Thursday, January 08, 2009

Rob left the keys under the mat... I'm throwing up this gem until Mark provides actually content later today. Not quite sure what he has in the works, but I think it's something on the proposed economic stimulus bill currently on the Hill, not exactly sure though.


  1. God TJ. I love you. I randomly sing the refrain to this song when I hammered in public. Chicks fucking go crazy for it.

  2. I was fortunate enough to see Mr. Dio on the epic Motorhead/ Dio/ Iron Maiden run a few years back. They sold out MSG.

    Dio is a tiny tiny man. We're talking Prince size. I don't think he's over 5'2". Not kidding.

    Also, he took 3 breaks during his 45 minute set. His old bones and old pipes can't screech like he once used to.

    But he definitely kicks ass. Nice post, Mr. Teej.

  3. There's a ton of metal guys who are tiny. Danzig is 3 feet tall. No really.

  4. teej, i'm pretty happy with the rocco signing - best 4th of in the league. smoltz, eh, no risk/lots of upside. theo is wicked smaaht.

  5. Now that Rocco appears to have kicked the SARSbola he had, yeah, that's a nice pickup.

  6. Every team needs an outfielder with a mitochondrial disorder.

    Broka and I are trying to recall the real name of the Porn Star, she was friends with Mrs. Potato Head. To protect the innocent, please notify us via email.

  7. Rocco's hamstrings are due to blow up by mid-May. Enjoy him for the 137 plate appearances you'll get!

  8. That'll be right around the time AJ misses his 5th start.

  9. And Carl Pavano will be 7-0 for the Indians.

  10. Her name was Carrie, and unfortunately she didn't perform like one.
