Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Devin Harris Heave last night allowed us to enter the Brook Lopez Zone

Nope, I'm not embedding the clip of that miraculous shot to win the game. I'm embedding the even more absurd interview with Brook Lopez after the game regarding the shot. Feel free to ignore Vinsanity for the first 20 seconds of this clip...but then sit back and enjoy the comedy that is Brook Lopez. Brook appears to be a mix of this guy and maybe this guy, with a splash of him thrown in.

This guy went to Stanford?


  1. "We were all so pysched in the locker room that I pulled out the team's two footer that originally belonged to Derrick Coleman in the early 90's. We both took 3 bingers because his basket was worth 3 points. Then we pranked my brother and made fun of his hair. I'm hungry."

  2. i think brook lopez could be our first intern. another goofy tall white guy is what we need.

  3. Mark, Florida has a pretty important game tonight...

  4. Indeed we do...and LSU is very underrated. Can't say I'm feeling too confident about the way things are gonna go down.

  5. Really?


  6. Is it the 3 glasses of wine, or is Michelle Obama kinda sexy?

  7. Sweet news for Jets fans hoping that Gholston turns out to be a player:

