Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Clip Fun

One of my favorite Ice Cube tunes of all time. I do however suggest keeping the volume reasonably low on this, for pretty obvious reasons. This is probably my second favorite "diss track" of all time.


  1. I always found it amusing that NWA's Straight Outta Compton dissed weed, only to have Dre call his solo CD "The Chronic" and put a weed leaf on the disc.

    On that topic, I'm off to a job fair where the FBI and CIA are recruiting financial folks. They don't do background searches, do they?

  2. Nope. Not a bit. No drug tests either. You should be golden.

  3. I really enjoy that Ice Cube dissed NWA for being sell outs, and then ten years later he's in third rate horror flick hitting golf balls off a boat while listening to his own CD.

    And I can only assume we're crowning Hit 'Em Up as the #1.

  4. I once broke "Hit 'Em Up" down line by line over at Drunk & Stupid. There is more vitriol per line in that song than any other song a wide margin.

  5. The right answer is Ether.

  6. The 85,973rd most angry song (but in the top 100 for songs by nerdy, boookish, witty white boys) - Song for the Dumped by Ben Folds Five:

  7. No Zoltan, its not. Thanks for your input though...

  8. just landed in new orleans. this may be the last semi-coherent comment from me for a few days.

  9. rob, can you give us a quick breakdown of the rag tag Jazz Fest crew?

  10. our core rotation consists of me, whit, vicky, and cricket. some of whit's norfolk crew will be here, too, but they're staying elsewhere.

  11. The one consolation we can have about not going to Jazzfest is that our systems will feel much better than Rob's on Sunday.

    And it's going to be in the 80's in the Northeast. So we got that going for us...

  12. Also, none of us are 4 feet tall and will be carded 169 times over the next 72 hours.

  13. the gray hair may be useful in the carding department.

  14. Please tell me you at least walk next to Whitney and occasionally point to the sky yelling "Dee plane...dee plane..."?

  15. I probably haven't expressed my doubts on Matt Stafford as a franchise NFL QB enough in the weeks leading up to the draft. Because, you see, I think he's going to be awful. Not JaMarcus Russell awful, but still, pretty fucking bad. I think Jerry said it best when he said, "he's got a lot of Kyle Boller in him."

    Big arm, pretty mobile, prototypical size...and an inability to read defenses at the line and go through his progressions in the pocket do not a succesful NFL QB make.

  16. Hold on. Jeremy Maclin is an injury waiting to happen AND he's a bad route runner? Yep, super top 10 pick. Jesus.

  17. And I cannot wait until the Skins trade the farm for Sanchez and Campbell or Quinn become a Jet. The plan is just retarded enough to actually happen.

  18. I don't care what it says about me, I love the NFL Draft.

  19. Actually, compared to what we think of you, this is an improvement.

  20. I don't care what TJ thinks about me. Honestly, who would?

  21. Fucking Tommy...why did he have to whack Billy Batts...
