Friday, April 03, 2009

A little something different for our Friday clip

No need for hip hop this morning, as Cauc Hop discussion has been all the rage at G:TB Corporate this week. Instead, I present to you one of the most bizarre, yet vastly entertaining, things ever captured on video:

I can't post that without also linking to this sincerest form of flattery.


  1. The performance is great, but it doesn't hold a candle to Stewie Griffin doing Shatner doing Rocket Man.

  2. And as an aside, Karen Black is just frightening-looking.

  3. ...speaking of random Family Guy references...

  4. I'm with TR, Seth MacFarlane captured the Shatner performance nearly frame by frame via Stewie. Say what you want about all the non-sequiturs on that show but they consistently bring the funny and obscure cultural references to boot.

  5. macfarlane's nbc/hulu commercial is fairly well brilliant, too.

  6. I saw the Brian Jonestown Massacre last night. It was amongst the best shows I've ever seen. They'll be at the 9:30 Club on Monday.

  7. ichiro, bleeding ulcer. um, what?

  8. Is that code for "spilled the bong water"?

  9. I shit you not, I just answered an email from a "Fred Goldman"...yet it had nothing to do with me finding the real killers.

  10. Did it have to do with buying fake mustaches that make you look like a little bit like Salvador Dali?

  11. That reminds me, the OJ Family Guy that was on the other week was fairly disappointing, except for two things: the cut-away to the Goldmans...and the last 10 seconds.

  12. Sheffield to the Mets makes a ton of sense if they sign him to a 1-year deal (not sure what they'll be on the hook for if they sign him). His craziness will be somewhat contained in a veteran clubhouse, and he's likely to hit 25+ dingers. That team needs more than an oft-concussed church and a weak LF platoon.

    And, as a Yankee fan in NJ, it will be fun to watch his lunacy up close and personal. Maybe Marlin will drunkenly peg him with a battery from his season ticket seats one game.

  13. Saturday night: Final Four games

    Sunday morning: Everton plays at 10 AM and Man U plays a desperate Aston Villa squad at 11 AM. I will be cowboying up and meeting friends at an Irish pub in Hoboken for these games. It is my belief that the only acceptable time to drink cider is when you're drinking it in an Irish pub before noon. I will test that theory Sunday.

    Sunday evening: MLB starts on ESPN

    Monday afternoon: Yankees open at Baltimore at 4 PM.

    Monday night: NCAA championship game

    Good times.

  14. Plax released! Unsurprising.

  15. Take Sunday night and Monday afternoon out of your weekend sports roundup, TR, and I'm right with you...good times.

  16. what do you do for spectator sporting fun in the summer, mark? cricket? water polo?

  17. The Mets can use Sheff for sure, though I do like watching Daniel Murphy play. Murphy's the kind of player that - were he on the Red Sox -- the Nation would fawn over like a South Yarmouth prom queen.

  18. And didn't the Brian Jonestown Massacre have a feud with another band? Like the Dandy Warhols or Modest Mouse?

    There should be more feuds. Like Rob vs. Mark, G:TB vs. Wheelhouse, Daniel Snyder vs. Everyone With a Brain and a Soul, etc.

  19. While I'm on a roll...

    Anybody catch this headline?

    "Ichiro's Bleeding Ulcer Shocker to M's"

  20. if anyone's looking to hit it big as a songwriter, k'naan's soliciting lyrics for a new track via his twitter feed. i'll just take a producer credit.

  21. derek jeter just made an error - it really is spring.

  22. There was a documentary about Brian Jonestown Massacre a few years back. I think it was also about The Dandy Warhols. The band has had exactly the same level of fame (ie, very little) for about a decade now.

  23. I haven't seen the movie ("Dig") but BJM was subsumed by a drug-fueled implosion a few years ago. They're back on tour and it looks like they still do a lot of drugs.
