Friday, February 06, 2009

Arrivederci jerks

I am leaving for Florence this evening to soak in the sights, sounds and....who am I and vino of Italy for a week. Nice job getting married in Italy, Work Jerry. Good times will be had by all.

And don't worry, I've already mastered Italian, thanks to Rosetta Stone and this:

Fast enough for you rob?


  1. I love that clip. It plays really well with my Italian girlfriend and her family.

  2. I no speak Italian, I only speak, how you say, "fractured English".

  3. I submit that "work Jerry" should heretofore be known as "married Jerry".

  4. So it is written, so it is done...

  5. wizards within 30 with 10 mins left. know hope.

  6. I just realized that Comcast is giving me NBA TV for free, by mistake. I'm so excited, I had to share.

  7. If he's going to be heretofore known as Married Jerry, we're gonna need to call Doc Brown & Marty.

  8. As a Spanish double major at W&M, I was forced to take a year of another language. I took Italian. It enabled me to realize the deli worker's first comments to Peter (after saying "what?"): You are a putz.

  9. I am quite certain someone just said that to me, or rather at me, as I barreled them over in baggage claim.

    Sorry you're such a small Italian man that my carry-on knocks you over, but get out of this American's way.

  10. Things That Amuse, Vol. 46: In my iTunes library, Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" and Peter, Paul, & Mary's "Puff the Magic Dragon" are back to back.

  11. Bucca di boppi?

    Boppa da buppi!  Bippa do boppu!

  12. gheorghetown. not very good.

  13. what the hell do the lakers want with adam morrison? does kobe need a wingman that's even weirder than he is?

  14. When in Italy, find Nebraska/TX on "espn america" and sip a Peroni as AJ Abrams makes a huuuuge three...

  15. Butt trifling South Florida beat Marquette?

  16. teejay leaves the country and a-rod's steroid use comes out. coincidence? i think not.

  17. Tj's in Italy and I'm pretty sure he's watched more sports than me today. Boppa da Beepu!

  18. steph curry's human. who knew?

  19. scott boras not exactly exonerating a-rod with his comments. basically, 'yeah, so he may have done it just that one year, but every other year, wauuugh - pure as the driven snow.'

  20. Greetings from Florence's famous Pity Palace and Pizza Boboli Gardens.

    Question for the futbol fans among us - what soccer jersey do I get? Titti? Kaka?

  21. u sure it's not totti? in any case, hard to go wrong with kaka.

  22. Totti's not bad (though he's a terrible flopper...I know kind of goes without saying with the Italians). Del Piero would be a good choice too.

  23. You gotta get a Materazzi jersey! The most famouse headbuttee in all of Italia.

  24. Rob - I know you hate the Yanks and A-Rod with all your might, but are you in the slightest bit unhappy that this story will be another steroid cloud that pisses on the fine sport of baseball for the foreseeable future?

    At least he's only got 9 years left on his contract. Ugh.

  25. Does Kaka wear number 2? If so, I think that's a winner.

  26. Seems like a lot of Yankees used PED. A stupid question that I've probably asked before: Why are steroids a cloud on baseball but not on football?

  27. rhymo - without question. i hate what this means for the game, even as i revel in schadenfreudean joy. within a few years, the two greatest homerun hitters in history will be frauds. and they were both studs without cheating. it's a shame. and i'm not so partisan as to believe that the sox are clean. there's no chance nomar wasn't juicing, and probably a dozen other guys, too.

  28. andy samberg and t-pain on a boat. enjoy:

  29. That was quite motherfucking enjoyable. Thanks Rob.

  30. dear espn,

    we like steph curry quite a bit, too, but last night's college of charleston/davidson game was not an instant classic. not at all.

    hugs and kisses,

  31. Dear Bossy Little Asshole,

    We don't give a fuck what you think. We're a multi-national corporation and we've got better things to do than listen to some suburban jackass criticize our programming choices.

    Go get fucked,

  32. yep, that sounds about right.

  33. kanye's rocking a circa mid-80s a.c. green haircut at the grammys. awesome. jheri curl is only a matter of time.

  34. oh. i thought that was jermaine jackson.

    and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD who decided it was a good idea to have stevie wonder sing with the jonas brothers?!

  35. stevie's lost a few mph on his fastball, but i was actually a bit surprised about how well the jonii kept up.

    unintentional comedy: morgan freeman calling kenny chesney a 'pirate'. oh, he's a pirate, alright.

  36. what's the difference between record of the year and song of the year?

  37. live rap nearly always disappoints. jay-z excepted.
