Thursday, December 04, 2008

Because, fuck Rob, that's why...

There's waaaay too much Christmas (or Gheorghe-mas) cheer around these parts for my liking. I don't have time for that shit. Not when Florida is poised to take on Alabama in the most hyped SEC Championship game in...maybe ever. Not when our own resident Kim Jong-Il is an Alabama fan with a proclivity for taking shots at my education, my drug habit and my home state. I'm always filled with hate, but this week is a special week. I'm a living, breathing hate machine right now and its all reserved for Rob, Saban and the rest of the Tide nation. Even that kid from the "I hate Tennessee" youtube clip. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned. Just as soon as they finish slapping around their wives, of course.

Oh, and I hope Terrence Cody chokes on a chicken bone tonight.


  1. i'm enjoying this immensely. not as much as i'll enjoy it when cody imprints the georgia dome turf with tebow's chalk outline, but enjoying it nonetheless.

  2. Have fun now. Watching Jeff Demps blow by the Alabama defense on his way to a 40+ yard TD will be decidedly less fun, I assure you.

  3. Mark emailed me to say the clip was awesome...and he was 100% correct.

  4. oklahoma's unis are spiffy, but i don't know about this crocker kid's long sleeves.

  5. Maybe it's chilly in the Lloyd Noble Center...

  6. My college fantasy team is blowing up tonight.

  7. Um, Rutgers is beating Louisville 42-0 and it's not even halftime.

  8. Rutgers could score 100 if they want to. Louisville packed it in after 28-0.

  9. Crocker wears sleeves in every game. I need an explanation as to why.

    In fact, he convinced me that I've become old and crusty. A week or so ago I told Vitas that there was no way I'd let him do that if I were his coach. Of course, I hated coaches like that when I was young. (sigh)

  10. Teel has 343 and 6 TDs with :18 left in the 1st half.

  11. Arsenal jacket in the crowd. That guy and me are part of a small group.

  12. Jerry, I've watched none of Rutgers this year but I did hear/read that Teel's carried them in the 2nd half of the season. What are his pro prospects looking like?

  13. I see from the bottom line the Raiders chose to take another week off.

  14. Possible NFL backup. He's been great in the 2nd half of the year, but disastrous in the 1st half. Too many picks. Had chances to win 2 games at the last drive and didn't come close. In his defense, they had about 8-10 deep balls that were inches away from completion.

    In the NFL I think he'd throw too many picks. Upside is probably a Rosenfels-type.

  15. Now Kenny Britt on the other hand...steal if he drops to the 2nd round.

  16. this isn't the first time i've seen oklahoma - no idea how i missed crocker's style before.

  17. Kenny Britt -- and he can play safety! Just lit up the receiver on the last play of the half.

  18. Wow, I finally get a night off from Vitale?

  19. Jrue...not even remotely an attempt at a name.

  20. Its a nice mindfuck though. Its basically Drew but his parents were total smart asses about it. Gotta respect that.

  21. What ever happened to Jeru the Damaga?

  22. Nope. Don't believe that at all. They were just stuck with those last four tiles on their rack and tried to pull one over on the board.

  23. whopper virgins? sounds like the female freshman class at w&m.

  24. Texas would be nasty if they had a real pg. Speaking of point guards, I love Collison. He does everything well and is always in control. He'll go later than he should in the draft because he's slight of build and not very flashy but he'll be a steal.

  25. I also enjoy Upwords and Boggle.

  26. You and my Mom would get along well. Seriously.

  27. She's in her 60's. Have a good time with that.

  28. A.J. Abrams has some Alex Dillard in him.

  29. Older chicks...they know what they want...

  30. Indeed. Abrams is poor man's Stephen Curry.

  31. The Suns are down 23 to Dallas.

  32. Jarvis Varnardo (sp?) is averaging 6 blocks a game this year.

    And Miss Lippy's car is green.

  33. teej - we've been on varnado for a while here. you, too. been a long night, has it?

  34. Tiny, I'm familiar with his work...but even I was surprised at 6 blocks a game.

  35. Look at Rob. Talking down to TJ. Does that make you feel like a man, tiny?

  36. Mark, he's talking UP to me.

  37. Brut is the Sun Bowl sponsor?

  38. This Texas/UCLA game is quite entertaining.
