Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You May Think Your Job Sucks...

...but at least you're not this guy.


  1. I highly doubt anyone has been watching the World Baseball Classic, but I was very amused when I saw who the coach of Venezuela was...none other than Luis "You throw me the idol, I throw you the whip" Sojo.

  2. It looks like the Hoyas season just ended after a Nikita Mescheriakov missed three. Sure, that seems like the guy you want shooting with the season on the line.

  3. i'm still flabbergasted at the train wreck the hoyas' season became. i think we may be hearing about some indiana-style off-court disharmony this offseason.

  4. Zoltan and I used to have fun trying to guess what Sojo's dress shirt size was. I think we settled on a 19/32.

    Imagine Sojo, Charlie Hayes and Cecil Fielder trying to cut the line at a club, telling the bouncer they're professional athletes. They'd be tossed faster than Cecil throws down a Moons over My Hammy at Denny's.

  5. Come on TR, you know Denny's wouldn't serve those guys.

  6. Cecil used to own a huge house around here and would frequently shop at a local gourmet market my friend worked at. He'd come in, drink 5-6 of the "complimentary" beers and buy hundreds of lbs. of meat. One time in particular, he bought 20 lbs of bologna. I swear to you.

  7. what kind of paradise offers 'complimentary beers' in grocery stores?

  8. Its kind of a high end grocery store and they "ask" that you limit yourself to two beers. Nobody really cares though. There are two different stores around here that have this policy. As TJ will tell you, the rules are generally up for interpretation in Florida.

  9. Prince Fielder, not the biggest fan of his free beer-drinking pops.

  10. this is possibly the greatest thing i've ever heard. next thing you'll tell me is there's no height restriction on the roller coasters.

  11. Sorry, Rob...its not complete and total anarchy down here.

  12. whenever I go to one of those places I grab a couple of beers on principle. it's great really.

  13. You're right Greg. Its actually pretty rude not to take a beer.

  14. in case anyone's wondering where whitney is, he's packing in preparation for his move to florida.

  15. i was beginning to suspect chicanery from mark and greg. i will not doubt them again:


    i believe a road trip to petty's as part of a spring training trip to florida might be in my future.
