Friday, February 13, 2009

Love, Love, Love

Presented without comment. Okay, a little comment. Hate makes people stupid.

(h/t to The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg)


  1. this may be photoshopped - nobody's that dumb, right?

  2. Maybe he just hates OJ so much that he wants every bit of him dead.

  3. I just read that the Royals signed Kyle Farnsworth to a 2 year/$9.5 MM deal. That made me laugh and forget about A-Rod for 3 seconds.

    Thank you, Kansas City.

  4. so that's where teejay's been. he looks different with a beard.

    dammit. i totally whiffed on comedy gold for that picture.

  5. I'm sure nobody else is watching but Kevin Durant is taking over the Rookie-Sophomore game (rookies were up 12). He's going to score 50, minimum. He's got 35 with 12 minutes left.

    I know its a bullshit game but he's just so damn good. He'll be playing in the All-Star game next year.

  6. Okay, only 46. But only because he got taken out for 6 minutes.

  7. I take the Lord's name in vain often and with great relish...

  8. pitchers and catchers today, boys. not that there's anything wrong with that.

  9. mark - i haven't seen much (okay, any) of durant. it's clear he can score. can he defend anyone?

  10. If you made an "All Beetlejuice" team of NBA guys with heads too small for their bodies, Durant would be the captain. Tim Thomas would be the asst. Captain.

  11. Durant's not a great individual defender but he's improving as his strength increases. His size, wingspan and athleticism also make him someone with the potential to be a great help defender and weak side shot blocker.

    I've been in the tank for Durant ever since his performance against Ok. State during his freshman year but he's really something to behold when he gets going. He's very close to 7 feet and he's more skilled and agile than any big man I've ever seen.

  12. Biggest news form All-Star weekend? Iverson cut off his cornrows. Yeah, slow weekend in Phoenix.

  13. Thoughts from the only guy watching All-Star Saturday night:

    -Somebody needs to talk to Dwyane Wade about his current "style". Last night was one thing, but tonight is just completely and totally overboard.

    - My "friend" Adonal Foyle is in attendance. Somebody at TNT needs to place him and Dikembe together courtside during the dunk contest.

    - Al Harrington has his own shoe? And its exclusively sold at KMart? Oh man, thats about the best damn thing I've heard all week.


  14. Sadly, I too watched most of the "spectacular" action tonight. The most amusing parts were the shots of random ex-players and celebs. Pippen is still rocking the giant hoop earring look made famous by the band Extreme, Jerome Williams somehow got front row seats, and Donald Faison thinks every dunker deserves a 10. And I think Dwayne Wade is still giving a shout-out to Nelly's brother in jail.

    Rudy Fernandez got hosed. His dunks were pretty good.

  15. Fernandez's many misses hurt him on the behind the backboard dunk. Tens times better than the Rex Chapman dunk that was referenced as a comparison.

    I saw Jerome Williams and his suede jacket too. I think he works with the NBA in community relations of some sort. Nice contract perk on his part.

    And RhymO, you, and Wade, will be happy to know that City Spud was released from jail in July (I looked it up).

    I'm okay with Robinson winning but Howard off the side of the backboard dunk was, imo, the most impressive dunk of the far.

  16. And Terry Porter is getting canned tomorrow.

    The Steve Kerr GM Era in Phoenix - pretty much a total disaster, eh?

  17. I swear Mark just commented on Iverson's corn rows being the only news out of AS Weekend...and that is what my comment was in reply to.

    Where the hell did that comment go?

  18. Whoops...just saw it. I'm gonna stop typing now...the jetlag is obviously making me dumber than usual.

    But before I go - that Jody Meeks, he can score the ball, huh?

  19. Pitt/UConn Monday night is going to be awesome.

  20. Though I'm not a UConn fan, I'm pretty bummed about Jerome Dyson's injury. Its tough for me to see them winning it all (or even going to the Final Four without him). He was their most athletic perimeter guy as well as their most unique player. Its not often that a team's leading scorer could be considered a "glue guy" but Dyson was just that.

  21. I was unaware of the Dyson injury until just then. Mark is 100% right - Huskies are not winning it all without him. In fact, they will be losing to Pitt Monday night now that I know that.

    And, not for nothing, but I'm pretty sure Georgetown has gone something ghastly like 2-8 since Chip was looking to crown them #1 in the country after that UConn win.

  22. Mark, no comment on the Gators game? I felt sure we'd see at least one expletive from you. (And I think we know which expletive it would be if it were only one.)

    I know thing have been so good in Gainesville of late that you aren't going to go bonkers, but give the people at least a little of what they want.

  23. I was...not pleased with the Gators performance yesterday. A completely fucking horrible lack of execution on the last play, but it should have never come down to that against a shitbag team like UGA. Florida is fucking soft physically and mentally, simple as that. I'd love to see them make the tourney for the experience going forward but they've gotten first round loss written all over them.

    Florida can't do anything about its lack of size but their lack of mental toughness is terribly frustrating. I place most of the blame on upperclassmen Walter Hodge and Dan Werner. They don't effectively lead by words or deeds and it shows up (especially on the road) far too often.

  24. I'm thinking Mark may have suggested folks watch this show before, but if not, everyone should watch a few episodes of Gangland on the History Channel.

    I've seen maybe six or seven now, and they are not only compelling television, but frankly, frightening programming.

  25. Boston College sure has had some highs and lows this year...and Tyrese Rice has huge cajones.

  26. Sweet Jesus. I just stumbled upon Andy Rooney for the first time in a decade, and I demand CBS drag him and his tapioca brain off the tube post haste.

  27. Gangland is terrific. I watched about 3 episodes today alone.

  28. The Pagans and the Gangsters Inc ones?

    If so, those are the two I just caught.

  29. Is Dwayne Wade continuing his subpar sartorial weekend by sporting a Nelly bandaid?
