Thursday, May 28, 2009

Better "One"?

I had this grand plan to write a post this morning saying the Nationals would be wise to let Daniel Cabrera channel his inner Rick Vaughn and close, but then I go and see the Nats released him yesterday (and GM Mike Rizzo took some shots at him on the way out, nice).  So instead, we'll have a little election at GTB today (no Mark, not that kind). Driving home last night, I heard Choice A on the radio and remembered how fucking good U2 can be when Bono's sheer presence isn't pissing me off:

But then I remembered Choice B and was instantly transported to a time when I felt only I knew of Metallica and how hard they rocked and I wasn't bombarded daily with cuts from the black album on MTV:

An extremely tough choice, and not that anyone cares, but I'll cast my ballot in the comments.


  1. After much deliberation, I've got to go with Metallica. That song absolutely kicks ass.

  2. I hate One by U2. Its in the conversation of the worst hit songs.

  3. So I'm gonna say that's two votes for Lars and the boys.

  4. I'll cast a vote for U2. Achtung Baby is my favorite album of their's. I also believe they haven't released a good album since Pop.

    Yeah, I'm one of about four people on Earth that liked Pop.

  5. Neither. Either: Fugazi - Song #1 or Pink Floyd - One of These Days, both stretches in terms of "One" or at least Vampire Weekend - One (Blake's Got a New Face) but anything besides U2 or Metallica's "One".

  6. Hmmmm, that Floyd song sounds vaguely familiar...

  7. What about Three Dog Night? Where the fuck is Three Dog Night????

    Or Aimee Mann's cover of the Three Dog Night song, which might be even better.

    Do not sleep on Three Dog Night, Thomas. Which is clever of me to say, now that I think about it, because the name's a reference to how to get to sleep on cold nights. Oh, yeah.

  8. Greg just sent me a telegram to submit by proxy his vote for Creed's song "One."

  9. I second the Three Dog Night/Aimee Mann call, if only because I'm one of the ten people on the planet that loves the movie Magnolia.

    Yes, I am on the pot.

  10. I believe Dennis also loves Magnolia...wait a second, didn't you just get a new job? Do they have you done at the polling station fixing the election?

  11. By pot, I mean toilet, not reefer.


  12. TJ & TR . . . same planet, different worlds.

  13. I loved Magnolia (and its soundtrack) as well.

    I enjoy most of PTA's work -- Punch-Drunk Love exceeded my expectations by a wide margin, and Boogie Nights is an all-timer.

  14. Don't forget There Will Be Blood.

    You can, however, forget Fiona Apple, PTA's old girlfriend.

  15. I don't hate One by U2...shocker that Geoff and I would disagree on, well, anything. But, you've got to got with Metallica here. No question.

  16. No Country For Old Men is on TV non-stop these days, and the more I watch it the more I think that There Will Be Blood should have won.

    I can imagine very few circumstances under which I would prefer a U2 song to a Metallica song.

  17. man, both of those songs are brilliant in their own way. i choose not to choose. i will say that i don't care for johnny cash's cover of u2's version.

  18. rob, i have to say that you are a giant faggot. johnny cash version crushes u2 version.

    also, if you start both songs at the same time while watching "the wizard of oz," you turn gay. or that's what bono told me.

  19. Sooooo, did Derrick Rose get the default 400 for signature signing, or was that even too much effort for Calipari?

  20. something about the tempo of the cash version annoys me. and i love me some johnny cash. just not that song.

    i'm waiting for greasetruck's cover of johnny cash's cover of depeche mode's 'personal jesus'.

  21. "One" by Metallica was on the album that lost the Hard Rock/Metal Grammy to Jethro Tull. Which is full circle if you read Dave's Sentence of the Day (and its comments) today.

    Everyone knows about that Grammy fuck-up. What they don't know is who the other nominees were that year: Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, and _______? Pint of Irish whiskey for the winner.

  22. Not Winger. Way, way further from the Metal category than Winger. Way, way further than Tull, actually.

  23. Well that hurts Ma'am, and I don't think I want to take you or your luggage to the airport.

    Whit: The Grateful Dead

  24. Marlin, no gay shit, go look at yesterday's MLC post. Love the reference. Well played sir.

  25. Timmy Mar wins the pint of Jamo. Probably to be paid when I get my ass up to Citi Field this summer.

    But breathe in the bit of wisdom from the Recording Academy, folks. The geniuses nominated the Dead for best Hard Rock/Metal. To me that supersedes Jethro Tull winning it in terms of idiocy.

