kobe vs. dwight's gonna require a rewrite of a whole lotta commercials.

  11. OK, I'm intrigued. Magic/Lakers...not sure many saw this coming (except Mark and Greg of course).

  12. The Hedo puppet will be a fun addition to that Nike ad.

  13. The Cavs should be embarassed...that was pathetic

  14. I'll have some more coherent thoughts tomorrow but here's a basic idea of the thoughts running through my head right now:

    - I love seeing LeBron settle for jumpers as an opponent. He's not a great shooter and him shooting a long 2 (which he does a ton) is pretty much a best case scenario when he has the ball.

    - Dwight Howard announced himself as one of the NBA's elite tonight. This was the equivalent of LeBron's 48 against Detroit.

    - I never, ever thought Mickael Pietrus woudl be this kind of impact player for Orlando. He's the the biggest x-factor in these a wide margin.

    - LeBron's been billed as a great defensive player in the past year or so. I'm not buying it. Sure, he's great in the weakside defender/free safety role. However, he misses a ton of assignments in man coverage and, in my opinion, just takes some possessions off on D.

    - I'd like to say I saw this coming but that's just a lie. I was ready to quit on the season when Jameer went down. Even after the Rafer trade (and the subsequent success) I had serious doubts. Quite a moment for a franchise that has endured some seriously lean times over the last 10+ years.

  15. Also...I am not a proficient gambler...clearly.

  16. The 23rd inning? Really?
