Friday, February 27, 2009

Who's up for a four-minute-long verse without instrumental breaks or a refrain?

On a Friday that is sure to drag and suck some donkey d, how about a little Ricky Walters to distract you:


  1. In the last two offseasons, DeAngelo Hall...DeAngelo Fucking Hall, has received contracts totally 124 million dollars.

    Un-fucking-believable. And yes, I know football contracts are meaningless, but I think Mr. Hall still banked (or will bank) at least 50 million bucks even if Geoff runs him down in Ashburn after Week 2.

    50 mil for that asshat. Wow.

  2. Of course, it should be noted the two teams throwing money at Hall were the Raiders and Redskins, the two most fiscally irresponsible franchises in the NFL.

  3. albert haynesworth smells for all the world like a combination of sean gilbert and dana stubblefield. but at least we've got hall's sterling character to balance it.

    my name is rob, and i hate my favorite professional football team.

  4. I'm a fan of Haynesworth. Hall, on the other hand, has lived of his 40 time for the last 6 years, it seems.

    Also, nice youtube Teej. I'm enjoying this Old School Rap Video/Friday Morning thing we've had going lately.

  5. By the way, anybody check out Geoff since the news of Lil' Danny Starfucker's latest moves hit?

  6. Geoff should still be in Hawaii (for work), so I am hoping for his well being he has not yet seen this signing.

  7. i, for one, am pleased to see the little danny starfucker nickname gaining broad cultural appeal.
