Saturday, December 13, 2008

Eazy-E loves JMU girls?

Last night was a pretty active night in the comments section of G:TB. Especially for a Friday night (Conclusion: We're old and rapidly approaching boring). I arrived home from an extended happy hour and checked in to find a number of people at home, logged on to G:TB, watching collegiate sports and debating the merits of the women of James Madison University.

Besides figuring out that the various members of this internet establishment, and a wheelhoser or two, really need to get out more. We also determined that, while the ladies of JMU may not be as smart, rich or successful as their counterparts in Williamsburg, they are, in fact, substantially hotter. So ladies of JMU, I'm sending this out to you...


  1. Mark, I take it you have not heard about Mr. Devendorf?

  2. I just watched Temple destroy Tenn...

    And they were led by a kid named Christmas...

    He's hit five straight 3s.

  3. butler and ohio state are engaged in a dandy.

    and i've been told we have a day 7 on the way. i'm not holding my breath.

  4. Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath.

  5. TJ...I have heard about Mr. Devendorf. Classy gent, that kid.

    I actually read a bit of the report and Devendorf is claiming that the female student used a racial slur against him. My question is...what was the slur? The girl is white, what could she have possibly said? I have my suspicions but they either don't qualify as a racial slur (in my mind) or they don't apply to Devendorf's race.

    Either way, this is awfully bad for 'Cuse. I really liked the composition of this year's team.

  6. She told him "American History X" sucked.

  7. Also, I'm eagerly awaiting the next "Ghoogles" post where I can see how many different people searched either Eazy-E or JMU girls and ended up here.

  8. Devendorf rooted for the black basketball team in that movie anyway.

  9. The D-II schools know that someone has to score, right?

  10. That D-2 game just got pushed off my 2nd tv by The Goonies.

  11. I hope you just saw Greg Monroe's block in the Gtown/Memphis game.

  12. I did. I was wrong about Monroe. I saw him play in high school and he looked soft and lazy. I thought he'd really struggle as a freshman.

    For that matter, I thought Tyreke Evans was overrated in high school as well. I still think his jumpshot is awful looking though.

  13. Maybe. I never thought about that.

  14. She ruined Chrismukkah. He pummeled her with a festivus pole.

  15. Two great passes by Monroe on that play. Are we sure that some NBA team doesn't decide to take him 1st, over Blake Griffin?

  16. Is that a white guy playing for the Hoyas? Is that even allowed?

  17. why are kellogg and nantz wearing tuxedos?

  18. Its the season debut...and Nantz is a douche.

  19. Nantzy is such a good nickname for him.

  20. That's an extremely impressive drive by Richmond to take the lead.

  21. We like the cars... the cars that go boom. We're Tj and bunny and we like the BOOM...Erika (Mark's girlfriend).

  22. someone's got some 'splainin to do.

  23. I'll explain...My girlfriend's a drunk, natch. We went out to last night, got drunk and "Cars that go boom" or whatever its called was played. She proceeded to sing the song for the rest of the night and decided she'd make her first comment 'round these parts. She thought she was funny by incorporating TJ's name into the refrain.

    I explained to her that she is not funny. She's just a dumb, smelly Italian.

  24. And, as much as I love Eazy, isn't it about time we got our picks up? Or our you northern elitists still reading the New Yorker?
