Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Money, It's Gotta Be the Shoes

From the Picture's Worth 79 Billion Words File (or the Sports Bog, whichever), a preseason shot of Danny and Vinny. G:TB's crack captioning staff took our best (not really) shots below. We welcome yours in the comments.

“Danny, get Smoot on the horn; time to get mine.”

"Danny, you gotta stop drinking Mountain Dew if you want to lose that gut and get a 6-pack like me. Put your pager down and feel these abs. Right here"

"I don't know why Cooley's so proud of his junk...wait till that cheerleader wife of his gets a load of this!"

“No way. Last time you told me to pull your finger we wound up drafting a punter.”

"Hey . . . these rugburns on my knees keep food on my table, dick."

"This remote doesn't seem to work."


  1. Why is Wayne Arnold hanging out with Vinny Cerrato?

  2. I think we gotta give the prize to Comment 5. Good stuff.

  3. Temple might lose another heartbreaker here in a minute...

  4. ...and disregard. Well done Temple Owls.
