Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What you gonna do when Darko runs wild on you?

I hate to interrupt the Gheorghe-mas festivities going on (not true), but I absolutely could not let another day pass without posting this clip of Darko Milicic and his 24 inch pythons (give or take 12-15 inches) ripping his jersey to shreds in frustration over a foul call two nights ago.

That's right brotha, Darko's a real American!


  1. Ok, I'll be the one to break the cherry in the comments section for Darko. I just got myself an iPhone. I am inordinately excited about this.

    Happy now, Mark?

  2. Are you going to be playing with that fucking thing all weekend? Get the beatsniffer.

  3. To quote Jon Moxon:

    I don't want your life!

  4. 'get the beatsniffer'

    you take your alternative lifestyle somewhere else, zoltan

  5. No I'm not happy. You and my sister have each gotten an iPhone in the last week and I still don't have one.

  6. Don't be a homophobe, Rob.

    And Mark, save a few bucks and don't buy the iPhone; instead, for 99 cents, go buy the Drive-By Truckers' song "Hell No, I Ain't Happy."

  7. you really don't want to know what else rhymo and your sister have done in the past week.

  8. anybody that follows the nba more closely care to comment on this trade: wiz give up antonio daniels and a pick and get javaris crittenton and mike james.

  9. The beatsniffer may ring some homophobic alarms (at least amongst dwarves) but it's quite cool. I've described it here before. There's a real name for it, but I don't know it. If you like music and you own an iPhone, you should download the free beatsniffer.

  10. It's called Shazaam, or some spelling close to that.

    So, TJ's sleeping with my Mom and Rhyme-O's sleeping with my sister? You guys have lower standards than I thought. I mean, I know you went to W&M but I'd hope you could do better than that now that you don't live in Williamsburg.

  11. As for the trade, its made with an eye towards the future by the Wiz. Daniels isn't getting any better or younger and Crittenton is a young, big, athletic pg. His overall instincts are somewhat questionable but the Wiz will get a chance to give him some minutes (which he hasn't seen in Memphis behind Lowery and Conley, or LA for that matter) and see if he can develop into somebody they want to add to their young core of McGee, Young and McGuire. As for James, well, I have no idea why they'd add him. He's a gunner who makes too much money. I imagine they had to take him to make the deal work.

    Also, was this a 3 team deal? Because last I checked, James was on New Orleans' roster.

  12. yep, it was a three-teamer.

  13. dan mullen gets sly croom's job. you okay, mark?

  14. No, not really. I hate the idea of him splitting his time between MSU and UF during the month off until the BCS game. I'm happy for him (even if Charlie Strong deserves a head coaching job more) but I'll be very interested to see how Meyer handles this transition. Its definitely going to be a factor come January.

  15. Apparently UCF is looking to hire Strong if/when the fire George O'Leary. At least thats the current rumor.

  16. i'm gonna rehash an old post to third the praise for 'the 59 sound'. timmy nailed that one as being in the old guys' wheelhouse.

  17. Rob - You familiar with any of Gaslight Anthem's other stuff?

  18. no, not yet. i've had '59' for a while, but never got around to getting anything else. gonna change that. anything you recommend?

  19. I think I'll get their other album soon, but I don't know much about it.

  20. The whole '59 Sound album is strong and listenable. And they're from New Brunswick, which should count for something. Wonder how much time they've spent in the corner tavern...

  21. Yep, rob's calling in gay tomorrow.

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A daylong work stoppage for which people were encouraged to call in "gay" to express support for same-sex marriage drew spotty participation Wednesday, with some gay rights activists praising the event and others questioning its value.

  22. TJ you still breakin out the jersey for the Santa Stumble????

  23. I want to second the Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat beer call made by Rob. I had a glass of it (well, several really) last night and it is fantastic. I also like WinterHook available this time of year.

  24. Anybody had the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale? Pretty, pretty tasty.

  25. Yeah, good call on the Leinenkugel Rob!

  26. Anderson Valley's Winter Solstice Ale is back. Get some while you can.

  27. I had Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale last night. Fantastic beer.

  28. Also, Rob, good call on those books and the music and the chest hair shirt and the porn! Rob, you did great with that post. Here's to Rob!
