Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday will knock you the fuck out...

Well, unless your jaw is strong like Frank Beamer's.

And, my guess is that it isn't. First off, your jaw isn't made of space age plastics like Beamer's. Second, and perhaps even more importantly, this is a man who made his name and built a football program by teaching the finer arts of special teams. What have you ever taught anybody anything? I mean, besides how to take the fast lane straight to shame and years of self-loathing.

I hope you're happy with yourself. Annnywho, its the 5th day of Gheorghe-mas, so somebody will be along later today with some yuletide related tomfoolery to help get you through one of the last Mondays of the year, and I'll be making a pick for tonight's NFC South showdown in Charlotte before the day is through as well. So, you see, if you play your cards right you might be able to get through the whole day without doing anything productive and/or work related. Keep your fingers crossed and we'll see if we can't just make this happen.


  1. Mark, was there a pre-dawn meth sale? What the fuck are you doing up already?

    And it appears G:TB's two uber gamblers went 2-2 yesterday.

  2. Oh yeah:

    Greatest. PSA. Ever.

  3. Pre-dawn meth cookout. Same basic reason for me being both up and productive this morning though. And yeah, that PSA never gets old.


  5. as i noted to whitney yesterday, all that zornlove from earlier in the year sure looks like fool's gold right about now.

  6. monday to end all mondays. first period starts at 7:26, it was really cold, and my driver side door broke so i have to climb in and out the passenger side.

  7. Did Dave just post his "daily sentence" in the G:TB comments?

  8. Man, tough way to start the week Prezbo...

  9. kinda like dukes of hazzard, only dumber.

  10. manny pacquiao, who is 1 inch taller and 5 pounds heavier than me, struck a blow for little guys this weekend. i smell a 'bite me randy newman' coming.

  11. and dave's actual sentence today is a pisser.

  12. This is not news to anyone around here, but that Larry, Sonny and Sam radio team is epically brutal. I heard only about 5 minutes of them last night, but it is amazing how confused/angry/inept/homerific these clowns are. In all seriousness, Sam Huff should never be allowed on-air again. Ever.

  13. I love how the dad won't even let the kid get more than two words in. Asks him question after question and each time the kid goes to answer, the dad's all "NEXT QUESTION, NEXT QUESTION" Amanda Vanderpool CEO