  26. The Magic... Looking a lot like Doug Henning so far. 32-10?

  27. Wow. I'm sitting in a bar and I just saw the third person in 3 days that was wearing one of those thick, white, squishy neck brace collar support things. And I feel really bad for those people, because that shit has got to seriously hurt for them to voluntarily don the biggest nerd sign ever. There can and will never be anything cool about the person who wears one of those. It was queer in 1981, and I am sad to report that it still is.


  28. So the Cavs' 22 point lead is already down to 10? That's surprising. Oh wait, no it isn't.

    Just like it won't be surprising when the refs blow up this contest midway thru the 4th by awarding LeBron with FTs for every mover that even remotely resembles a drive to the hoop.

  29. By the way, I've really grown to hate Mo Williams in this series. It started with him pegging Dwight Howard with the ball and its only escalated as he has whined, cried and bitched his way thru this series. Furthermore, his sense of entitlement fucking kills me. Does he remember how nobody knew or cared about him last summer before he became LeBron's teammate?

    Because I do.

  30. Mark - your Mo Williams hatred will soon be appeased because Stan Van Gundy will likely eat him any time now. That fat bastard is swelling up by the minute. Even the real Ron Jeremy thinks that guy is fat.

  31. Mark, are most of the pros these days like Rasheed Wallace used to be back when, whis is to say, is it a given that players shrug, whine, and look incredulous at every single foul call? There have been a number of crap calls, but just from a psychological perspective, if you compain about every one the really egregious ones aren't going to matter when you bitch.

    Just wondering. Just seems that long gone are the days of a guy raising his hand and saying, "Dammit, yeah, that was me."

  32. Some guys will own up to it but, yeah, most are likely to bitch about every call. I've always taken the stance that making a scene isn't going to change the call or improve your standing with the refs any so just deal with it and then pull the ref aside during a stoppage (timeout, free throw) and ask him to keep his eye on something the other team is doing. I'm no pro, obviously, but I think the old adage about catching more flies with honey then vinegar applies here.

  33. Hey...look at that...its a one point game.

  34. More non sequitur action from southeast VA: when killer bands bust up and the key players go on to new projects, what's the biggest disappointment you can think of? I am listening to arguably the biggest hit by The Style Council, the follow-up from Paul Weller after the end of The Jam, and I nominate this band. The Jam was one of punk/new wave's greatest acts, and the Style Council was left to peddle white Brit-Motown cheese-pop. Weller's genius was squandered and even questioned post-Jam. Ugh.

    Other nominees: Pete Townshend's solo career ("Let My Love Open the Door" excepted), Son Volt (post-Trace), Sting ("Dream of the Blue Turtles" and the live one excepted), Joe Strummer 1985-1998,
    Tin Machine, Damn Yankees.

  35. And yeah, it occurs to me that nobody in this forum save my little buddy has even heard The Jam much less The Style Council. Oh, well.

    But thank you, Mark, for a well-put reply to my hoops inquiry.

  36. You don't have to twist my arm to get me to talk about basketball.

  37. Greg says "those chicks are hammered"

  38. And Mark, that was one well thought out reply to Whitney.

  39. This Cleveland crowd blows. Feels like a regular season game.

  40. One word - Wings

    Whit: just let me know when you wnat to head out to citi, would love to catch a game.

  41. LeBron's three point form is simply atrocious. No balance whatsoever in that shot. Off the back foot every time.

  42. He's not a good shooter. The problem is that nobody's told him yet.

  43. But then again he does that. And you can't stop him.

  44. And you can't touch him either. I'm not denying his greatness one bit but I would like the Defensive POY to get a little more leeway from the refs.

    And, for the record, this is what I expected. No way that the Cavs, or the NBA, were going to let this series end tonight.

  45. Okay, that was pretty impressive.

  46. Paul Stanley's solo career.

  47. please, please, please someone tell me they got a screen grab of the suit dwight howard is wearing in his postgame presser. it's spectacularly white and shiny. he looks like jack frost.

  48. You've seen the Jack Frost?
